Learning Disabilities Partnership Board

Health Sub Group

Notes of the Health Sub Group meeting held on 01.09.09

North Huyton Primary Care Resource Centre


Johanna Lee / Clinical Lead Nurse LD
Teri Hallams / PA Clinical Lead Nurse
Jillian Lockett / Manager Community Partnership Scheme. Knowsley.
Ann Adcock / Locality Manager, Brothers of Charity
Cath Kee / Community LD Nurse LD Team.
Amanda Smith / Community LD Nurse: LD Team
Carys Brady / Commissioner Vulnerable Adults.
Clare Brewer / Community Matron, NHS Knowsley.


Phil Dearden / Head of Clinical Flows, Whiston Hospital
Susannah Jones / Health Promotion Officer, NHS Knowsley.
Lynn Passey / Manager, Community Health Development Team
Mary Farrell / Public Health Development Manager, NHS Knowsley.
Michelle Lawlor / Acting LD Nurse Team Leader, LD Team.
Lorna Pink / Speech & Language Therapist, Knowsley LD Intensive Support Team

1.  Introduction & Apologies

Everyone introduced themselves.

2. Notes of the last Meeting

The notes were read and agreed.

Matters Arising:

·  It was agreed the invitation to the meeting and request for items for the agenda should be sent out to members 2 weeks before the next meeting.

Actions /
Teri and Johanna will agree a date to send out invitations to next meeting. / Teri Hallams.

3. Membership:

The group discussed who should be members of the Health Sub Group. Carys suggested writing to John Heritage Assistant Director for LD in the 5 Boroughs Mental Health Trust and asking him to nominate someone from the Knowsley Intensive Support team at Willis House.

It would also be useful for someone to be present from the ‘provider services’, particularly someone who attends the ‘provider forum’. The person who attends the health sub group can be a link person back to the forum. A representative from day services should attend to.

There also needs to be carer and advocacy representation. Discussion took place about someone attending who can ‘reach out’ to all carers and advocates.

Actions / By
1. Johanna to write to John Heritage and Verity Price on behalf of the Health Sub Group inviting them to discuss with their services about having a representation from their services on the Health sub group.
2. Jillian will put a column in their service newsletter to see if any carers may have an interest in being a member of the health sub group. / Johanna Lee
Jillian Lockett

4. Terms of Reference:

The group discussed the draft terms of reference and made by the following comments and agreed some further work needs doing to reflect the aims and objectives of the group.

Actions / By
1. Review and write agreed comments to reflect engagement with other services. / Johanna Lee and
Carys Brady

5. Valuing People Now (2009) recommended actions for Good Health presentation.

Johanna gave a presentation highlighting the recommendations and actions required to improve access and health care for people with learning disabilities by the Department of Health, Strategic Health Authority, Acute and Primary Care Trusts.

Some recommendations include the need for people with learning disabilities and their carers to be involved in the delivery of training to health care staff.

Including the need for health information to be in a easy read format that is suitable for people with communication difficulties.

Johanna informed the group of the various Department of Health leaflets that are available in easy read format.

Actions / By
1. A list of easy read leaflets and links / websites to be sent out to members with notes of meeting. / Teri Hallams

6. Acute hospital update.

Whiston: There are bi monthly LD Pathway meetings held in Whiston hospital with Phil Dearden Head of Clinical Flows who is leading on the health agenda in Whiston hospital with Johanna. To date there has poor representation from LD services in neighbouring boroughs to commit to work in partnership with Johanna and the hospital to address the health agenda for people with LD’s.

Phil has informed Johanna that the hospital is doing a dedicated orthodontist clinic for LD and has a specialist anaesthetist around cognitive impairment. The hospital is setting up an internal meeting to address the Care Quality Commission standards.

Work completed to date include:

·  One training session delivered to health care staff. B.I.G advocates were involved in the training. Feedback was excellent.

·  LD Resource files have been developed by Johanna. Staff who attended the training was given them for their wards. Lots more need to be delivered to the remaining ward.

·  A poster with contact details of neighbouring LD teams has been developed by Johanna and is on display in each ward / department.

