Division of Human Resources
1085 Peoria St., Aurora, CO80011
Phone: 303-344-8060, Fax: 303 326-1940,
Pilot Alternative Teacher Evaluation – Details
Development of the Pilot
The evaluation was developed in cooperation with the Aurora Education Association
Members of the workgroup – Sue Clark, Facilitator
Dianne Dugan – Principal
Tony Van Gytenbeek – Asst Supt, HR
Dennis Hamann – Consultant, Instruction
Curtis Holmes – Teacher
Brenna Isaacs – AEA President
Cathy Wildman – Teacher
The alternative teacher evaluation is:
A flexible interactive process in which the teacher
Selects an evaluation team
Determines the criteria for evaluation in collaboration with that team
An online process
Who is eligible?
Non-probationary licensed staff who met or exceeded standards on their most recent performance evaluation and who currently work at one of the following schools:
Elementary schools (8)
Park Lane
/Middle Schools (4)
High Schools (4)
Aurora Central
William Smith
What is the process?
Request & Evaluation Team
Teachers may request alternative evaluation within three weeks of beginning of school year
Upon supervisor agreement:
Teacher selects an evaluation team
Evaluator of record must be a current APS licensed administrator
How is the evaluation plan developed?
Within the first quarter the teacher, in collaboration with the evaluation team, will determine
Evaluation criteria
What evidence will demonstrate meeting standards
How evidence will be collected
A timeline for collection of evidence and feedback
Evaluation Criteria
The person being evaluated and the evaluator(s) review the four performance standards and proficiency indicators and select those that will become the focus of the evaluation
At least one indicator for each standard will be selected. These selections may be changed during the review process by mutual agreement between the person being evaluated and the chosen evaluator(s).
Standard A - Teaching and Student Learning
The teacher is committed to students and their learning. The teacher knows the subjects he/she teaches and how to teach those subjects to students.
A1.Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of students as individual learners and evaluates assessment data for each student by identifying what the student can do, needs to learn next, and what the teacher will do about it.
A2.Plans high, worthwhile and attainable goals and objectives, selecting rich, thought-provoking and appropriate resources, and identifying what the learning looks and sounds like.
A3.Implements learning experiences that are connected to content learning goals and sequences and structures instruction so students attain the goals.
A4.Generates varied formal and informal evidence to regularly evaluate and improve student learning
Standard B - Learning Environment
The teacher manages and monitors student learning. The teacher develops an environment where individuals are encouraged, respected, and challenged intellectually, academically, and socially.
B1.Develops a classroom where students demonstrate self-confidence and responsibility for high standards of learning
B2.Ensures that tasks and resources support student growth and proficiency
B3.Creates a safe, secure learning environment where on-going feedback, praise and positive reinforcement result in high levels of student engagement and learning
B4.Recognizes individual differences in his/her students and models and teaches accordingly
Standard C - Professional Development
The teacher thinks systematically about his/her practice and learns from experience. The teacher commits to improving his/her professional practice in order to improve student learning.
C1.Demonstrates growth in instructional knowledge and skills
C2.Engages in active, collaborative reflection to improve professional competence
C3.Takes an active role in school-based professional development
C4.Stays current with research and, when appropriate, incorporates new findings into his/her practice
C5.Regularly analyzes, evaluates, reflects on, and strengthens the effectiveness and quality of his/her practice
Standard D – Professionalism
The teacher is a contributing member of the learning community.
D1.Clearly and consistently reaches out to parents and other interested adults as valued partners in the child’s education
D2.Seeks leadership opportunities and shares responsibility to promote school improvement
D3.Contributes to the effectiveness of the school by working collaboratively with other professionals
Evidence, Format & Timeline
The person being evaluated and the chosen evaluator(s) will:
Mutually define evidence appropriate to each proficiency indicator selected
Determine methods for collection of evidence to support proficiency indicator(s)
oHow collected
oWhat format and where stored
- Agree on the format and time line for collection of evidence and feedback
The person being evaluated and the chosen evaluator(s) will:
Mutually identify evaluator(s) for each indicator selected
Identify a licensed APS administrator as at least one of the evaluator(s)
Planning Sheet
A planning sheet will be printed containing:
The person being evaluated will acquire signature of his/her immediate supervisor approving the use of the pilot evaluation
Copies of the signed planning sheet will be distributed to the person being evaluated, selected evaluator of record, all other evaluators and immediate supervisor.
Teacher collects evidence:
In specified format
According to timeline
Teacher reflection on how evidence collected indicates proficiency on standard
oWhat teaching strategies worked well
oNext steps
Test scores
Observation notes
Student products
Develop written analysis of evidence collected for each indicator
Score each standard according to analysis of evidence collected for indicators in that area
oMeets Standard
oGrowth Needed
The employee and the evaluator of record mutually develop written goals
Employee develops written reflection on the evaluation
Selected evaluator of record develops written summary of the review
Interested parties sign off on evaluation
Staff member
Selected evaluator of record
Immediate supervisor
One copy of the signed review is retained at the site
Another is given to the staff member
The original signed copy is sent to Human Resources
Next Steps – 4 out of 4
An employee who earns 4 out of 4 scores of Meets Standard resulting in an overall score of Meets Standard. Will be evaluated again in the regular cycle
Next Steps – 3 out of 4
An employee who earns 3 out of 4 scores of Meets Standard resulting in an overall score of Meets Standard
May continue with the review the following year, focusing on the standard that was scored Growth Needed if desired; however, this is not required
Will be evaluated again in the regular cycle
Next Steps – 2, 1 or 0 out of 4
An employee who earns 2, 1 or 0 out of 4 scores of Meets Standard resulting in an overall score of Growth Needed
Continues with this review next year, focusing on the standards that were scored Growth Needed
Or chooses to return to the traditional teacher evaluation process for next year
Professional Development for Use of the Pilot
Directors and principals meeting, June 2006
Cohort groups form, Fall 2006
Salary advancement credit for attendance
Dennis Hamann - Facilitator
Evaluation plans developed during first quarter
Evaluations start during second quarter or semester
Cohort works together through all stages
Available online
This overview
Sample evaluation plan
Examples of evidence
Review of Pilot
The pilot:
Will run in the 2006-07 and 2007-08 school years
May be adjusted for second year
Will be reviewed by the Performance Evaluation Council each year
Will return to bargaining teams at the end of two years to determine next steps
Direct questions to:
The Division of Instruction
oDennis Hamann
oLinda Damon
The Division of Human Resources
oKari Allen
oSheri Charles
oKathleen Hostetler
Thank you!