Buckhorn Community Advisory Association

Meeting Minutes

Eagle Cliff Grange

May 8, 2008



Jim Schumacher

Gary Johnson

Joyce Bond

Joe Bond

Geri Ann Johnson

Greg Harvey

Kevin Eppers

Le Ann Lake

Ron O’Halloran

Virginia Sweetland

Linda Hall

Jim Hall

Elbert Koontz

Mike Fagley

Dennis Wuerth

Carol Charlson

David Kliegman

Hannah Kliegman

Adriane Borgias

Rob Harmon

Glenn King


Gary Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Introductions and Announcements: Introductions ensued. Gary reviewed the ground rules. Gary read a proxy letter from Shirley Couse stating Deana as her proxy vote. He also announced that Brad Miller was unable to attend tonight. Adriane announced that the website has minutes and current BCAA information. If we register, we have access to the contact list for the board members. It also has info on the water quality monitoring clearinghouse and has the scanned GNA. The transportation addendum and Beal Quarry addenda were approved and are being signed.

Approval of Minutes (March): The minutes (page 4 and 6) should state that Bob Raforth would not be required to attend the May meeting. The minutes also state that there was a sampling event, but there was no sampling event in April (page 4). Joyce motioned, LeAnn Lake seconded. Motion passed.

Membership: Adriane wants to encourage active participation and respect the participation of the members. Many members are very active both during and between meetings. We need to be more diligent about sending alternates and proxies when we are unable to attend. Joyce motioned, Geri Ann Johnson seconded to accept Nancy and Al as alternates for the environmental subcommittee. This also means there is an opening on the environmental subcommittee. This was discussed in October but not reflected in the minutes. Adriane also suggested sending a reminder letter to members to attend and how to send an alternate if they cannot attend. Joe asked if there is a list stating who is a member and who is an alternate. This information is in a handout and Adriane will post this online. Greg moved to send the letter for procedure. Carol seconded. Consensus achieved.

GNA Signature Wrap up: Joe asked if the final documents are to be kept at the County Commissioner office. Adriane stated that she needs a contact person and will get the information to the County.

Water Sampling Update: Carol stated that she has been watching the website to see if there are interested volunteers. Carol stated that people raised hands at the last meeting to volunteer but the names were not recorded. These are: Ron, Joyce, Greg, Geri Ann, Jim Schumacher, Carol Charlson,

Gary explained that a water sampling trip will probably take place on the 3rd or 4th of June. It will take all day (8 hours). There will be some hiking to watch procedures for sampling water. Mike F. asked if there are designated sample sites. Gary said there are and they are chosen by DOE. Certain of those sites were designated for citizen monitoring. Kinross can supply steel-toed boots where required if they have advance notice. Carol randomly chose two citizens to go and two alternates. Gary will know soon whether it will be the 3rd of 4th. Glenn stated that as part of the settlement between Kinross and OHA, they need to hire a new private contractor firm so this may take more time and cause logistical issues for this first monitor. Carol stated that this first trip will be interesting because it will be a way to smooth out problems, etc. David K asked if there are lists of different sections that the citizen group can choose from to monitor. He thought it would be helpful to know which areas would be monitored when, so the citizens can choose if they want to monitor a certain area or wait until another time. Kinross must follow the state and federal sampling guidelines. The contractor will pick certain dates to sample certain areas and will go regardless of citizens attending. Carol randomly drew Geri Ann Johnson and Carol Charlson with Ron O’Halloran and David Kliegman as alternates.

Adriane stated that the names of those who want to be considered for citizen monitoring will be listed online. A PO box will be secured in Republic for the BCAA for people that can’t email and want to send letters of interest to be on the citizen’s monitoring list. This will be posted on the website and publicized. Joyce will communicate names to LeAnn or Carol to add to the list.

Glenn read a draft announcement for the paper to call for citizens to monitor. Carol asked if it would be appropriate to get the announcement via email for OHA or others to email to people to gain interest. David K stated that he wants an email address listed. Right now the announcement only states a PO box and website where someone can “contact us” to sign up. The contact us button goes straight to Adriane’s email. Ron stated that he thinks the email could go straight to Kinross. There would be proof that it was sent so it doesn’t seem like a risk that Kinross would for some reason not add them to the list. Adriane states that we could set up an email address specific to the project such as or something similar. LeAnn motioned that Adriane continue to investigate setting up a neutral email address that people can sign up for citizen monitoring. Seconded by ____. Consensus achieved.

The DOE findings will be posted on the BCAA website. Carol asked if they are allowed to take pictures of the process. Glenn stated yes. The pictures can be posted on the website.

Public Comment: David K gave an update on the settlement from OHA’s point of view. The OHA and Kinross settled on 2 main items: monitoring and mitigation.


·  West slope: increased # of test sites

·  Marias creek –sedimentation and turbidity, was 1/month, increased to 2/month; threshold for corrective action has contingency plan

·  Send all data to OHA to review and allow OHA access to mine site on quarterly basis

·  Kinross will hire independent 3rd party to do monitoring instead of in-house monitoring. Licensed, bonded. Kinross will also fund OHA to do its own independent monitoring for random and duplicate sampling. OHA can analyze the monitoring that Kinross is doing. OHA can attend annual meeting with Kinross and DOE to discuss process.

·  Collect baseline data for quality and quantity for residential wells where people are concerned for wells being impacted.


·  Bolster Creek will be losing water, so Kinross agreed to augment Gold and Bolster creeks.

