Month: ______



Physiology Current Event Analysis

Instructions: Select an article of at least 300 words or more from a newspaper, news magazine, or Internet site.

After carefully reading the article, complete the following questions and attach a copy of the article to the back of the assignment sheet.

Before you print article, do a print preview. This will help you eliminate any unwanted pages and save paper. Be prepared to present your article to the class. One current event analysis is due monthly. The current event may only be from the current month. Older articles are no longer “current.”

You will send me the assignment via Schoology. If I do not have your work by 3pm the day your current event is due, it is LATE and points will be deducted. If you are absent, it is expected that you email your current event to me the day it is due before 3pm. Remember…Schoology time stamps all submitted files so I will know if your work is late or not.

1. Title of your Article: ______

2. What newspaper, magazine, or Internet site did the article appear in?


Date ______Page ______

3. Check the one that fits the best. ______World ______National ______State ______ Local

4. Define UNKNOWN words.(Minimum 5 words.)

a) Highlight OR underline words in the article that you are not familiar with. (If you know all the words in the article, still look up five words to receive credit.)

b) DO NOT use abbreviations such as U.S.A., C.E.R.N., etc. OR people such as Isaac Newton, etc.

c) Use the spaces below, to write out the words and their meanings.


5. Summarize the article. Do not simply copy a news event. Explain the event in your own words. USE ALL OF THE SPACE PROVIDED.


6. Answer all of the following questions: A. Express your opinion about the information in the article. B. What did you learn from the article? C. How can the information affect your life? Or, if the information does not affect your life, whose life would it affect, and in what way?


7. If you were going to write a detailed report about the topic covered in the article, what are three questions that you would ask in order to acquire additional relevant information that was not mentioned in the article?

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


8. With very brief answers (one or two word responses if possible), address the following questions. These will help you prepare to present the material to the class without rereading your article or summary.

1) Who was the article about?

2) What was the article about?

3) When did the event occur?

4) Where did the event occur?

5) Why did the event occur?