Proposals are invited from the interested bidders for the following scope of works in two part bid. Supply, Installation, Testing and Comprehensive Warranty support (3 Years)of two sets of Cluster (One Linux based cluster, One windows based cluster) systems, each with 16 nodes, storage, backup system & master node and also one on-site engineer for 3 years to be deployed who is capable of handling the both cluster systems.

The quote for the above requirement should be quoted in two part bid.

Part-1 Technical and Commercial bid

Part-2 Price bid.

PART –I (Technical and Commercial bid):

  1. Technical bid should contain duly filled Company Evaluation sheet.

(Given in Section – III).

  1. Supporting documents should be attached.
  2. Technical brochures, Brand name and model number of the Quoted items should be attached / mentioned.
  3. Specified terms for All Vendors

(1)Excise Duty

(2)Applicability of Excise Duty (whether inclusive or payable etc.), rate of Excise Duty, documentary evidence required, variation, if any, to be allowed, etc., should be incorporated.

(i)In case, as per the offer, the price is exclusive of Excise Duty, which would be payable extra, the Purchase Order/Contract should clearly state that the Excise Duty is payable at thespecified rate in addition to the cost of the stores (instead of simply mentioning Excise Duty payment in an indirect manner).

(ii)In case the offer is silent on whether Excise Duty is separately

payable or not, then subsequent reimbursement of Excise

Duty is not admissible.

(iii)Excise Duty Exemption :

Certainitems(like scientific/technical instruments, apparatus, equipment, computers, etc., including their accessories & spares/consumables, computer software, CD-ROM, proto-types, etc.) made for the R&D Units of the Department are exempt from payment of Excise Duty. Before incorporating the Excise Duty Exemption clause in a Purchase Order/Contract, the Purchase & Stores Officer shall (i) examine whether the stores being ordered fall under the purview of the Excise Duty Exemption Notifications, and (ii) obtain a certificate from the Indentor/User Group that the stores being ordered are covered under the Excise Duty Exemption Notifications and their actual end-use.

For the eligible stores items, i.e., end-products, Excise Duty Exemption certificates shall be issued in favour of the supplier after placement of the Purchase Order/Contract and prior to their despatch.

Excise Duty Exemption certificates should not be issued in favour of third parties for raw materials or other components that go into the manufacture of the end-products.

Excise Duty Exemption certificates may be issued in favour of Original Equipment Manufacturer provided (i) the tender has been received from the sole selling agent of the OEM concerned (for which documentary proof shall be produced), and (ii) a request for issue of Excise Duty Exemption certificate was made in the original offer itself.


(i)With effect from 01.04.2007, the facility of inter-state Purchase by Government Department against Form C&D has been withdrawn. Applicability of VAT/CST (intra-State and inter-State) should be clearly spelt out in the tender..

(ii)The rate of VAT/CST should be shown as a separate item in the Purchase Order/Contract. Even if the tender simply mentions that

VAT/CST will be charged extra, the actual rate of VAT/CST (ascertained to calculate the landed cost) shall be incorporated in the Purchase Order/Contract. If the tender mentions the rate of VAT/CST, the same shall be verified and included in the Purchase Order/Contract.

(iii)In cases where stipulation for tax in the Purchase Order/Contract is subject to legal leviability, subsequent amendment should be issued indicating the new rate.

(3)Octroi & Local Taxes

The Purchase Order/Contract shall require the contractor/supplier to obtain necessary exemption certificate from the Centre/Unit for production before the concerned Local Bodies/Authorities during transportation of the stores items to claim exemption from payment of Octroi & other local taxes.

(4)Customs Duty

(i)Where imported goods are ordered on Indian suppliers against their tender, Customs Duty concession/exemption shall be availed of by the Centres/Units by providing Customs Duty Concession/Exemption Certificates, provided the stores are not sensitive in nature. As such stores are to be transferred to the Centre/Unit by sale in India, other applicable duties and taxes shall be payable as per statutory requirements.

(ii)Customs Duty Exemption Certificate, wherever applicable, shall be issued to a contractor/supplier, on whom the Purchase Order/Contract is placed for the supply of imported stores.


The tenderer has to submit an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for Rs. 2 lakhs in a single installment through Demand Draft (DD)/Banker’s Cheque/ Fixed Deposit Receipts or Bank Guarantee from any of the Scheduled Banks executed on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value. In case of Bank Guarantee, it shall be valid for a period of 45 days beyond the final tender validity date. It shall be taken in favour of Sr. Accounts Officer, SDSC SHAR payable at State Bank of India, Sriharikota branch. Any tender not accompanied with EMD shall be treated as invalid tender and rejected.

