Ferguson Township Elementary School

PTO Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2017

Meeting called to order by Jessica Dubler at 7:02 pm

Attendees: Jessica Dubler, Chrissy Fiore, Michelle Young, Shelly Buckholtz, Marisa Ferger, Tonia Sulman, Jennifer McCauley, Mardi Frye, Sara LaJeunesse, Erin Marshall, Amy Kraft, Kelly & Mark Campbell, Ashley Hajduk, Jake Clements, Meghan Hoskins, Ciara Nolen, Rebecca Clayton, Rebecca Russell, Tricia Swisher, Christin Riesterer, Megan Gilligan

Welcome and Announcements

Motion to approve the May meeting minutes by Marisa Ferger. Seconded by Chrissy Fiore. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Current checking and savings account balances discussed and are available upon request.

Instrumental music asked for funds for candy.

Discussion on grade level grants for individual teachers meant to be used for teacher’s permanent items to supplement classrooms beyond school supplies. Decision to include $100 grants for each teacher (including specials) to the budget.

School supplies - Some grades spent more money than others. Discussion if there is a need for more equality. Discussion tabled to the October meeting.

Motion to approve the budget – Tonia Sulman. Seconded by Marisa Ferger. Budget Approved.

Teacher’s Corner

Primary – Rebecca Russell

Thank you from all the teachers for school supplies, “welcome back” fruit stand , and ice cream social. Kindergarten will use their field trip funds to go to Wasson Farm. No requests.

Intermediate –Ciara Nolen

4th grade submitted request to bring the musical group“Two of a Kind” for a whole school assembly to kick off the FTE Kindness Initiative. The group has performed at FTE on two other occasions and were used two years ago for the same purposes. The group charges $600 per school or if another school is scheduled for the same day the fee is $450. More information can be found at Current proposal is to schedule them September 29, 2017.

Motion to approve the request - Marisa Ferger. Seconded by AshleyHajduk. Request Approved.

5th grade is using their field trips funds to go to Fort Roberdeau.

Specials – Mardi Frye

No requests.

Current Business

Calendar – Jessica Dubler

Calendar briefly discussed. No questions.

Open Chairs – Jessica Dubler

Volunteer Chairpersons needed for: Art and Science Fair (assist current chairpersons to take over next year), FTE 4K (requesting a committee to assist), Holiday Craft Fair, Jump for Heart, Marianna’s fundraiser, Picture Day (volunteer gets free pictures), Spring Cleanup, and FTE PTO Website. Please contact someone on the FTE PTO Executive Board to volunteer.

Summer Library Wrap-up – Mardi Frye

There were changes in opening time for each session (morning then afternoon) to see which was preferred. Both times were equally attended so decision needs to be made to go with a morning or afternoon session next year. Mardi Frye is requesting ideas for how to increase participants in Summer library. Shewas a substitute librarian at Grays Woods over the summer and they had high participation. They had former students hosting various activities like Girl Scout badge achievements, building Legos, etc. Please reach out to Mardi Frye with suggestions.

Visiting Author – Mardi Frye

This year’s visiting author is MsRoxi Munro.She will be at FTE on November 9th. Information about the visit will be distributed to parents as we get closer to the event.

Book Club – Mardi Frye

The Book Club is soliciting feedback for the best day/evening of the week to host the Book Club. They are proposing the 4th Thursday of the month. Book Club starts in October and goes through May for 4th and 5th graders. Information will be distributed to parents as we get closer to the event.

School Supplies Wrap-up – Chrissy Fiore

The PTO did not get the grant from Walmart. Supplies were purchased from School Specialty, Target and Amazon. Several people showed up for sorting and had supplies sorted and delivered to the teacher’s rooms in two hours. Katie increased the budget this year to offset the missing grant and allow for more supplies to be purchased. There is about $100 per grade left to spend. Teachers can decide what they would like and let Chrissy Fiore know.

