Piddinghoe Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Village Hall, Piddinghoe, on Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 7.30pm
Councillors, Nick Woolger, David Aicken, Debbie Mills, Angela Ridge. Julian Peterson (Clerk). Councillor Carla Butler(ESCC) 16 Members of the public.
Apologies for Absence: Councillor Vic Ient (LDC) Maria Caulfield MP
Minutes The amended minutes of the meeting held on 22nd November 2016 were AGREED by Council and signed by the Chairman.
Disclosure of Interests. None from Councillors.
Public Participation. Vice Chairman, Nick Woolger invited members of the public to ask any questions concerning items on the agenda at this point rather than during the meeting.
Councillor Butler stated that East Sussex County Council were working on their budgets making the required savings. Carla Butler said that she was ensuring that she would protect the most vulnerable from the cuts.
Noel West on behalf of Action for Piddinghoe’s project The all weather path along the river bank stated they now have the Environment Agency’s permit for the project.
They will clarify the land owners permission.
Legal opinion had been sought and that it was legal for cyclists to dismount and push their bikes along a footpath.
The Chairman thanked Noel West on behalf of the Parish Council and residents for his presentation the previous week, and his work behind the scenes to bring the project to its current state.
Jan Knowlson .SDNP Eastern Downs Ranger was invited to speak;
She stated that once the path is completed they can fund and install a possible replacement for the Kissing Gate. A picture was bought along but the design would be a “ Hunt gate”the same as gates along the South Downs Way. They would have a single lever so they could slam shut.
The clerk was asked about the process of replacing the former Councillor Dennis Stow. The clerk replied that LDC had been informed and he will put the Notices of Election on the notice boards when they are received. The clerk was asked about the cost of election. The clerk will consult LDC on the possible cost of an election and publish them. Also should an election be called 10 people will need to write to LDC asking for an election. Otherwise it is possible for the Council to co-opt a Councillor.
Councillor Woolger thanked Councillor Ient for his report and Maria Caulfield’s report which was summarised.
1. Councillor Dennis Stow’s resignation was accepted. Councillor Stow was thanked for his seven years of service to Piddinghoe.
2. Councillor Woolger was proposed by Cllr Mills and seconded by Cllr Ridge to become Chairman. Councillor Woolger accepted . Cllr David Aicken was proposed by Cllr Mills and seconded by Cllr Ridge. To become Vice Chairman, Cllr Aicken accepted.
3. The clerk will notify Lewes District Council as required of the changes
4. Council accepted the accounts as prepared by Councillor Debbie Mills. The balances are stated below as for 17/01/2017 Current Account £8466.97
Outstanding £ 150.00
Vat claimed £ 850.29
Total £9167.26
Outstanding invoice that had been received 17/01/2017 from Barcombe Landscapes for £480.00
Also there is the possible cost of a possible forthcoming election.
(Valerie Mellors) Savings Account £21474,10
Inc interest (£126.91)
Vat claimed £3967.00
Total £25441.10
It was also resolved that Council will transfer £3000.00 into a reserve account as formerly agreed.
4. Council noted a report from the RFO Councillor Debbie Mills concerning the budget for the years2017/18 The draft Budget for 20171/8 will be £9191.00
5. The Precept of £10194.00 will not be increased. There will be a small reduction in the amount received due to the withdrawal of the grant from LDC. In spite of this Council will not increase their Share of Council tax again this year. A vote of thanks was given to Cllr Debbie Mills for her work preparing the budget.
6. The All Weather Footpath; Council thanked Noel West for his excellent presentation last week, and progressing this project. Council welcomed the project in principle as it was no 5 in its list of projects to complete. It was welcomed that Public liability insurance was accepted from ESCC .
That access steps to the Hoe would be looked into.
The possibility of marking boarders with gates with funding from the SDNP.
The Council will need to see the following documents
· A written copy of consent from the landowner.
· Written authority from the Environment Agency (Flood Protection)
· Written authority from ESCC (responsibility for footpaths upkeep and liability)
· Written authority from the SDNP.
That Council will work with Noel West on this project.
That a meeting will be arranged before the 28 February.
7. In the summer a group of cyclists were seen cycling through a family with small children playing cricket on the Hoe. 15 groups of cyclists have been seen (with cameras?) were witnessed crossing the Hoe on Sunday mornings. The clerk was instructed to consult with Seahaven Cycling club to achieve a safe solution to this problem . possibly asking cyclists to dismount whilst crossing the Hoe.
8. Cllr Ient’s report to be published on the website
1. It was agreed that work would not start on the verges alongside the village lane until the lighting project had been done . It was hoped this could be completed in early spring, compost would be used from the compost heap.
2. The damaged bench by the play area will be removed from the Hoe and the shrubs by the gate will be cut back further. Council is still looking for a properly insured self employed person to do minor works of improvements on the Playground as previously discussed.
3. Dates for the next meeting
Tuesday 14th March 2017
Tuesday 25th April 2017(Parish meeting)
Tuesday 2nd May 2017(AGM and Council Meeting)
Tuesday 11thJuly
2017 meetings to be arranged
Julian Peterson
PPC Clerk