IRIS – creating staff combinations
IRIS training notes



Create a staff combination

Appendix A: types of user access in IRIS

If you require assistance with IRIS


Sometimesmore than one member of staff will work togetherproviding services to

  • a project
  • a groupof clients
  • an intensive counselling or support session

It can be tricky to represent these service hours in IRIS but it is possible if you create a staff combination.

For example two members of staff called Fay and Jo regularly work together running group sessions. Their IRIS administrator creates a combined user identity called Fay/Jo they can use to record the sessions they conduct together in IRIS.

When a service is to be added to a group either Fay or Jo can log on to IRIS as Fay/Jo and enter the service. Fay/Jo will be recorded as the service provider and this shows that Fay and Jo undertook the service together. If the service provided by Fay/Jo lasted one hour this means that Fay contributed one hour of her time and Jo contributed one hour of hers. A total of two hours of staff resource time was devoted to that particular service.

An advantage of staff combinations is that a case statistics report can be run that shows work done by:

  • Fay
  • Jo and
  • Fay/Jo

If Fay wants to know total hours that she has worked then this will be calculated by adding hours worked by Fay plus hours worked by Fay/Jo. If Jo wants to know her total hours worked she adds hours worked by Jo plus hours worked by Fay/Jo.

The hours these staff actually worked will be shown under‘Agency View (Corrected for Groups)’in the case statistics report.

Note:It is not mandatory to use staff combinations. It is simply an option that an agency may choose to use.

Create a staff combination

  1. Select Staff Maintenance from the Agency menu
  2. Click New to open the new staff screen (Figure 1)
  3. Enter the new user’s details in the text fields. Mandatory fields are marked in yellow.
    User ID can be a combination of the staff names as in the example.(User ID is always displayed in capital letters.)

Note:Once saved in IRIS auser ID cannot be changed and the user cannot be deleted if any service has beenrecorded against their ID.

IRIS training notes – creating staff combinations1

Figure 1 New staff screen

IRIS training notes – creating staff combinations1

  1. Select an access group from the drop down list. (Appendix A contains descriptions of the different access groups in IRIS.)
  2. If required, deselect any case types that the user combination does not need to access
  3. Enter the User ID in the Surname field using normal sentence case
  4. Choose an option fordisplay name.
  5. Click OK to save and close the screen
  6. Ask one of the users to log into IRIS with the new User ID and ‘password’ for the password. They will be prompted to reset their password. They should choose something that will be easy for all users to remember.

Appendix A: types of user access in IRIS

There are 6 access groups in IRIS:

Administrator has the authority to do all tasks including staff, case and agency maintenance. Each agency should nominate one or two people as administrators. It is advisable to have more than one administrator so that there is coverage in case one is absent.

Supervisor can see all clients and their casework and perform some administration functions such as backing up the database and importing and exporting data. Team leaders, managers and supervisors are often added to this group.

Staff can maintain clients and cases (for case types that they have access to) and run reports.

Staff – no deletions have the same access as ‘Staff’ but deletions are not allowed. Inexperienced IRIS users could be added to this group.

Data entry can add clients and cases (for case types that they have access to) but cannot run reports.

Guest:Not in use.

If you require assistance with IRIS

Please contact the IRIS Helpdesk on (03) 9096 6919 or

More information on IRIS can be found in the IRIS User Guide which is included with the IRIS installation. Data dictionaries and other IRIS resources are also available. Ask the IRIS Helpdesk or your contact person within the department.

To receive this publication in an accessible format phone 03 9096 6919, using the National Relay Service 13 36 77 if required, or email
Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, November 2015
Available at the Funded Agency Channel website <

IRIS training notes – creating staff combinations1