Sean D. Fournier (505)844-7838 , Sonoya T. Shanks (505)844-7864

Summary - The Federal Radiological Monitoring Assessment Center (FRMAC) Laboratory Analysis Working group has developed a website where radiological laboratories can submit analytical results and view information on samples that are being shipped to them for analysis. This "Web Portal" acts as an interface for electronic analytical analysis results provided by off-site laboratories to the to the data repository, RAMS (Radiological Assessment and Monitoring System). RAMS is an online data repository used by DOE Consequence Management to store and view data from measurements and field samples during a radiological response. The information stored in RAMS is often sensitive and is not open to the public so laboratories were sending analytical results via email. Uploading sample result data in the old system was very time consuming and often required more manpower than what was available.

When an analysis request is generated in RAMS, the laboratory point of contact is sent an email informing them that they will be receiving samples. Also included in this email are instructions on how to login to the website and view information regarding the batch of samples being shipped. This will allow the laboratory to prepare the facility to accept the samples and perform the requested analyses efficiently. When the analysis is complete, laboratories will be able to post sample results manually or via the FRMAC Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD). Allowing the laboratories to enter sample result data external to RAMS and have that information be sent digitally to the RAMS database greatly increases the efficiency of the FRMAC response. This presentation served as a demonstration of this new system and provided the audience a chance to provide suggestions for possible improvements to the website.

Acknowledgment:The authors wish to acknowledge the support of Sandia National Laboratories, Chainbridge Technologies, ORISE/ORAU for their contributions leading to the successful completion of this project.

Disclaimer: Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.