School transport - Clackmarras Bus: Could all students using this bus please attenda meetingin the Meeting Room - G54 at 1.30pm today(Tuesday 23rd). (KJG)
S3-S6 Exchange to Germany June 2015: Any current S3 - S6 pupil who is interested in taking part in the June 2015 exchange to Landshut please collect a letter from Mrs Hendry, room B33, before Friday 26th September. (EH)
National Poetry Day is Thursday 2 October: What about You? Do you Remember When you had a favourite object or a favourite place? Tell all in a poem - short, long, funny, sad - it is up to you, but tell us about it and how it made you feel. Please enter into the spirit of National Poetry Day and help to get us all buzzing about poetry. Our visiting poet Richie Brown will judge the entries, so pick up your pen and enjoy writing your poem. Please send your poemin to the library before Thursday 2 October.Thank you! (ST)
Rocket Club: The next meeting will be at 1.15pm in G25 this Thursday 25th - the rocket has arrived! We will need to discuss health and safety, considerpossible launch venues & contact RAF Lossiemouth. All members please attend and bring your money please, unless you have paid. Thanks (Mr Gray, Chemistry, G25)
ML Corridor: This week's tune is Danse by Tal featuring Flo Rida and is in French and in English. It was suggested by our resident dancing queen Mrs Taylor in Guidance. (LL)
School Production – The Steamie: Congratulations! The following pupils have been selected to perform in the school production. An excellentaudition was had by all. Pupilsshould now check ‘TheSteamie’ notice board outsideB57 for notices about rehearsals/info etc. Thank you. (AO-L)
Group 1
KirstyBlair, Erin Stringer, Shona Cumming, Lindsey Elliot, SophieFinlay, Cara Robertson, CarlyJohnson, Beth Carmichael, Mhairi Maclean, Rhea Fraser, EmilyClark, Bethan Robertson
Group 2
MatthewHamilton, Kirsty Anderson, Megan Edwards, GrantOgg, Sopie Wink, Jasmine Robertson,
Fern Beattie, Aaron Reaich
TheSteamie - School production Dec 2014: Please check thenotice boardsoutside MrsOgg's room, regularly for information regarding the production. RehearsalsareeveryTues& Wed 3.30-5pm in B57.Thank you to all pupils who haveauditioned so far. All pupils who have been cast as dancers and actors will be named on the board. IfI have not spoken to you to issue a performance contract, then you have not been selected at this stage, however, we will be running a second round of casting after theOctober break, where we would look to use some of the pupils who have already auditioned -we will keep you posted. Thank you so much to everyone. (AO-L)
European Day of Languages - Friday 26 September; Meine Damen und Herren, Mesdames et Messieurs, Girls and Boys! Guten Abend, bonsoir, wie geht's? Comment ca va? Do you feel good? We bet you do when you read this! Several activities and events have been planned forthis Friday, including:
Speak To Me– Staff will wear badges askingYOU to speak tothem in a foreign language. Ifyou speak in French, German or Spanish to a member of staff, they will signyour planner.There will be a European prize for the pupil who speaks to the most teachers and collects the most signatures.
European food and musicin the canteen at lunchtime and breaktime.
AND...... our own Eurovision Contestin the Library at Lunchtime with Euro singers:four fabulous singers competing for the top prize.Judges will be Mr Davidson, Mr MacWhirter, Mrs Watson and Miss Macphail.In charge will be Mr Clark.Do Not miss this EuroFun event, full of fantastic music, costumes and prizes. Willkomen, bienvenue, welcome to a fabulous European Day of Languages. (ST)
Fitness Club: Fitness Club with Jordan Bitters and Daniel on Thursday every week from 3:30pm – 5pm. Bring a PE kit and a pen or pencil. Meet in the fitness suite at 3:30pm. Open to all pupils and staff.
(J Bitters 5I)
PE Valuables: There have been a few instances recently of items going missing from the PE changing rooms. Please ensure you hand all valuables in to the PE base before you get changed at the start of the period. (MM)
Duke of Edinburgh: Can Stuart Berrill 3G and Kirsty Berrill 3G please see Mrs Gowanlock. Thank you.
S1 and S2Novelties Book Group: Will meet in the library on Wednesday at 1.10pm. The Grampian Book Awards list on the library door, so make sure you read the blurbs and let Mrs Toonen know your top six. (ST)
S4 Pupil Council Meeting: There will be a S4 Pupil Council Meeting on Wed 24th Sept at 11:00 in the Meeting room. (AW)
H Biology Highland Wildlife Visit: All H Biology S5/6 pupils attending the visit to the HighlandWildlifePark should attend registration on Friday then go to the bus area at the start of Period 1. (RG)
S6 Advanced Higher Aberdeen University Trip: All those going on the Aberdeen University Trip must attend a meetingtoday (Tuesday) at 1.10pm in the library as there will be important information shared. If you can not attend, then please see MrsToonen or Mr Abenheimer. Please remember forms and money for the trip on 7 October. These must be handed to Mrs Toonen by today. (ST)