Field Trip Grant – Chrissy Fiore

Target awards $700 in field trip grants. This may be a possibility to help offset our lost school supply grant but the request must be filled out by a teacher or school official.Shelly Buckholtz will take this information to the school staff meeting.

Directory – Chrissy Fiore

This year’s directory is online through My School Anywhere. It is successfully being used by other schools in the district. The website allows printing of the whole school directory or by class or just viewing online. Volunteer sign ups and the spirit wear store can also be hosted on the website. All committee chairs will be given access to create signups. Teacher information was entered so students can be linked to classes, but teachers should try to log in and see what happens. FTE 4K committee chairs should explore the website to see if it can be used for 4K registration.

Box Tops – Megan Gilligan

The company running Box Tops follows a “business year” model versus an academic calendar. Therefore, they only record collections for current school year to the end of March. Each class has a collection bin to collect box tops. They are collected, trimmed, counted, sorted, and turned into the chairperson by volunteers. Prizes are awarded to classrooms when they reach various levels (hat day, PJ day, mystery guest reader, etc). Volunteers are needed for this year. Please contact Megan Gilligan, Box Tops chairperson, if you are interested in helping. Goal is to raise $2200 this year.

Book Fair – Jessica Dubler

Book fair will take place October 19-21. Set up will be October 18th. Jessica Dubler discussed the need for volunteers required to support three days. Less volunteers will mean less days the Book Fair can be open.

Playground Trash and Recycle Cans – Ciara Nolen

During the May 2017 FTE PTO meeting, a 3rd grader representing her class eloquently requested additional trash and recycling cans by the playground pavilion and playground building entrance. Shelly Buckholtz will reach out to building maintenance. The discussion was tabled to October meeting.

New Business

ECOAction Group – Rebecca Russell/Meghan Hoskins

Who's Involved: Meghan Hoskins, (mom of a 2nd grader & Kindergartener), Ciara Nolen (3rd) and Rebecca Russell (1st). Mardi Frye, Gayle Engle, and Mary Macalus are also planning to help. The club will include 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders that meet once a month after school.

Purpose: They are hoping to work in conjunction with an Eco-Action student group at Penn State with the goal of educating the kids at our school about taking care of the environment. They are working to raise money throughout the year in order to purchase enough tree seedlings for the whole school to plant trees in one location in order to support Plant for the Planet's goal of planting a billion trees before the year 2020. More information can be found at the-planet.org/en/home#intro. They are still working out details in regard to grants, fundraising, and a location for the planting but this is our ultimate goal.

Fundraising: At this point, they are hoping to have a yard sale in the fall, possibly October 14 and ask families to donate items and then all proceeds will go toward purchasing the tree seedlings. Ciara and Meghan both have experience with writing grants so they are also looking into possibly getting a grant to purchase seedlings. They also have a possible DCNR connection which may provide all of the tree seedlings for us.

Questions: If additional funds are needed, would the PTO be willing to make a donation or possibly match proceeds from the yard sale (up to a reasonable amount of course). Could they publicize the yard sale in the PTO newsletter? Could they work in conjunction with the PTO to have some sort of a spring family day or event which would include planting the tree seedlings?

The ECOAction group is requesting parent volunteers to assist with the yard sale fundraiser. Details will be made available to parents as we get closer to the event.

Further discussion/decisions were tabled to the October meeting.

Principal’s Corner (Shelly Buckholtz)

Shelly Buckhotz is thankful for the PTO and volunteers. She is amazed by the support of parents and family for PTO fundraisers and other activities. She was thankful for the ice cream social allowing her to meet many of the Ferguson families. She discussed new district policy concerning nurses on field trips. The school is no longer allowed to provide the nurses required for field trips. The FTE PTO currently funds nurses for field trips from within the field trip budgets. Shelley also discussed the status of the Extended School Day proposal and requested parents visit the SCASD website for additional information on the proposal and meeting days/times.

Next meeting is scheduled for October 4, 2017.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.