Colusa County


September 21, 2016

CCRCD Meeting Minutes

DIRECTORS PRESENT: Bob Alvernaz, Ben Felt, Jay Dee Garr, and Beth Nall

Directors Absent: Tom Hickok, Gil Ramos, Kim Gallagher


OTHERS PRESENT: Patti Turner-CCRCD Executive Director, Jackie Wasche-new CCRCD Natural Resource Coordinator, Mary Fahey-Colusa County Water Resources Coordinator, John Loudon- Colusa County Supervisor, Amy Gibbon-Community Member interested in volunteering time to the CCRCD

Ben Felt, CCRCD President called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm in Suite A3 at the Colusa Industrial Park, 100 Sunrise Blvd., Colusa, Ca.,


Turner provided a written report from Andrea Casey-NRCS District Conservationist on current activities in the NRCS Colusa Field Office.

Colusa County Supervisor John Loudon gave a brief update on current activities to reopen the hospital in Colusa.

Mary Fahey the Water Resources Coordinator for the Colusa County Ag Department gave an update on the county’s activities to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). She explained the draft plan to include the private groundwater pumpers in the new Colusa County Groundwater Commission made up of water agencies to be formed. She provided a list of eligible agencies that could serve as Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSA). She stated that Resource Conservation District is included on that list but understands how RCDs might be reluctant to serve in a regulatory capacity if required. Fahey also provided copies of the results from a GPS subsidence survey completed by NASA in the spring of 2016 in an area of Colusa County. The survey showed substantial subsidence in the Arbuckle area. She explained the urgency of completing new subsidence monitoring similar to what the CCRCD participated with in 2008. The CCRCD commended Fahey on the excellent work she is doing to facilitate the creation of a workable plan to meet the state’s new groundwater requirements in a timely fashion.


A motion was made by Nall to approve the August 17, 2016 minutes as mailed. The motion was seconded by Alvernaz and passed with 4 ayes, 0 noes, and 3 absent (Hickok, Gallagher, Ramos)


The Directors received a balance sheet for the period of August 17-September 20, 2016. The CCRCD’s fund balances were as follows: checking account $866.47 petty cash account $92.04; CCRCD General Fund (03200) $35,486.83; sales tax (03201) $0, CCRCD Misc. Projects (032025) $10,395.29; Upper Stony Fuel Treatment (032031) $0; Specialty Crop Block Grant (032026) $3,671.73 and Clearing Account fund (032001) $0.

The Board was presented with two (2) claims for approval: Petty Cash claim in the amount of $541.49; and Iris Software in the amount of $44.25 for the CCRCD’s website domain fees for 2014, 2015 and 2016. A motion was made by Alvernaz and seconded by Garr to approve the financial report as submitted and two claims. The motion passed with 4 ayes, 0 noes, and 3 absent (Hickok, Gallagher, Ramos).


The dates of the normal October and November meeting dates were discussed. The CCRCD’s annual Speak-Off contest will be held on October 5th in the Colusa Industrial Park Conference Room. Turner asked the Board if they would like to have a short meeting before the Speak-Off contest in-lieu of the regular meeting scheduled for October 19th. She mentioned October 19th is also the date of the CARCD Sac Valley Region Fall meeting. The board agreed to hold the October meeting on October 5th in conjunction with the Speak-Off Contest. Turner stated that on the normal November 16th meeting date she will be in Ontario at the CARCD Conference. She asked if the board would like to reschedule the meeting to the prior week. The board was agreeable to change the November 2016 meeting date to the 9th.

Turner updated on the Board on the finalization of the NRCS Cooperative Agreement and hiring of the new Natural Resource Coordinator. She asked Jackie Wasche to tell the board a little bit about herself. Wasche gave a summary of her education and job experience that supports the job requirements of the new CCRCD Natural Resource Coordinator. She stated her background experience and family connections to agriculture. The board welcomed Wasche to the CCRCD Team. Turner reported she will meet with Wasche next week to discuss the opportunities for her to work on other CCRCD projects along with the NRCS and Audubon agreements.

Turner reported the Audubon contract should be submitted to the CCRCD for approval in the next couple of weeks. She asked the board for approval for the CCRCD President to sign the document as soon as it is received to expedite the start of Wasche’s work at the Davis Home Ranch. Jay Dee made a motion to authorize Felt to sign the document as soon as it is received and reviewed by Turner. The motion was seconded by Nall and passed with 4 ayes, 0 noes, and 3 absent (Hickok, Gallagher, Ramos).

