Gospel Survey

Use Jesus Ministry with Disciples by Season.pdf, Method and Message of Jesus Teaching - Chapter 4 Kingdom of God.pdf, Israel Region Map.pdf, and the below outline.


Piecing four gospels together

Synoptic Gospels: Matthew and Luke worked off of Mark and maybe “Q”

  • “Q” is an abbreviation of German Quelle meaning “source.” Matthew and Luke have too many word-for-word parallels outside of Mark to have been written without another common source. No manuscript exist for Q, it is a constructed assumption.

Gospels authors are selective and adaptive.

Matthew (60’s/70’s) – Jesus in Jewish terms

Mark (50’s) – Jesus in Greek terms

Luke (60’s/70’s) – Jesus in Professional terms

John (85 or later) – Evangelistic (“these things are written so that you may believe”); may also have been designed to combat heresies such as Gnosticism.

Outline – 30 year private life, becomes a rabbi, 3 years public ministry

  1. Preview of who Jesus is
  2. Jesus’ early years – Birth, age 12 Temple events
  3. Cousin John paving the way, Baptizes Jesus and inaugurates His public ministry
  4. In Galilee (Galilee is the agrarian working class, Judea is merchant & trade class)
  5. Miracles and Healings especially prevalent early on
  6. Calling the 12 - plans to release church fathers)
  7. Sermon on the Mount – connects OT and NT (Matthew 5-7)
  8. Parables in an agrarian context – soil, seed, harvest, yeast
  9. Beelzebub rejection – turn in Jesus ministry: Private training for the 12 instead of Messianic signs for public settings, moved mainly in Gentile areas (avoiding Jewish persecution), used parables so that only seekers would learn.
  10. Gentile Areas Surrounding Galilee - Discusses death, Messiah-ship, and true religion primarily with the 12
  11. Judean Ministry
  12. Pointed saying against the Pharisees (against their interpretation, authenticity, and cold hearts)
  13. Several attempts to arrest and kill Jesus
  14. Perea
  15. Pulls a little bit away from the hot-bed of conflict he stirred in Judea – “not his time”
  16. Discusses what it means to follow him – count the cost, associate with sinners, proper use of money
  17. Last and greatest signs – raising Lazarus
  18. Jerusalem
  19. Triumphant entry
  20. Fields question on taxes, resurrection, and his authority before silencing the traps with his own question on why David would call his son Lord.
  21. Olivet Discourse - Nearness & watchfulness for the Kingdom
  22. Last Supper
  23. Upper Room Discourse (John 14-17) – unity with God and believers, prayer promised, the coming Holy Spirit.
  24. Betrayal, Trial, Execution, Resurrection – removed guilt, bore wrath, imparted righteousness, conquered death, established a new humanity destined for glory
  25. Final appearances explaining resurrection and pointing to the Holy Spirit.