Pine Hollow Park Spring Association Meeting

Date: Saturday June 3rd 10:00 am

Signed in attendees- Lot 50, Lot 65, Lot 63, Lot 52, Lot 29&30, Lot 13, Lot 53&54, Lot 21, Lot 60, Lot 57, Lot 44, Lot 12, Lot 20

Topics discussed

Park Improvements

  • Cameras were installed and are focused on the dumpster, Gate, Shed and Pool. People have been misusing the dumpster and the pool so with the cameras we can go back and address any damages and recoup any costs. We have talked to metro cast about installing internet but metro cast quoted $4000 but we will continue to discuss this with them.
  • Driveway was repaved and the proper drainage, stone and pavements has been installed. The company also removed several boulders. The work comes with a 2 year warranty
  • Removal of the playground has saved us $1500 on our insurance premium.

Playground clean up

  • Discussed getting rid of the concrete in the playground and disposing of the broken pool furniture and old pool filters. Julie requested a quote from a junk company to remove the debris or we will rent a dumpster. Discussed getting a group of volunteers together to clean up the park if we don’t hire someone to remove it. Also, the shed next to the bath house needs to be turned as the door is facing the hill. The shed is meant to store the pool cover and ladders We will need a few volunteers to help


  • Discussed changing of the gate code since everyone already knows the code. Talked about potentially using an electronic key card that we could use for the gate, bathhouse and the pool which would eliminate the need for multiple keys and help control traffic in and out of the park. The gate code will be changed after bike week and notify the association in the proper manner via mail or email. We are still discussing how it will be communicated.

Dumpster issues

  • We are having a sign made to indicate that the dumpster is for trash only. No grills, chairs, or construction material is allowed. We are surcharged every time the company opens the dumpster and see items other than trash inside.

Common Area parking and unregistered vehicles

  • Currently 1 owner has an unregistered car parked on the property. A letter has been sent stating that it either gets registered or it has to be removed from the park. Cars can’t stay in the park over the winter.
  • The common area at the end of the park is full of boat trailers. In 30 days whatever unregistered trailers are still there will be towed to a storage facility.
  • The park rules regarding parking require that all lots have 1 spot on their property to park a vehicle. Everyone has the right to use the common land for parking. Be courteous when parking so that others may utilize the common land

Board items

  • Discussed that the board is here to govern the management company. And urgent issue will be dealt with as soon as possible. The first board meeting is not until May so all other issues will be addressed when the park is officially opens. Also, also site improvements need to be approved by the board.
  • Scott thanked Bobby for all for all of his work in the park and Julie for communications and web page maintenance and Michelle for all of her help.Notified the members that Tamm has decided not to run. Also thanked Francis Woodward and Steve Whipple for helping get the park and bathhouse ready for the season.

Park opening and closing

  • Discussed changing the language in the by laws regarding g the open and closing of the park. Per the by-laws the park is open April 1st to November first but we would like to amend the language since the decision to open and close is based on the weather and whether or not the roads are usable. The board will send a ballot to vote on the change.

Dogs and leashes

  • Discussed the addition of several new dogs in the park this year. There have been some complaints about dogs not on leashes and excessive noise. Asked that owners be courteous to their neighbors’ and not leave dogs out when you are not around. Also, all dogs must be on leashes because if a dog gets out and bites a person or another dog than they will need to be removed from the park per the rules and regulations.

Golf Carts

  • Scott let everyone know that insurance certificates need to be on file with Foxfire for all golf carts. Only licensed people are allowed to drive golf carts (no kids on laps, kids driving). Also reminded everyone not to drive while intoxicated. All golf carts must have lights.

Pool furniture

  • 3 new picnic tables were ordered and delivered on Saturday June 3. We will also be purchasing 8-10 lounge chairs. Foxfire will have someone stain the tables.

Fence repair/replacement

  • Everyone along the fence line wants the fence replaced. The pool fence was replaced at a cost of $4700. The park can decide whether the fence takes precedence but the roads have to be addressed. Scott cleaned out some of the coverts to divert the water from the roads. We need to address the corner at the far end of the park. After the electrical panels are complete we need to take some $ and address sections of the road. If the membership thinks it’s more important to attack the fence then we will fix the fence.

Foxfire update

  • Glenn Naigle filling in for Ken Sheppard, reviewed the financial statements. The park had a balance of 39k at the end of April and 4k in reserves. We are currently funding 3k in reserves a year. There are currently no payables and received were 9k at the end of April and 5k at the Tuesday prior to the meeting. We are on budget. We have 45k in income and 40k in expenses. There were 8 outstanding members who still owed for the season. Ken Ryan asked Foxfire what they are doing to collect the money. Glen said that they are chasing the outstanding funds and will go to court if necessary. Collections have been good I the past we had at least 10 to 12 members that were late in payment.

Lot 23

  • Currently owe $970. Called the building inspector but since it is private person al property and not a structure so they have no jurisdiction. Scott explained that we are working with the Board of Heath. Ken Sheppard asked about the Fire Department. Per Scott the fire department won’t touch it despite it being a hazard. They do not have the authority unless the board of health of Building inspector deems it unsafe. The Board of Health can serve them with notice that it is a health hazard ad has to be removed. We will also go for an attachment and bring them to court for the back dues that are owed if necessary. Per our bylaws we can go in and clean up the lot and charge them. But we can only clean up the outside.

Regrading and electrical panels

  • Bobby provided an update on the electrical issues. The electrician transferred all of the meters and temporarily hooked up the new board. The old board has been eliminated. The junction box is in and ever source is supposed to come in this week and run their main line. We need to bring in a load of gravel to regrade the lots before bike week. If we don’t; have time we will have Foxfire or the landscaper take care of it.
  • Dan Manzone asked about the status of the pole behind lot 52. Per Scott and Bobby the metrocast line is off. If we have to have a contractor come in and pull it out we will.


  • Scott let the meeting know that there were not enough attendees at the meeting to form a new board and we would need to mail and email ballots to be retuned in 10 days. Explained the need for an alternate board member to vote when an official member is absent.
  • Scott explained the need for the shed and storage of all of the association documents from each board. Shed was paid for with a portion
  • Scott asked if it was the wish of the body to pass out a ballot or to send it out and sent back by mail. Members voted to have attendees vote and send the rest by mail/email.
  • Ken Sheppard volunteered for the permanent spot and Shirley Ward volunteered for the alternate spot and ballots were updated to include the 2 volunteers and passed out to attendees and collected.

By laws and regulations

  • Copies were made available to all attendees