
The Pima Association of Governments (PAG) is pursuing a project that will develop the first comprehensive Strategic Transportation Safety Plan (STSP) for the Tucson metropolitan region. The STSP will address the necessary steps and elements from a regional transportation planning perspective, to reduce the risk of death and serious injury to all transportation users in the Tucson metropolitan region. Pima Association of Governments and its Member Agencies participated in the development of the current Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) established in 2007, following SAFETEA-LU requirements. PAG and its Member Agencies are seeking opportunities to develop a customized regional plan to address the issues and needs of the Tucson region, its jurisdictions, and its transportation users.

Oversight for the development of the PAG STSP will be provided primarily by the PAG Transportation Systems Subcommittee. However, input will also be required from additional stakeholders that may not be represented on the committee. This will be achieved through PAG’s extensive network of stakeholder groups having interest in regional planning, transportation, and safety activities. PAG transportation staff will work closely with PAG’s Communications Department to ensure that public outreach processes are followed and a wide array of stakeholder groups are notified and involved in the plan’s development. PAG will seek to foster involvement specifically from safety educator and safety enforcement stakeholders as they are less frequently involved in PAG’s regional planning efforts. Identification of key safety stakeholders will be done by PAG in close coordination with the consultant team working on the project as well as ADOT staff working on the Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Public input on the PAG Strategic Transportation Safety Plan will be sought throughout the plan’s development through open meetings, workshops, involvement in PAG’s TIP Open House, and Web content.

The PAG STSP will be developed in close coordination with Arizona’s efforts to update its Strategic Highway Safety Plan. This will ensure that federal requirements are met, statewide/local consistency is prevalent, and unique regional needs are addressed.


PAG is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for transportation planning for the metropolitan Tucson area. PAG is governed by a nine-member Regional Council with an elected official serving from each member jurisdiction, including the Cities of South Tucson and Tucson, Pima County, the Towns of Marana, Oro Valley and Sahuarita, the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, the Tohono O’odham Nation and a board member serving from the Arizona State Transportation Board.

This project will develop a comprehensive Strategic Transportation Safety Plan (STSP) the first such plan for the PAG region. The PAG STSP will establish a regional vision, goals, objectives, strategies, countermeasures and performance measures for transportation safety that are consistent with the Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The STSP will also identify strategies for addressing new areas of safety planning such as, spatial analysis and utilization of appropriate analytical methods from the Highway Safety Manual. The PAG STSP will provide valuable input to the Regional Transportation Plan and also provide practical implementation guidance allowing safety projects and programs in the four E’s of engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency services to move forward in the PAG region.

Proposed Framework

The following discussion serves as a framework for developing the first Strategic Transportation Safety Plan for the PAG region and ensuring its consistency with the Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Proposers are encouraged to offer variations of this framework that satisfy the intent of the PAG STSP to serve as useful guide to the implementation of safety projects and programs throughout the region that are integrated into the planning process, address needs identified through a data driven analysis, are measurable to the extent possible, and represent a sustainable and coordinated regional safety program. The tasks to be completed are:

  1. Safety System Performance
  2. Network Screening Methodologies for Prioritization of Transportation Safety Needs
  3. Identify and Analyze Available Resources from a Transportation Safety Perspective
  4. Establish Regional Vision and Goals for Transportation Safety
  5. Emphasis Areas, Goals and Performance Measures
  6. Identify Transportation Safety Strategies
  7. Develop a Strategy to Improve Safety Project Development Process
  8. Safety in the Regional Transportation Plan
  9. Implementation Plan Recommendations and Considerations
  10. Final Report, Executive Summary and Presentations

A brief description of each task is presented below.

  1. Safety System Performance

Review current state of transportation safety in the PAG Region including (but not limited to): safety performance of regional roadway network, regional trends in crashes that involve fatalities and injuries, and possible contributing factors. Identification of emphasis areas and development of the PAG STSP must be a data-driven process.

  1. Network Screening Methodologies for Prioritization of Transportation Safety Needs

Review the current PAG network screening methodology for ranking high risk locations with focus on recommendations for improvements to (1) facilitate regional scale spatial analysis and evaluation and (2) enable PAG Member Agencies capabilities to facilitate location specific and community specific spatial analyses and evaluations. Task should include development of a traffic safety data and analysis improvement plan.

  1. Identify and Analyze Available Resources from a Transportation Safety Perspective

This includes: review and identification of stakeholders to ensure consistency with the Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan, a review of current programs, staffing and funding resources available for transportation safety planning and implementation. This task should also include identification of opportunities for improvements such as a streamlined safety funding process and collaboration that could lead to improved effectiveness of safety analysis, project development and implementation of all PAG Member Agencies.

  1. Establish Regional Vision and Goals for Transportation Safety

Consistent with Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). A workshop is envisioned involving participation from a wide variety of safety stakeholders, whereby regional safety performance, network screening methodology, available resources, and scope and timeline for the PAG SHSP will be presented. Funding and use thereof for this workshop and any and all activities involved in the development of the PAG SHSP will be consistent with Federal-Aid requirements. PAG is very familiar with the use of Federal-Aid funding and limitations therein.

  1. Emphasis Areas, Goals and Performance Measures

Identify emphasis areas for the PAG region based on crash history and trends using a minimum of 5 years of data: 2007 - 2011. This task should also include identification of safety goals necessary to ensure consistency with the Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan as well as agreed upon safety performance measures consistent with the Arizona SHSP and MAP-21 performance measure requirements identified at the time.

  1. Identify Transportation Safety Strategies

Work closely with PAG Member Agency committee to identify recommended strategies categorized according to the identified emphasis areas in the PAG STSP.

  1. Develop a Strategy to Improve Safety Project Development Process

This task builds upon Task 2 and should develop recommendations for improvements to the project development process for transportation safety projects and programs and the resources needed to realize them. This task should also develop an approach to encourage future PAG TIP projects that would incorporate safety features, and should include recommendations related to the identification and justification of such safety features and the relationship to the safety funding eligibility process. Such recommendations should consider the introduction of Road Safety Assessments during project design review stage.

  1. Safety in the Regional Transportation Plan

Recommendations for emphasized incorporation of transportation safety in the PAG Regional Transportation Plan. This should include analysis and determination of consistency of transportation safety projects contained in the PAG Regional Transportation Plan with the statewide Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan to the degree possible in accordance with the most current requirements and guidance in and associated with MAP-21 federal legislation. Placeholder safety projects based on emphasis areas and safety strategies identified within the PAG STSP should be defined for consideration by PAG and member agencies within the 2045 Regional Transportation Plan. Further definition of safety projects and specific implementation strategies will be laid out in Phase 2 of the PAG STSP project with work to be done under a separate RFP and contract.

  1. Implementation Plan Recommendations and Considerations

Identify a preliminary implementation plan framework that identifies large scale steps to address carrying out, continually evaluating and updating the recommended Strategic Transportation Safety Plan.

Further definition of safety projects and specific implementation strategies will be laid out in Phase 2 of the PAG STSP project with work to be done under a separate RFP and contract.

  1. Final Report, Executive Summary and Presentations

The Proposer will produce a Final Report and Executive Summary which will summarize all findingsdocumented in Task 1-9 reports and shall not exceed 60 pages. The Executive Summary will belimited to four pages.

The Proposer will produce project summary presentations as necessary to facilitate outreach and information sharing of the PAG Strategic Transportation Plan with various stakeholders and PAG committees. It is foreseen that presentations will range for technical and detailed (eg. 20 slides), to succinct and summary (eg. 5 slides).

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