Physics ● Spring 2013

J. Oglesby

Welcome to Physics at ModelHigh School for the fall semester of the 2012 – 2013 school year. We have an exciting year ahead of us as we work together towards academic success and achievement in our school. I believe this can best be accomplished through a partnership between the teacher, the student, and the parents.

I will communicate class information through the school website. Student grades will be updated on a continuous basis through i-Parent. You (parents and students) can contact me through whatever means is most comfortable and convenient for you. I am available through email, phone call, or a conference. Please make sure I always have the most current contact information for your family.

The following is a list of materials, a brief course outline, a binder list, and student academic and behavioral expectations for all students.

● 1 Binder (1 or 1.5 inch)
● 1 Packet of Dividers (5 Tab with No Pockets)
● College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper
● Ink Pens (Black, Blue, Purple, or Green)
● Highlighters (You choose the colors)
● Crayons
● Calculator
(May use the same one that you use for Math
Or get a cheap one for under $5.00)
● Pencil Pouch / Physics Course Outline:
The Physics curriculum is designed to continue student investigations of the physical sciences that began in grades K-8 and provide students the necessary skills to be proficient in physics. This curriculum includes more abstract concepts such as interactions of matter and energy, velocity, acceleration, force, energy, momentum, and charge. Students investigate physics concepts through experiences in laboratories and field work using the processes of inquiry.
Physics is a required class for graduation.
Hewitt, Paul G. (2009). Conceptual physics. Boston, Massachusetts:Pearson.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Students will be expected to turn in all work
assigned on time which is the due date
BEFORE the bell rings.
2. Students are expected to make up all work
missed during an excused absence from
school. It is the student’s responsibility to
ask the teacher for the assignments at the
appropriate time before class.
This must be arranged within 3 days
after returning to school.
3. Students are expected to be seated before the bell rings. Any student not seated when the bell rings will be counted tardy.
1st tardy = warning
2nd tardy = lunch detention
3rd tardy = teacher detention and call home
4th tardy = D-Hall / Classroom Expectations (Continued):
4. Students are expected to be :
*****Responsible: on time to class, in your seat,
prepared for class with pens, highlighters, book,
and binder.
*****Respectful: treat others as you would like to be
treated, not disrupt the teacher and/or fellow
classmates remember this is a learning
*****Ready: come with an attitude to work hard and
to not be lethargic.
Giving 110% of your effort to physics, coming to class prepared, turning in all work on time, participating in class, and maintaining an organized physics binder are essential to passing physics.
Most Important – Always ask me questions regarding anything that you do not completely understand. I cannot help you if I do not know where my help is needed.
The following grading procedures are established and required by the Floyd County Board of Education. The semester grade in this class will be cumulative or “continuous running credit.” This means that every time a grade is entered the student’s grade will be current.
Test: 55%
(tests, quizzes & projects)
Daily: 25%
(labs, articles, class work & homework)
Final Exam: 20%
Late Work & Test Retakes:
Late work should be turned in on the due date. After 1 day late the highest grade you can receive is a 70. After 3 days late the highest grade you can receive is a 50. Please make sure work is turned in on time to avoid Saturday school.
If you are not happy with a test grade, you may take a re-take assessment within 5 days of receiving your test grade. It is your responsibility to let me know that you would like to re-test within the 5 days. The re-test will be different from the original test. / Physics Binder:
Your Physics Binder will be used to write down and answer the daily sponge, take notes, organize and complete class work, journals, labs, quizzes, and assessments.
Students are given approximately 3 – 5 projects per semester, and are assigned at teacher discretion. Projects may count as either a test grade (s) or daily grade (s).
Hall Passes:
In an effort to maximize student seat time in class, students may leave class a total of five times during the semester for the bathroom. Students in the hall outside of the science area restroom will be written up on a disciplinary referral. Please take care of all of your business before or after class.
A doctor’s note stating that the student requires more frequent restroom privileges will be honored once presented in writing.
Extra Help:
Additional Help at any time before school is available to all students. All one must do is ask.

Please sign and return this portion:

I have read and understand the course requirements for the 2012 – 2013 Physics school year as well as the following:

* Regular attendance is essential to doing well in Physics

* Paying attention in class, taking extremely good notes, participating in class, studying every

night, reading every night, and asking questions about concepts that you do not understand is

essential to doing well in Physics.

* Homework is assigned every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at minimum. This is in addition

to reviewing each days lesson and notes (studying), and reading every night.

Parent Signature: ______

Email Address: ______

Best Daytime Phone #: ______

Student Signature: ______

Class Period: ______

*** Your child’s first graded assignment is to return this page signed ***