·  Johanna, Phil and Linda Jump (IT Intranet) are working together to develop an ‘LD’ information section’ with some materials for e learning for health care staff.

·  The’ Health Information Passport’ is promoted within the hospital for use.


Carmel Hale, Assistant Director of Nursing is the lead for LD in Aintree hospital. She has been working in partnership with Johanna and Rachel Mayner Health Facilitator Liverpool and Tracy Reed, Health Facilitator Sefton to develop a number of initiatives in the hospital to improve access and care for people with LD’s. Some of these things include:

·  A policy to improve access, care and treatment for people with LD’s has been developed and is operational.

·  Each ward has a LD Resource file which contains relevant information to assist staff to understand the needs of people with LD’s.

·  Training has and continues to be developed to health care staff. A carer and people with learning disabilities from Liverpool are involved in the delivery of the training.

·  The hospital passport is used throughout the hospital.

Lots more work needs doing within both hospitals including the Royal Liverpool, Heart and Chest Broadgreen, Walton Neuro, Broadgreen General. It is hoped work could be standardised across all hospitals as Knowsley residents access all hospitals within the Merseyside region. However as recommended by Health care for all: Sir Jonathon’s Michaels report there is no designated LD Acute Liaison Nurse.

Johanna had made a proposal to the LD Partnership Board in July 2009 via the LDDF for funding to contribute with neighbouring Trusts to develop LD Acute Liaison Posts to do such work. She recommended to the LD Partnership Board that commissioners discuss with neighbouring commissioners this proposal.

Carys informed the group that this discussion has taken place and the commissioners feel the work should be done by the Health Facilitators in post.

7. Primary Care update:

·  A Directed Enhanced Service (DES) from the DOH commenced in Knowsley on 1st April 2009. All GP’s have signed up to this contract. The contract offers patients with learning disabilities an annual health check. The DES will replace the Local Enhanced Service (LES) that has been operation for the past 2 years. The LES also offered patients with LD’s an annual health check.

·  Johanna informed the meeting that to date the services have been working well.

·  Johanna has just reviewed and updated the ‘Guidelines for Primary care clinicians to improve access to NHS cancer screening services’. Discussion took place regarding this. Services would benefit from a list of resources that they can access themselves.

Actions / By
1. A list of easy read leaflets and links / websites to be sent out to members with notes of meeting. / Teri Hallams

8. LD supported living schemes:

Discussion took place regarding support living and day care providers promoting healthy lifestyles. This includes promoting and supporting uptake of attendance at health appointments and health screening. Including, developing Health Action Plans as part of individuals Person Centred Plan.

It was agreed it would be beneficial to discuss at the ‘Provider forum’ which Verity Price facilitates.

Actions / By
1. Johanna to contact Verity to ask if she can be invited to attend one of the Provider forum meetings to discuss their needs. / Johanna

9. Commissioning update:

Model of Care: Developing a Comprehensive Community Learning Disability Services Infrastructure:

Carys explained to the meeting that Colin Vose Director of Commisioning is currently reviewing the LD services provided by the 5 Boroughs Mental Health Trust. A draft model of care is out for consultation. Carys aims to produce it in an easy read format. It will be sent out to members of the LD Partnership Board and Health sub group for consultation. Comments are to be feedback to Carys.

Actions / By
Carys to circulate an easy read version of the Model of Care. Comments to be feedback to Carys via / Carys

Health Information Passport:

Johanna submitted a bid for funding via the LDDF to the LD Partnership Board and was successful. The bid is to have the Health Information Passport developed in a leaflet format.

Ann commented that all the Brothers of Charity services use the document and find it useful. Johanna said the hospital staff have fed back that they find it really useful.

Jill asked for a copy to be sent to her for dissemination to her staff / services.

Actions / By
A copy of the Health Information Passport and instructions for use to be sent out with notes of the meeting. / Teri Hallams

10. Any Other Business

11.Date and time of next meeting:

Monday 19th October 1.00-3.00pm

North Huyton Primaary Care Resource Centre.


LD Partnership Board Health Sub Group notes01.09.09