·  After closure, aquatic resource mitigation plan was 10 acres, now increased to 25 acres.

·  Permanent conservation easement on mitigation sites; two will be open to public access with picnic tables and info display explaining importance of wetlands.

·  Agree to fix personal wells if there’s a problem due to the mining efforts

·  Make good faith effort to minimize truck hauling on weekends

·  Fund numerous mitigation activities like wetland mitigation and stream flow monitoring that OHA will implement.

For all of this, OHA agreed to drop the appeals. David feels this is a win-win situation. Impacts reduced, environment protected, but still mine is proceeding.

Joe asked who the water sampling expert for OHA is. David stated they have not contracted yet. Joe asked if this will be a neutral company; David stated yes, it would be a professional company. Part of the agreement is that when Kinross gets their contractor it is upon approval by OHA and vice versa. Lauren took David and another OHA member to the mine site and he said it looks clean, and there have been no surprises. He’s hoping for a long-term positive relationship. Virginia asked about minimizing hauling on weekends; this was agreed by Kinross to the BCAA previously in the Beal Quarry addendum (page 2 approved in March). Jim asked about David’s statement about funding other mitigation activities—how much? $750,000. Jim S. asked about OHA receiving an administration fee for dual monitoring – $150,000 per year for life of mine, which includes any admin services. Jim H. stated that the company that OHA hires should remain honest and upfront as well, and not contaminate samples in the future. That’s his only concern. It’s in OHA’s best interest to be honest since they are benefiting monetarily from the mine opening.

Ron O asked if this board is allowed to attend the annual DOE meeting as well. Ron asked that David take back to OHA that the BCAA be involved in the yearly meeting. It would behoove the OHA to allow for the public representation. David: 485-3361. David stated that it’s a larger discussion and he doesn’t come here to tell us how to run our meetings.

Mike Fagley presented that he is bidding on hauling ore. He asked for a hard copy list of concerns of community and BCAA. Glenn stated that the concerns of the GNA are built into the RFP. Mike asked if there are other issues that we have? Carol stated that her concern is respectful drivers going the speed limit, obeying yellow speed on curves, and not using jake brakes. Mike handed out pictures of new trucks he would like to use if he gets the contract. Exhaust level is low, visibility is wide open, minimal blind spots, quiet, power up and down cylinders. He researched all the different equipment available. His first priority is safety with an emphasis on quiet equipment. He’s instructed not to use jake brakes and to use cruise control. The trucks are equipped with GPS that can monitor speeding. The driver would be dismissed after 3 problems. There would be 25 new jobs. The positions would require 12 hour days, 5 days per week, 60 hour weeks, first aid and safety trained, and trained on trucks before use. This includes chaser pickup to get rocks off roads, spill kit in pickups, and single fuel tank to minimize spillage. Kinross will award the contract in June.

Kinross Update:

Kinross views the settlement agreement as win-win also. Provides surety for families of workers and projects and the relationship with OHA has been very good. Glenn hopes they can continue in this vein. Kinross has closed the Oroville office and is moving admin up to mine site. Truck hauls will begin around September and mining will start in October. Treating for dust on Pontiac ridge in 2-3 weeks. Employment now at 102, target is 155 by September, not including haulers. Now hiring exploration geologist, engineer, electrician, and electrical foremen. Hiring miners at approximately 4-8 per month. The merge lane on KRR and Hwy 21 not schedule yet but needs done by September. Not sure of Okanogan County is scheduled. Most employees are living in Ferry County, some in Okanogan and about 6 in Stevens. At least 80 in Ferry County. Ron asked about housing being a problem? Are there any public or private groups working on housing with Kinross? Glenn said it’s been a recurring problem already. Lack of affordable housing is a very serious issue and focus of HR manager. David stated that Lauren said Kinross is doing some exploratory work. Carol asked about K2, Glenn said they finished mining last Dec, and pulled pumps. Some exploration has been done around the perimeter but otherwise looking at reclamation plans. Carol asked about 2nd tailings pond? Glenn said there is no second, it’s just an expansion of the existing and Kinross has no intentions of a second one either.

Closing and Action Items:

Adriane added Carol’s printable contact list to the web page.

Next meeting: Joyce said she’d like to hear about the monitoring. Carol suggested communicate via email. Leanne suggested August for the next meeting. Ron asked if it would be proper for the BCAA to work with Kinross and other agencies to talk about the housing problem. He thought one of our roles was to help achieve positive economic impact. This group could spearhead helping Kinross with the housing issue. Schools, hospital, FS, Border Patrol, etc., are all suffering b/c of housing issues. We need these people to live here as well as work here. Leanne thought that maybe the social subcommittee could take that on instead of the whole board. Jim said he’d volunteer similar; if we can work on helping with the Curlew sewer system we could possibly get assistance with housing. Economic subcommittee could work on this. Jim offered to be chairperson for working on the housing issue. Virginia will assist to represent the social subgroup. Anyone else who wants to assist can contact Jim S. We also need to contact Adriane if we have a meeting so that she can announce it to everyone and everyone can attend.

Housing committee volunteers include: Jim S, Virginia, Joe, Kevin, Ron, Deana

Leanne motioned to meet again on August 14th. Joyce seconded. Consensus achieved. Bruce suggested contacting Ed a few days prior to let him know.

Ed: 7794726

Bruce: 7794716

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Deana Zakar.

Approved this 30th day of October, 2008: BCAA Board