EAA Central Massachusetts Chapter 196
Experimental Aircraft Association, INC.
Framingham, MA
The name of this organization shall be EAA Central Massachusetts Chapter 196, Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc.
The office for the transaction of business of this Chapter shall be located in the vicinity of Framingham of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
1.This organization is exclusively educational and scientific within the meaning of 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
2.The purpose of this non-profit, educational organization is to promote and encourage the sport and hobby of recreation aviation to include the design, construction and operation of all types of aircraft, and engage in research for the improvement and better understanding of aviation, and aviation safety.
3.The organization shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from the federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2).
A.To be a Regular Member in this Chapter, a person shall be a member in good standing of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. Oshkosh, WI.
B.An eligible person may become a Regular Member of this Chapter by asking the Chapter Secretary to add his or her name to the Chapter roster, remitting appropriate dues to the Chapter Treasurer and by providing other pertinent information requested.
C.A Regular Member shall remain in good standing by being less than two (2) months in arrears in his or her Chapter dues payment.
D.A Regular Member in good standing shall have one vote on all matters placed before the
E.A Family Member of the Chapter is any spouse, child or grandchild of a Regular Member of the Chapter who holds a Family Membership in good standing with the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. Oshkosh, WI.
F.A Family Member of the Chapter, except for minors, shall have one vote on all matters placed before the membership of this Chapter at a regular or special Chapter meeting.
G.An Honorary Member shall be any person appointed by a majority of Chapter members as such a member. An Honorary member shall have no vote nor be eligible for Chapter officer.
H.Any member deemed undesirable by acts or deeds, which are considered to jeopardize this
Chapter or the Experimental Aircraft Association, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, may be expelled from membership at a published Chapter meeting by a three-fourths vote of the members present at such meeting.
This Chapter shall abide by the Constitution, By-laws, and instructions of the National Headquarters, Experimental Aircraft Association, Oshkosh, Wisconsin unless such Constitution, By-laws or instructions conflict with those of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
A.Chapter dues shall be assessed annually at a rate determined by financial obligations of the Chapter, as approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
B.Annual dues shall be paid to the Chapter Treasurer no later than the second meeting of each calendar year.
C.Prior year members paying dues beyond the second meeting of each calendar year, must pay the full amount for the year. New members will pay dues apportioned to the calendar year remaining.
A.The officers of this Chapter shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
B.No person shall hold more than one office at a time.
C.The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter. He or she shall have, subject to the advice of the Board of Directors, general charge of the business of the Chapter. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Directors.
D.The Vice-president shall serve in the absence of the President, and perform duties assigned he President and approved by the Board of Directors.
E.The Secretary shall have, subject to the advice and control of the Board of Directors, charge of all Chapter correspondence and records, with the exception of the financial records. He or she shall keep a proper Chapter roster showing the name of each member together with other pertinent information. He or she shall be the repository for the Chapter charter, constitution, and By-laws. He or she shall have charge of serving of notices at all meetings.
F.The Treasurer shall have, subject to the advice and control of the Board of Directors, charge of the financial business of the Chapter. He or she shall collect, and issue receipts for, all Chapter dues and other assessments. He or she shall disburse all funds necessary to meet the Chapter's financial obligations. The Board of Directors shall determine the limits and policies governing such disbursements and transactions as changing times may require. He or she shall maintain a current record of all funds received, held, and disbursed, he or she shall make such record available to any member of the Chapter upon the member's written request. He or she shall report to Chapter's financial status at each regular Chapter meeting. He or she shall prepare and distribute at the first regular Chapter meeting of each calendar year, a statement summarizing the Chapter's financial activities during, and showing the Chapter's financial status at the close of the preceding calendar year.
A.Each officer shall be elected by simple majority as determined by secret ballot cast at the October regular Chapter meeting. Elections for Chapter President and Secretary will be held in even-numbered calendar years, and elections for Vice-President and Treasurer will be held in odd-numbered calendar years.
B.Officers shall be elected for terms of two (2) years.
C.No person shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive full terms.
D.Nominations for officers shall be opened at the September regular Chapter meeting.
E.Nominees for office shall be Regular or adult Family Chapter members in good standing.
F.Newly elected officers shall assume office on January first of the following calendar year.
G.Should any office become vacant, the Board of Directors shall elect a successor who shall hold office for the unexpired term.
A.The powers, business and property of the Chapter shall be exercised, conducted and controlled by a Board of Directors of not less than five members.
B.The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Newsletter Editor and no more than two other Regular or Family Chapter members in good standing who have been appointed by the President.
C.A majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board at all meetings and the affirmative vote of a majority present shall be necessary to pass any resolution or authorize any act of the Chapter.
D.Notice of special meetings of the Board of Directors stating the time and, in general terms, the purpose of the meeting, shall be mailed or personally given to the Directors at least forty-eight hours prior to the time appointed for the meeting. If all Directors shall be present at a meeting, any business may be transacted without previous notice.
E.Each member of the Board shall serve as a director without compensation.
A.Regular Chapter meetings shall be held on the last Friday of each month or as directed by the Board of Directors.
B.Regular meetings may be canceled by the Board of Directors; however, no more than one regular meeting in succession may be canceled.
C.Special Chapter meetings shall be called by the Secretary at the request of the President, a majority of the Board of Directors, or of five members in good standing upon written petition to the President.
D.Meetings shall be held at a time and place determined by the President.
E.Notice of any regular meeting or special meeting of the members shall be given by notice published in a recognized publication of the Chapter at least five (5) days before such meeting.
F.Twenty percent (20%) of the Regular or Family members in good standing on the Chapter roster shall constitute a quorum necessary for the transaction of business at any regular or special Chapter meeting.
G.All questions before the Chapter meeting which require decision by vote (with exception of amendments to these By-laws) shall be by secret ballot upon the request of three or more members in good standing.
H.A majority of the Chapter members in good standing may vote to decide by vote any question or issue which may arise at a regular Chapter meeting.
A.Amendments to the Chapter By-laws may be placed before the membership for approval by a simple majority vote at a regular or special Chapter meeting, provided that notice of such proposed amendment is given in writing to each Chapter member in good standing prior to the meeting.
B.Amendments may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by written petition signed by at least twenty-five (25%) percent of the Chapter members in good standing.
Should the Chapter become inactive or disband, all Chapter records, certificates of incorporation and Charter are to be returned to Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. for safekeeping. The assets of the Chapter will be transferred to the EAA Aviation Foundation, a non-profit corporation under Federal IRS and WisconsinState law
APPROVED:29 November 1996