Foreign vendors, registered vendors or vendors who have already applied for renewal of registration, Central PSUs/PSEs/Autonomous Bodies, Micro and Small Enterprises, KVIC, National Small Industries Corporation, etc., shall be exempt from the payment of EMD. Vendors seeking exemption from payment of EMD shall submit necessary documentary proof.

EMD of a vendor shall be forfeited if the tenderer/Contractor
withdraws or amends his tender or deviates from the tender in anyrespectwithin the period of validity of the tender. Failure to furnish securitydeposit/performance bond by a successful vendor within the specified period shall also result in forfeiture of EMD

EMD shall be refunded to all the unsuccessful vendors within thirty days after placement of the Purchase Order. EMD shall be refunded to the successful tenderer/Contractor after payment of the Security Deposit or may be adjusted against the Security Deposit. EMD shall be refunded to all the participants in cases where the tender is cancelled or withdrawn by the Centre/Unit, within thirty days from the date of such cancellation or withdrawal.

Validity of Offer

Bid shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 4 (four) months from the due date of submission of the Bid. The Bidder shall not be entitled during the said period to revoke or revise his Bid or to vary the Bid except and to the extent required by SDSC SHAR in writing. Bid shall be revalidated for extended period as required by SDSC SHAR in writing. In such cases, unless otherwise specified, it is understood that validity is sought and provided without varying either the quoted price or any other terms & conditions of Bid finalized till that time.

ARBITRATION: In the event of any dispute or difference arising under these terms & conditions or any condition contained in the Purchase Order or in connection with this Contract. (except as to any matter the decision of which is specially provided for by these conditions), the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Head of the Purchase Office or of some other person appointed by him, and the dispute further processed in terms of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. There will be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government Servant that he had to deal with matter which the Contract relates to or that in the course of his duties as Government Servant has expressed

views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this Contract.

If the arbitrator is the Head of the Purchase Office –

(i) In the event of his being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it shall be lawful for his successor in office either to proceed with the reference himself for to appoint another person as arbitrator, or

(ii)In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Purchase Office to appoint another person as arbitrator.

If the arbitrator is a person appointed by the Head of the Purchase Office – In the event of his denying or neglecting or refusing to act, or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason, shall be lawful for the Head of the Purchase Office either to proceed with the reference himself or to appoint another person as arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator subject, as aforesaid, to the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, and the rules thereunder and any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceeding under the clause. The Arbitrator shall have the power to extend with the consent of the Purchaser and the Contractor the time for making and publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be the place as the Purchaser in his absolute discretion may determine. Work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during Arbitration Proceedings.

Incase of Imported Stores, all disputes arising in connection with this Contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The Contract shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of India.

Liquidated Damages: In the event of the supplier failing to complete the work within the delivery period specified in the contract agreement, the Department shall reserve the right to recover from the supplier as Liquidated Damages, a sum of 0.5% per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the order value for the delayed period of supply.

Security Deposit (SD) :- 10% value of the order shall be deposited with SDSC within 10 days from the date of the Purchase Order towards security deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee towards performance of the Contract valid till completion of the contract period plus sixty days towards claim period. (This will be returned by SDSC immediately on execution of the order satisfactorily as per order terms. If not, the amount will be forfeited).

Performance Bank Guarantee: The successful Tenderer has to submit a PBG from a Nationalised / Scheduled Bank for 10% of the order value at the time of supply valid till the completion of warranty period plus 60 days towards claim period

The tax structure (VAT and Service tax) should be clearly spelt out. SDSC SHAR will provide CDEC for imported items & EDEC for indigenious items. SDSC being a Govt. of India Department, No insurance charge will be borne by us.

PART –II (Price bid):

  1. In Price bid, the price for all the items Quoted should be given.
  2. The quotation should clearly mention all the charges for “FORto SDSC SHAR”.A Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)valid for a period of 2 months after warranty period of 3 years must be executed for 10% of the Order value.
  3. Installation charges and supply cost if any to be indicated clearly.