Turner explained the conflicts between the CCRCD’s Personnel Policy and 457 Retirement Plan. She stated that CCRCD policy only provides benefits to non-temporary employees that work a minimum of 50% of a full time equivalent. She stated the 457 Plan allows any employee to participate in the plan after working 90 days. She asked the Board what their intent was and stated the 457 Plan can be amended. She stated that this needs to be cleared up at this time due to the hiring of a new employee. After much discussion and clarifications a motion was made by Nall and seconded by Jay Dee to amend the 457 Plan to match the CCRCD’s Personnel Policy. The motion passed with 4 ayes, 0 noes, and 3 absent (Hickok, Gallagher, Ramos).


Turner presented a written report on the progress of the District’s active projects completed since the last board meeting. The items that were not previously reported during the meeting were noted. Some of the highlights included:

Colusa County Grown-Specialty Crop Grant: Turner reported the Colusa County Grown Road Trip has been postponed due to a lack of RSVPs. She said she will use stakeholder input to schedule a new date more convenient to the target audience of the event. She also stated there was funding in the project for additional hours for Wasche to assist with the project. The creation of the next Food Guide will begin this Fall/Winter for printing in late winter or early spring. The next CCG Stakeholder Meeting will need to be planned and held in the next couple of months.

Forest Service Cooperative Agreement: All invoices are paid in full and next deliverable will be the project tour held after the Forest Service has completed the prescribed burn this fall.

Audubon: Waiting for contract in the next couple of weeks.

NRCS Cooperative Agreement: Contract is completed and will allow Wasche to work 15 hours per week for the next year with the potential to extend for another year at a reduced level.

Turner is keeping up with her leadership academy obligations as her time allows. She will need to complete a poster for the project to be displayed at the CARCD Annual Conference.

Turner reminded the board that the CARCD Speak-Off Contest will be held on October 5th at the CIP Conference room. She stated the need for Directors to be judges on this year’s theme which is: Based on history what is your conservation dream and how can Resource Conservation Districts be involved?” Turner stated she is concerned about student participation due to the retirement of Mr. Green at Pierce High School. Amy Gibbons reported on her efforts to bring the new Ag Teacher at Pierce High School up to speed on the contest. She stated that there are three students interested. Amy also took the opportunity to explain her interest in the CCRCD and desire to volunteer time. Her area of highest interest and experience is with Forestry issues.

Turner provided information on the upcoming CARCD Sacramento Valley Fall Meeting and Regional Speak-Off Contest to be held on October 19th in Orland. She requested that any Directors interested in attending should RSVP to her by October 12th.

Turner announce she has registered herself for the CARCD Annual Conference and the free Day of Training in Ontario held between November 16th and 18th. The 15th and 19th will be travel days. She stated her total expenses will be around $1200 but most will be reimbursed by the Golden State Risk Management Authority scholarship she received in the amount of $1000. She will also be able to split the room cost with the NRCS Agreement since Wasche will also be attending.

Turner reported that Gallagher, Felt, Casey and she had attending the Local Workgroup Meeting hosted by the CCRCD on September 7th in the CIP Conference Room. Turner had offered to host the event with hopes of increasing attendance by local producers to obtain input on local priority natural resource concerns. She stated Colusa County faired very well in receiving EQIP contracts and cost share during the 2016 funding cycle. She reported that the Conservation Stewardship Program has been revamped this year. Also coming out of the meeting was the concept of California RCD’s initiating efforts to cause the addition of “groundwater recharge” to NRCS’s list of resource concerns.

Turner announced that Golden State Risk Management Authorities annual conference will take place on October 20th and 21st. She had information to provide to any interested Directors.

Other Reports; Turner advised the group that there is going to be management plan development workshops for the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument. The closest workshop to our area will be held in Willows on October 4th.




The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm by President Ben Felt. The next regular monthly meeting and Speak-Off Contest will be held at 5:00 on Wednesday, October 5 in the CIP Conference Room, 100 Sunrise Blvd., Colusa Industrial Park, Colusa,, CA.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patti Turner-Secretary/Treasurer-Colusa Co. RCD