2012–13 FocusSchool Selection Form

Instructions for Completing the 2012–13 FocusSchool Selection Form

Please review the Focus Schools lists before submitting this form. After accessing the Information Reporting Services (IRS) portal:

  • Open the file “FocusSchoolsIdentificationLowestAchieving.xls”.
  • Determine which list (List A or B) the district wants to select.

The district has the option of recommending a different list of schools but must recommend no fewer thanthe count of Focus Schools provided on the lists. The district can also recommend that more schools than the minimum number or all of the schools in the district be identified as Focus Schools.

If the district wants to appeal the accountability status of any Focus school, please submit the “2012-13 Accountability Status Appeal Form” available at

Completing the FocusSchool Selection Form:

1.On the designated fields, provide the District’s Name and BEDS Code.

2.Check the corresponding box next to the appropriate option the district intends to select.

  • Option 1

List A - The rank order list provided by the Department based on the count of non-proficient/non-graduate student results. Do not enter the name(s) of the school(s) in the table provided.

  • Option 2

List B - The rank order list provided by the Department based on percentage of non-proficient/non-graduate student results. Do not enter the name(s) of the school(s) in the table provided.

  • Option 3

The district may recommend a list of schools in rank order, which must begin with the district's highest need school. A PrioritySchool cannot be recommended as a FocusSchool. The recommended school(s) cannot be scheduled for closure during the 2012–13, 2013–14, and 2014–15 school years. The district may choose to select schools from List A and List B or identify schools on neither list. If a school is on List A or B, the district may simply put in the justification, "School on List A," "School on List B," or "School on List A and B." If a school is on neither list, please provide a narrative justification for why the school should be Focus. The total count of Focus schools in Option 3 must be at least as many as on List A or List B.

  • Option 4

The district may request that all its schools be designated as Focus Schools. Therefore, all supports and reform efforts can be targeted to specific accountability groups in all schools as part of a districtwide reform effort. Do not enter the name(s) of the school(s) in the table provided if you choose Option 4.

3.This form must be completed even if the district has appealed the accountability status of the district or any school in this district. If an appeal is successful, SED will work with the district to adjust the list of Focus Schools, if necessary.

4.The superintendent (for New York City, the Chancellor) must certify the document and submit it via e-mail to by Friday, July 20, 2012.

This form must be completed and certified by the Superintendent(for New York City, the Chancellor). It must be submitted via e-mail to y July 20, 2012. The form can also be downloaded at (Note: This form should not be used to appeal the status of a Focus District or PrioritySchool. Please use the 2012-13 Accountability Status Appeal Form that can also be downloaded at the abovementioned webpage, for that purpose.)

District Name:
District BEDS Code:
Completed By: / Name/Title / Phone Number / Email Address
Please choose one of the following Focus Schools lists to indicate the district’s choice. Instructions to complete the form are enclosed. For details pertaining to schools on List A and List B, please check the “FocusSchoolsIdentification.xls” file in the district’s portal.
Option 1 – List A
Based on count of non-proficient/non-graduate student results. / Option 2 – List B
Based on percentage of non-proficient/non-graduate student results. / Option 3 – District Recommended List
Provide the district’s recommended school list and justification in the table below. / Option 4 – All Schools
District will identify all its schools as
Focus Schools.
District Recommended Focus Schools List for 2012-13
(Use additional sheets if necessary)
School Name / BEDS Code / Justification

I certify that the district has selected the option above as Focus Schools for 2012–13. If the district hasselectedOption 3, I understand that the New York State Education Department reserves the right to decline or modify the list. I certify that the district will implement all State and federal requirements as required of Focus Schools.

Superintendent’s Name:
Superintendent’s Signature / Date: