After booting up, the following menu will be shown:
│File 文件调入├file management
│Trans 格式转换├code translate: 3B->G, DXF, etc.
│Comm. 联 机├RS232 dialogue between two HL system
│Var. 系统参数├date, time and system variable setting
│eXam 模拟切割├examing 3B file
│Work 加 工├working menu
│Pro 绘图编程├excute AUTOP subprogram
│[3B] 输 入├3B code file editor
│Edit 输入编辑├APT language editor
│drAw 编程输出├drawing diagram/producing 3B from APT
│[F1] 帮 助├show this help file
Press red capital letter or move cursor to select submenu.
Press [Tab] will demo all graphic drawing in the library.
Press[Esc] will quit to DOS, type HL again to go back.
1、Edit: APT language editor
The backup filename is BK and the default filename is NON or
you can choose any name with no suffix.
1. Editor operation:
[F1] help.
[F2] file merge.
[F3] save to library or to disk by adding A:,B: prior filename.
[F4] restore deleted lines.
[F5] clear screen.
[F6][F7] print.
[F8] calculator.
[F9] drawing
[Alt][B] generate 3B code.
2. Editing keys
[ALT]+L,Z,D,C : select,deselect,delete,copy;
[Ctrl]+Y : delete one line;
[Enter] : insert one line;
[Ctrl]+U : restore deleted line;
[Home] [End] ↑↓←→: move cursor;
[Del], [←Back] : delete to left/right;
[PgUp] [PgDn] : page up/down.
3. APT language:the following will explain rules for
programming a drawing which consists of lines and arcs.
A. Function letter: a slash will be added automaticaly.
<1>. Starting line:
\V X_ Y_ D_ B_ F_ I_ J_ P_ O_ K_ N±_
in which:
X±Y±start point(R A,R D will be available)
D± Offset,left '-' , right '+'.
B Rounding radius, must be larger than offset.
F, I Actual / drawing ratios(default=1)
J Precision for formulation curve,default=10
Pn~m Select lines form n to m for getting calculate results.
The results will be in a file wirh suffix .MID
O, K Center of the drawing.
N±n Select which line you want to start and the direction
All letters except X and Y can be skipped, but must be in-order.
<2>. Rotation:
\U X Y(center) A(angle) Z(times) N(start line) N±(end line)
<3>. Symmetry:
\S X Y(center) A(angle) Z(times) N(start line) N(end line)
<4>. Move:
\M X Y(to where) Z(times) N(start line) N±(end line)
<5>. End mark:
\E H(thick of work piece) R(unit price)
B. Syntax: all unit is in mm.
<1>. Points:
1) X±Y± coordinate
2) R A± polar coordinate
3) Pn the point of line n(or center of arc n)。
5) P L=n D L=N D
6) P L=n D R or P L=n D C=n
7) P C=n R or P C=n C=n
<2>. Lines:
1) point-angle: L X Y A or L R A A or L Pn A
2) point-angle with shift: L X Y A D or L Pn A D , etc.
3) point-point: L X Y X Y or L R A Pn or L Pn Pn
4) point-point with shift: L X Y Pn D OR L R A D D , EXT.
5) re-draw line with shift or rotating:
L=n A D (A, D can be skipped)
6) common tangent: L
7) tangent: L X Y C=n or L R A C=n
L C=n X Y or L C=n R D
8) point-angle L Pn A (n: line No. of an arc)
L X Y Pn or L Pn X Y
<3>. Arc and circle:(R: '+' for clkwise, '-' for counterclkwise)
1) center-radius:
C X Y R or C R A R or C R D R , etc.
2) point-point-radius:
C X Y X Y R or C R A R D R , etc.
3) point-point-point:
C X Y Pn Pn or C X Y R A R D , etc.
4) center-point:(? can be skipped)
C X Y X Y R±?
5,6) Center-tangency to line/circle
C X Y L=n R±? or C X Y C=n R±? (D)
7) point-radius-tangency to line/circle
C X Y L=±n R or C X Y C=±n R (D)
8) line-line-radius:
C X Y=n D R or C X=n D Y R
9) rounding:tangency to the before and the following line/arc:
C R or C R C(L)=n
10) common tangency to line L and the before and the following
line/arc: C? L X Y A or C? L=n
11) get arc from line n: C=n
12) whole circle: C@ X Y R A(start angle)(default=90 degree)
<4>. Gear:A tooth consist of 10 sections of 3B or 12 sections
after rounding.
G Z(No. of tooth) R(ration) A(start angle) Z(actual No. of
tooth) A(angle) X(Variant) D(tooth width) H(tooth high) L(tooth
low) B(bottom round)
A minu value for 1st Z means inner gear, a minu value for 2nd
Z means starting from top of the tooth, a minus R means rever-
se; When the last 8 parameters omitted, it is a standard gear
with default value: 1st A=0,2nd A=20,X=1,D=0.5,H=1,L=0.25,B=0.3.
allow value:R>=0.1; X=-1.8~+1.8; D=0.1~0.5; H=0.5~1.
<5>. Formulation Curve:the J value in starting line(the \V line)
claims how many degrees that a section of 3B represents.
Ellipse:Q1 R(X radius) R(Y radius) A(start angle) A(end angle)
Q1 R(X radius) R(Y radius) X(Y)±(start) X(Y)±(end)
Parabola:Q2 H(high) D(distance)
Spiral:Q3 A(start angle) R(radius) A(end angle) R(radius)
Cycloid:Q4 R(darius)
Involute:Q5 R(base radius) X Y(start) X Y(end)
Q5 R(base radius) A(start angle) A(spread out angle)
A(spin angle)
Q5 R(base radius) X Y(start) A(spread out angle)
Counterclockwise when R or A is minus.
<6>. List Curve:only one line needs D value, the following line
inherit that D.
Angular List Curve: encircles the original point, varies with
angle and radius.
1st line:
T D(increment) A(start angle) R(start radius) R(next radius)
next line:
R(next radius)
T D R (when D needs to change.)
Coordinate List Curve:
1st line: T D(distance) X Y(start) Y(next high)
next lines: Y(next high)
T D Y (when D needs to change.)
2、File: file management
The C-drive is a compress library in SRAM storage which is bat-
tery saved when power off, shown as [WS-C] in the list window.
Function keys:
[ENTER]:Load a file to the Ramdrive and to the Editor. When more
than 1 file are selected, load them to the Ramdrive only.
[F3] :Save file/files. For [WS-C], save the whole [WS-C] to disk.
[F4] :Change drive.
[F5] :Rename a file.
[F6] :Restore deleted files.
[F8] :Re-sort file list.
[F9] :Select file format.
[Tab]:Drawing a file when it is a drawing file.
[Del]:Delete file.
[Spacebar] Select/Deselect, [Alt]+[Spacebar]:Select/Deselect all.
[ESC] Go back.
3、drAw: draw an APT file when it is in the editor, and compile
it into 3B code file (the working file).
The sub-menu shows:
│drAw 绘图 ├1.drawing
│Edit 编辑 ├2.back to editor
│Bfile编程 ├3.generat 3B code file
1. Drawing function keys:
[TAB],[0] : re-draw [Esc] : go back
[+], [-] : Zoom in/out [Enter] : original scale
[F6],[F7] : print graphic →←↑↓: paning
[Spacebar]: single step [F8] : stop printing
[C] : cancel single step
2. Editor. see chapter 1.1
3. Compile the APT file to 3B or G coe file:
│[.B] 3B格式 ├1. generate 3B code file
│[.G] ISO格式 ├2. generate G code file
4、Trans: code translate
DXF->DAT: translate DXF file to DAT file for AUTOP program. The
DXF file must be in DXF of AUTOCAD R12. When sections
more than 500, more than one DAT files will be created.
5、Comm: RS232 dialogue between two HL system
A standard RS232 with 9600,n,8,1, is used for communication,
COM1/COM2 is selected automatically.
6、Var. : system variable setting
1.Date 日期 Enter to change, in format YY-MM-DD
2.Time 时间 Enter to change, in format HH:MM:SS
3.autop.cfg设置 the first 3 digits for AUTOP parameters, and the
last 1 digit for ENGLISH/CHINESE, default = 1211.
4.Printer打印机 (TX-850;LX-800;FX-100;LQ1500;IBM...)
5.PrnXY打印比例 10 - 25 print ratio for graph printing
6.Bell beep
7.3B终点坐标 enable showing X,Y end point in 3B file generated
8.3B输出行数 the maximum 3B lines can be generated from APT.
[Enter],[PageUp],[PageDown] and arrow keys to modify.
7、eXam: examing 3B file or emulating cut working
Operation are same as in chapter 8.
After 3B file selected:
[F1] emulating cut work start
[F2] emulating cut work start in reverse
[F3] cut work parameter setting
[F4] quick calculte, show end point of the cut working
8、Work: cut working start here
1. Cut: start cut working for the selected 3B file
1) select 3B file.
2) [F1] start cut work [F2] start cut work in reverse
[F3] cut work parameter setting:
│V.F. 变 频├1.V/F. The higher value, the lower gap voltage.
│Offset 补偿值├2.offset, left '+', right '-'
│Gradient 锥 度├3.sub-menu for gradient/taper cutting
│Ratio 加工比例├4.ratio for actual work
│Axis 坐标转换├5.axis rotation and symmetry
│Loop 循环加工├6.repeat cut work, 1: ones,2: twice, max. 255
│Step 步 速├7.sub-menu for motor speed control
│XYUV 拖板调校├8.sub-menu for moving platforms
│Autoback 回退├9.autoback for cut working when short occured
│HFdelay 清 角├10.seconds of H.F. delay for each section
│Hours 机时├11.work hours accumulation
[Enter],[PageUp],[PageDown] and arrow keys to modify or [Enter]
to set values in mm unit.
