Committee Meeting
Sennen Pre-school Room
Tuesday 22nd April 2014
Gemma Willis, Sally Baker, Charlotte Dudley, Kerra Griffith, Jane Atkinson, Melissa Hall, Zara Thomas Jeffrey, Victor Prestamo, Laura Rimmer
Rebecca Thomas, Tony Philips, Michaela Lowe, Katherine Shannon, Hannah Dodson
As yet again there are many rumors circling the village, it was felt that the committee needed to know issues surrounding a complaint from a parent. Gemma explained that a parent had made an internal written complaint about a number of procedural incidents carried out by staff members, which the parent felt targeted herself and her child specifically.After investigation the core committee and leader met with the parent, these issues were addressed and were found to be procedurally correct, in line with the EYFS. The parent then let the core committee know that they had sent the complaint to OFSTED, as well as a complaint about the length of time it had taken the committee to respond to them. The parent explained that OFSTED will leave the operational complaint to an internal investigaton but will look at the time complaint. OFSTED have not yet contacted the Pre-school. The core committee feel that although the complaint was dealt with in accordance with the complaints procedure, within the 28 days, the procedure should be adapted slightly to include a letter of acknowledgement to the complainant upon receipt. Sally will update the procedure.
a.Complaints procedure (see above)
b.Open day - the Pre-school will hold an open morning for parents and children on Wednesday 7th May from 9:30am, it will be based on this term's theme 'Grow, grow, grow'. We will also organise a cake sale and raffle for that morning. Information going out to parents in newsletter.
c.EYQISP - Sally asked that EYQISP correspondence be shared with the committee. Charlotte explained that she had not received the last report from CC Teacher. Charlotte to email her.
d.Staff training - staff are not attending external training sessions and internal sessions need to be written in CPD files. Staff are required to attend 21 hours per year and the Pre-school training budget has not been used. Staff will look at this at next staff meeting.
e.2yr old differenciation of provision - this has been brought up in other settings OFSTED reports, especially story time. Staff will discuss during next staff meeting.
f.Staff observations - Sally will come in for an hour on a Tuesday or Wednesday to enable Charlotte to carry out observations for staff development.
Gemma explained that a local land owner has agreed in principal to a 5 year lease on a piece of land close to the Community Centre. Pre school has £17,500 to purchase a portacabin and has applied for further funds and grants to gain more. It was explained that with the money we already have we can have a basic cabin but the more money we gain the better it could be.
Sally has forms to fill in to register for gift aid meaning that any donations we have we will get 20% tax back from HMRC. The next step is a steering group, meeting to update the timeline. Zara volunteered to join the steering group. We then need to draw up lease and gain planning permission, neither of which should present a problem.
We need to set up a fundraising group as last one dispersed. The staff will organise events and activities within the Preschool. We talked about a re-branding competition for when the Preschool re-opens in the new premises. Victor agreed to join a fundraising group and a letter could go out to other parents asking for help.
Gemma will contact Land's End to ask for a list of events and ask if we can take our fundraising tin.
Charlotte will forward children's photo to Gemma to have thank you cards made - one needs to be sent asap to Andrew and Sharon at Boathouse stores for last year's collection.
Sally will contact local arts forum to ask if anyone will give up time for a fundraising event for the Preschool, similar to Zumba as that raised over £644, also ask Wyn Jones about a keep fit marathon?
5. Any other business.
Charlotte will ring OFSTED to find out about Bec's DBS application and suitability letter, as neither have arrived at the Pre-school yet. She will also find out about Laura's last CRB check as it was redone fairly recently.
Sally will email parents to ask if any are interested in opening on a Friday afternoon.
DATE FOR NEXT MEETING - Tuesday 20th May 1:30pm @ Pre-school.