No / Minimum Qualification Criteria / Fulfilled the specified criteria
Yes /No
1 / The firm should be registered with Registrar of companies and Sales/Trade tax/Service Tax department. Copies of PAN Number/TAN number/Sales Tax number along with registration certificate /service tax number along with registration certificate and Income-tax clearance certificate/Returns for last 03 years must be attached.
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a)Provide PAN Number / TAN Number / Sales Tax Number.
b)Provide Registration Certificate as proof of registration with Registrar of Companies.
c)Provide Income tax return for last 3 years / Income tax clearance certificate.
2. / Establishment of the firm must be more than 10years old, in the business of HPC cluster Solutions at least for the last 5 years and the company turn over should be more than 25 crores.
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a)Provide proof to confirm that the firm is 10 years old.
b)The bidder (System Integrator) should be in the business of HPC cluster solutions at least for last 5 years. Copies of relevant documents should be enclosed.
c)Provide proof to show that company turnover is more than 25 crores every year.
3. / The firm should be an ISO certified organization with the scope of work covering capable of Supply, Installation, Testing and Comprehensive Warranty support. The ISO certificate should be one year old and must be alive.
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a) Provide copy of ISO certificate with scope of work covering capable of supply, installation, testing and comprehensive warranty support.
4 / OEM (Manufactures) should have at least 4 HPC installations in latest listing of India’s super computer
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a) Print of the page from the above hyperlink to be attached.
5 / OEM( Manufactures) should have at least 8 HPC installations in latest listing of
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a) Print of the page from the above hyperlink to be attached.
6 / The bidder (System Integrator) should have implemented at least 5 installation with minimum 40 Node cluster with Infiniband interconnect, 100 TB PFS storage cluster in last 5 years. Supporting documents (PO and Installation Certificates) for the same and list of organizations/institutions along with contact details should be included in the technical bid.
The bidder (System Integrator) should have implemented one Microsoft HPC cluster installation in the above list.Supporting documents (PO and Installation Certificates) for the same along with contact details should be included in the technical bid.
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a). Provide Five Purchase Order copies of which one Purchase Order must be atleast five years old. Provide proof ( one of the PO) for one Microsoft HPC cluster installation. The details of the above order which includes client name, Quantity of supply, contract value and email address of contract manager should be provided.
7 / The Firm must provide customer satisfaction letter from at least two customers preferably from a State/Central Govt. /Quasi Govt./PSU while submitting the technical bids.
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a) Two Customer satisfaction letter preferably from State/Central Govt. / Quasi Govt./ PSU
8 / Attach Authorized Letter from all the OEM’s, authorizing the supplier to quote.
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a) Authorisation letters from all OEM’s. authorizing the supplier to quote
9 / The bidder (System Integrator) should have Technical expertise in implementing cluster which includes installation configuration of hardware and Software suite (Open & Commercial cluster software), maintenance and customization as per requirement. The bidder should provide at least 10 man power listing to support his technical expertise in HPC installation. Should provide details of technical manpower deployed for HPC installation and support.
Firm should provide the following details to confirm the above criteria:
a) Provide details of technical manpower for HPC.(Minimum 10 experts in HPC Solutions)
b) Provide details of support centers.
10 / The firm must provide a self-declaration that there is no complaint/vigilance inquiry against them in any Govt./Department /PSU and they have not been black listed by any Govt. Department/PSU.
11 / Agreeing to all Terms and Conditions mentioned in Clause V (Acceptance Criteria) and Clause VI(Terms & Conditions) of the contract.


The following questionnaire need to be filled and should be signed by a responsible and authorized person of the Company /Agency. Firm should provide only genuine data and any discrepancy found at a later point of time may result in rejection of the bidder from purchase process. Furnishing of data cannot be construed as automatic qualification for participation in the tender.

Sl.No / Description / Vendor Response
Name of the company / :
Type of the Company
(Proprietary/Pvt.Ltd/Public Ltd/Joint Venture/Consortium) / :
Registration number & certificate / :
Name & Address of the Office of the Chief Executive of the Company / :
Contact person for this tender with name & address, contact number and
Email address. / :
Locations of the Branches of Company (if any) / :
From which year the Company is in operation and year of inception / :
The Profit & Loss Account details for the last 3 years which is duly audited and Submitted as part of the Annual Report. / :
in Lakhs only / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
Total assets (i)
Current assets (ii)
Total liabilities (iii)
Current liabilities (iv)
Net Worth (i-iii)
Working capital (ii-iv)
Turnover in lakhs
Profit/Loss in lakhs
The major lines of business: / :
Technical Manpower details / : / Description / No. of Persons / Remarks
Supervisor/ Manager
Major customers / :

12.Details of last fiveyears’ experience inSupply,Installation, Testing and Comprehensive Warranty support:

Sl.No. / Full postal address of the client with Contact Person / Description of the work / Value of the work (Rs. in Lakhs) / Completion Time as per PO

Note: In order to consider as valid experience, all the experience has to be supported with the completion certificate or purchase order and customers feedback form.