PIMA Advanced Wall Systems Task Group1
November 29, 2012
PIMA Advanced Wall Systems Task Group Meeting
Thursday,November 29, 2012
8:00 am – 9:45 am
The Madison Hotel
1177 15thSt NW, Washington, D.C.
- Welcome and Introductions – Chuck Putters and Angelo Gabbianelli
- Antitrust statement
- Review and Approve Previous Meeting Minutes (Appendix A) – Chuck Putters
- Any changes to the agenda? – Chuck Putters
- FSC Issues Management – Chuck Putters/Kirk Grundahl
- “Continuous Insulation for Code-Compliant, High-Performance Walls” Presentation – Chuck Putters
- Task group members: Cliff Black, Jerry Phelan, Chuck Putters
- Review course content
- Discussion and feedback
- Next steps – Set up a beta test presentation with select group of specifiers/end-users that will provide feedback to ensure that the presentation is clear, understandable and the outcomes meet presentation goals and objectives.
- Technical Bulletins
- “Fire Resistance Properties of Polyiso Foam Plastic Insulation Used in Wall Assemblies– Facts and Comparisons” – Angelo Gabbianelli
- Task group members: Tom Calzavara, Angelo Gabbianelli, John Letts
- Discussion and feedback
- “Continuous Wall Insulation and Structural Element Transitions”– Chuck Putters
- Task group members: Ian Barrow, Tom Calzavara, MacGregor Pierce, Chuck Putters
- Additional details or changes
- Tasks and timelines
- “Air Barrier, Water Resistive Barrier and Moisture and Air Movement Through Walls – CodeCompliance Considerations” – Angelo Gabbianelli
- Task group members: Ian Barrow, Guido Lipske, MacGregor Pierce, Jay Saldana
- Topic outline and first draft
- Tasks and timelines
- Old Business – Chuck Putters
- New Business – Angelo Gabbianelli
- Upcoming Meetings
- Adjournment
Appendix A
PIMA Advanced Wall Systems Task Group Meeting
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
3:00 pmET / 2:00 pm CT / 1:00 pm MT / 12:00 pm PT
Chairs: Chuck Putters, Rmax/ and Angelo Gabbianelli, Stepan/
- Welcome and Introductions:
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm ET and the antitrust guidelines were reviewed.
- Review of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Motion to approve the June meeting notes by MacGregor Pierce.Second by Anil Shenoy. The motion was approved unanimously.
- “Continuous Insulation for Code-Compliant, High-Performance Walls” Presentation:
The task group discussed the progress on the continuous insulation PowerPoint to date. The course has been approved by AIA for continuing education credit, and any member will be able to deliver it. Attendees were asked to review the course in the context of making sure all of the content was crystal clear. Any questions can be fixed/clarified, and fresh perspectives on the course are welcomed.
TASK: Everyone was encouraged submit their comments in advance and/or bring them to the November Task Group meeting for a comprehensive review.
TASK: Following the incorporation of all comments from the November meeting, a beta-group presentation will be arranged. This presentation, to a small group of specifiers/key end users, will be recorded for use in final refinement of the presentation and then the development of an online course.
Volunteering to assist with these efforts were Cliff Black and Mittie Rooney. [Jerry Phelan later expressed interest too.]
- “Polyiso Foam Plastic Insulation Fire Resistance Properties – Facts and Comparisons” Technical Bulletin:
The task group discussed the content and several questions were raised. These items will be incorporated into the text to ensure the messaging is robust.
TASK: Everyone was encouraged submit their comments in advance of the November Task Group meeting so that a final draft can be made available as soon as possible after that meeting.
- “Continuous Wall Insulation and Structural Element Transitions” Technical Bulletin:
The group agreed the first draft of this bulletin was excellent but more information and details could be added.
TASK: Everyone was encouraged to submit their comments in advance of the November Task Group meeting when this will be discussed again.
TASK: Members having relationships with specifiers were encouraged to request/share details that are already in use by architects and engineers.
The goal of this project is to provide:
- Details that architects and engineers can use/modify for their specific projects, and
- A commentary on the details and key code compliance and implementation commentary with respect to the details.
- Compatibility with general industry documents.
- A PIMA-focused set of information that advances the best interests of all PIMA members.
When reviewing this Transitions Technical Bulletin, a corresponding Technical Evaluation Report (TER) created for the Foam Sheathing Committee (FSC)can also be considered: TER No 1205-05: Construction Details for the Use of Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing (FPIS) in Light-Frame Construction,posted on
- ““Technical Bulletin on Air Barrier, Water Resistive Barrier and Moisture and Air Movement Through Walls -- Code Compliance Considerations”:
The issue of air and moisture movement through building envelopesis very complicated, so the subcommittee on this project will endeavor to get ahead of these issues. These efforts also tie into a project that will be undertaken by FSC, so that information will be used here too. The first subcommittee meeting has been scheduled for November 8.
- Additional Issues:
Updates were provided on items from the ICC Final Actions Hearings in Portland, OR, including the adoption of the industry’s new standard into the 2015 IBC:ANSI/SBCA FS 100–2012:Standard Requirements for Wind Pressure Resistance of Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing Used in Exterior Wall Covering Assemblies.
- Adjournment:
Having no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 5:03 pm ET.