Sub-menu for gradient/taper cutting:
│Degree 锥 度├1.degree for gradient/taper [Note 1]
│File2 异形文件├2.[Enter] to select the upper file [Note 2]
│Width 工件厚├3.piece high of the cutting material, diagram 1
│Base 基准面高├4.the base high of the machine(see Fig. 1)
│Height 丝架距├5.the machine high(between axle of tow wheels)
│Idler 导轮半径├6.radius of the idler wheel, 0 when not need.
│Vmode 锥度模式├7.mechanism mode: slide/lever [Note 3]
│Rmin 等圆半径├8.all R which are smaller or equal to Rmin are
│ │ not treated as gradient/taper.[Note 1]
│Cali. 校正计算├9.calculation for Base and Height [Note 4]
[Enter] to set values (unit: mm or degree)
[Note 1]: left '+', right '-'. i.e.: Along the cutting direction,
'+' incline to left as well as '-' to right. You may also insert
commands in 3B file for gradient control:
1. DEG=X(degree): total degree = Degree+X.
2. UV: from next line, UV won't go until next UV line inserted.
3. ER: the next arc will not treadted as gradient/taper.
[NOte 2]: File2 describes the shape of the upper side of the
workpiece(see Fig. 1). When the two files have the same No. of
3B sections, each section will start and stop at the same time
for 2 sides. When the No. of 3B setions are no the same, the cut-
in/cut-out lines will start and stop at the same time, while the
other lines will synchronously move according to the total steps
of the upper side and the lower side.
[Note 3]: If the axle of the idler wheel can swing along the V
motor moves, select lever mode for your machine, otherwise select
slide. Press ENTER 3 times to change. The HL system will greatly
improve the cutting precision if your machine is slide mode.
[Note 4]: You can calculate the more accurate values for Base and
Height for your machine. By measuring a rough values of them and
cutting up a taper cylinder, put the measured values into the
formular and simply get the the answer.
__________upper idler wheel
molybdenum wire ⊙……⊙……………………………………
| upper side of the workpiece ↑
……┌──┼───┐← │
WIDTH-high of↑│workpiece│ Height-machine high
workpiece ↓│ | │↓ │
┌─┴──┼───┴─┐ │
│ | │ ↓
______ ⊙…………………………………………
lower idler wheel ↑BASE-base high of the machine
[Fig.1]: Gradient/Taper cutting pattern
For all mechanism, the base high and the machine high must be
measured from a point which is not move at any time(i.e. the
fulcrum or the point on which a lever turns).
Sub-menu for motor speed control:
│XY 速 度├1.manual speed for XY motors(unit:μ/sec)
│UV 速 度├2.manual speed for UV motors(unit:μ/sec)
│XY 限 速├3.Max. speed for XY motors(unit:μ/sec)
│UV 限 速├4.Max. speed for UV motors(unit:μ/sec)
[Enter],[PageUp],[PageDown] and arrow keys to set.
item 3,4 are the Max. speed for your machine and should not be
modified arbitrarily.
Sub-menu for moving platforms(motor move manually):
│XY 拖板调校├1.move the X or Y platforms
│UV 拖板调校├2.move the U or V platforms
│Motor 步距角├3.motor type, press 3 times ENTER to change
└──────┘ 3/3 : 3 phase 3 beat
3/6 : 3 pahse 6 beat
5/10: 5 phase 10 beat
Press [Enter], then arrow keys to move. Spacebar to reset. Key-in
a value to move to certain distance. [ENTER] again when finished.
3) System contorl and status for cut work control:
Function Keys Keyboard Lights
[F10]: Manual/auto switch, NumLock on:auto off: manual
[F11]: H.F. switch, CapsLock on: H.F. on off: H.F. off
[F12]: Motor switch, ScrollLock on: lock off: unlock
All keyboard lights should be on for ordinary cut working.
【NOTE】: For No. 1 machine, function Keys and Keyboard Lights
will be functioning even not in the work sub-menu. For the No.2 -
4 machines, function will only be functioning in its work submenu.
4) While cut working, press spacebar to pause, and then select
continue, stop working, backward or go back to starting point.
[Ctrl]+[E]: stop working;
[F]: set a 'F' mark on the current 3B line, insert pause when
current 3B line finished. Press 'F' again to cancel.
[F3]: cut work parameter setting (See chapter 8.1)
[Esc] go back to main menu
5) Operation for chapter 3.1 is available during cut working.
6) You may exit HL system while cut work undergoing.
7) Power failure protection: all works will be resumed once
the system get back again.
8) Press [Ctrl]+[W] (or [O]/[R]/[K]) in the main-menu, you can
resume the last work stopped.
9) Simply hit '1', '2', '3' or '4', to the respective machine.
2. Focus: position center of a hole or edge to a workpiece.
[F1]: finding center of a hole automatically.
[Ctrl]+arrow keys: stop at the edge of the workpiece.
9、[ F1 ] help: show this help file.