Regular Meeting

April 22, 2013

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Pinconning Area Schools was held at the High School/Middle School Media Center on Monday, April 22, 2013.

President Boetefuer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

President Boetefuer led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members present:Linda Anderson, Mike Bauer, Thomas Boetefuer, Mark Coutcher, Ken Foco, Paul Pomaville (Nicole Jones absent)

Moved to add the SAE Costa Rica field trip to the Non-Consent agenda, item “D”.

Moved by Bauer, supported by Coutcher, to approve the agenda as amended. Voice vote: Motion carried (6-0).

Under Community Comments, there was a presentation about a lease proposal.

Jennifer Krengielski and Keith Wetters, introduced Karlee Gourd in the Spartan Spotlight for her America & Me Essay which placed 6th in the State.

Moved by Bauer, supported by Boetefuer, to approve the consent agenda:

A)Minutes of March 25 and April 8, 2013meeting;

B)Treasurer's report in the amount of $389,665.81 and PO’s over $3,000;

C)2013-14 Revised School Year calendar;

D)2013-14 Food Service Renewal Agreement with Chartwells;

E)Retirement of Becky Thompson effective May 31, 2013;

Roll call: Bauer – yes, Coutcher – yes, Anderson – yes, Foco – yes, Pomaville – yes, Boetefuer – yes: Motion carried (6-0).

Mike Vieau, Superintendent of Schools, noted lawn care bids have been awarded to Jay’s Lawn Care at a rate of $70 per cut. Reported on the Athletic Focus Meeting and Thrun Law Update. He noted the upcoming Mayors Scholarship Banquet on Friday, May 10, 2013 and if anyone needed tickets to contact his office. He also reported on the staff vs. student basketball fundraiser on May 2 at 7 p.m.

Student Representative report by Emily Deyarmond.

Mark Fuhrman, Director of Instructional Services, provided a powerpoint presentation on the new Smarter Balanced Assessment pilot program.

Jay Bosworth, Technology Director, provided the Board with an update on the internet service tower at Linwood. There was discussion of anchoring the tower properly.

Deb Kadish, ISD Superintendent, and Bruce Curtiss, Bay Arenac ISD Business Manager, reviewed the 2013-14 ISD budget.

Administrative report was provided by Andy Kowalczyk. Dionne Perrou provided an update on her Marine’s Bootcamp.

Budget Committee reported on their meeting.

Personnel Committee reported back from their meeting.

Moved by Bauer, supported by Coutcher, to approve the 8th grade Mackinaw Island Field trip as presented. Voice vote: Motion carried (6-0).

Moved by Bauer, supported by Pomaville, to approve the Stratford Ontario field trip as presented. Voice vote: Motion carried (6-0).

Moved by Bauer, supported by Coutcher, approve the resolution in support of the Bay Arenac ISD 2013-14 budget as presented. Voice vote: Motion carried (6-0).

Moved by Bauer, supported by Boetefuer, to move to approve the S.A.E. field trip to Cost Rica Summer of 2014. Voice vote: Motion carried (6-0).

There were no Public Comments provided by Dennis regarding the lease opportunities.

Board Discussion on sending the question on the lease to the Site Committee.

Moved by Bauer, supported by Foco, to move into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing negotiations.

Roll call: Bauer – yes, Coutcher – yes, Anderson – yes, Foco – yes, Pomaville – yes, Boetefuer – yes: Motion carried (6-0).

Meeting moved into Closed Session at 8:33 p.m. and reconvened in open session at 8:38 p.m.

Members present: Linda Anderson, Mike Bauer, Thomas Boetefuer, Mark Coutcher, Ken Foco, Paul Pomaville (Nicole Jones absent)

Meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.


Paul Pomaville, Board Secretary