Pike County Elementary School Advocacy Plan 2011-2012

A Group Project for FRIT 7132

November, 2011

Alexandria Elikwu , Lindsay Hodges , Roshiba McCrary , Kayse Morris , Kathy Zellner

The mission of Pike County Elementary School is to “To promote Pride, Cooperation, Excellence and Success to ensure academic achievement for all students.” A chief component of this mission is to make available materials and equipment necessary for teachers to providevaried instructional opportunities to all students.

In order to be advocates for the media center, we must build groups of supporters. Two of the most important supporters we can have are our teachers and administration. The media center has many tools available to teachers and students that can be used in meeting the mission of the school. However, in order to do this, students and teachers must be aware of the materials and equipment the media center has to offer
The following plan of activities focuses on increasing teacher awareness of media resources available and also to provide a forum for teachers to communicate additional resources that are needed.

Objective – To increase awareness of media resources available from the media center and resources needed by teachers at Pike County Elementary School.
Target Group – Classroom Teachers, Administration

Materials to promote:

1. DESTINY library system

2. CPS (“clickers”) (automatic feedback) http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Media+Center+Materials+Help

3. Document Cameras (like Elmo’s)

4. Digital Camera

5. Video Camera

6. United Streaming – now called Discovery Education http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Media+Center+Materials+Help

7. Media Cast – in-house video/audio distribution system

8. GeoSafari – “old” technology, but still useful for individual student learning centers http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Media+Center+Materials+Help

9. VesaTiles – not technology, but great for individual student learning centers http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Media+Center+Materials+Help

10. ScanTron – for quick grading of multiple choice tests (quick feedback)

11. Windows Movie Maker program http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Media+Center+Materials+Help

12. PowerPoint – uses such as recording sound for individual student learning centers (flash cards, assignment information)

13. Math Literature Books with Lesson Plans http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Math+Literature+Lesson+Plans

14. Encyclopedia On Line

Strategies –

1. Media Center “Open House” – displaying materials/equipment available for use – having volunteers there to demonstrate equipment if needed http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Opportunities+for+Learning

2. Teacher workshops – October - “Tech or Treat”; January – “Reflect, Resolve, Reboot” http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Opportunities+for+Learning

3. “How-to” videos/brochures - http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Media+Center+Materials+Help

4. Videos of materials/equipment being used in classrooms. (These would be available on our in house media distribution system called MediaCast.)
5. PowerPoint presentations about materials/resources.

Communication Tools -
1. Scheduling Calendars http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/Schedule+A+Visit

2. PowerPoint, Brochures

3. Surveys - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P6J5GPG

4. Media Center Wiki (including Blog) http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/
5. New Items Showcase

6. Item of the Month Showcase

7. Wiki and Blog http://pcesmediacenter.wikispaces.com/

Evaluation -
1. Pre/Post Survey of teachers - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P6J5GPG

2.  Pre/Post Materials/Equipment Circulation Data http://be-media/backoffice/servlet/presentjobsummaryform.do?reportFileName=output/CRWReportJob/202/CRWReportJob104647_0.html&site=202&showBreadcrumb=false Example of report:

Past Due Books
Report generated on 11/25/2011 6:35 PM
Homeroom: None
Due Date / Name - First / Name - Last / Title/Name
5/1/2008 / Allison / Bennett / Texas Instruments TI-108 Class Sets of 10
6/3/2011 / Allison / Bennett / Cart - Book.
6/3/2011 / Allison / Bennett / Multiplication