Physics 30 Course Outline

Physics is a process-oriented science that relies on the development of models to explain the world around us – from the very small to the very large. To excel in this physics class, you must develop a strong conceptual understanding of these models and be able to apply this understanding to new and novel situations.

General Outcomes (Units of Study)

Momentum and Impulse (11 days)

Explain how momentum is conserved when objects interact in an isolated system / 15%

Forces and Fields (23 days)

PART A: Electric Forces and Fields

Explain the behavior of electric charges, using the laws that govern electrical interactions
Describe electrical phenomena, using electric field theory
PART B: Magnetic Forces and Fields
Explain how the properties of electric and magnetic fields are applied in numerous devices / 30%
Electromagnetic Radiation (22 days)

PART A: The Wave Model of Light

Explain the nature and behavior of electromagnetic radiation, using the wave model
PART B: The Quantum Model of Light
Explain the photoelectric effect, using the quantum model / 30%

Atomic Physics (15 days)

Describe the electrical nature of the atom
Describe the quantization of energy in atoms and nuclei
Describe nuclear fission and fusion as powerful energy sources in nature
Describe the ongoing development of models of the structure of matter / 25%

Student Expectations:

Assessment and Evaluation:

Class Mark General Outcome(s): / 70%
Lab Skills – 15%
In each unit, you will take part in a least one lab or project, some of which may require you to complete a report. Lab/project reports will not be returned until all group members’ reports have been submitted.
Unit Assignment – 15%
At the end of each unit, you will be given one 90-minute class period to complete an assignment with a variety of questions for each outcome covered in the unit. This assignment will be due at the beginning of the next class. Late Unit Assignments will not be accepted.
Quiz/Pre-test – 10%
At the end of each unit, you will write a quiz that contains a variety of questions for each outcome covered in the unit. You are encouraged to use this quiz as a ‘pretest’ as if you perform better on the exam, the quiz mark will be omitted.
Unit Exam – 60%
A unit exam will be written at the end of each unit, following the Unit Assignment and Quiz. Unit exams will contain numerical response and written response questions.
Diploma Exam:
The diploma exam, consisting of 36 multiple choice questions and 14 numerical response questions, will be written on Monday, January 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. / 30%


Exams–you will have one week to complete the missed exam, at lunch or after school

Quizes – you may choose to:

-omit the missed quiz and write the exam on schedule

-write the missed quiz during the exam period and write the exam the following day

Unit Assignments – you will be given an alternate assignment to complete by a time TBD

Labs/Projects – you will be given an alternate lab assignment to complete by a time TBD

Rewrites: There will be two scheduled rewrites during the semester, at dates to be announced later.

Forces and Fields Exam – for students wishing to rewrite Electric Forces and Fields and/or

Magnetic Forces and Fields Exams

Electromagnetic Radiation Exam – for students wishing to rewrite The Wave Model of

Light and/or The Quantum Model of Light Exams

****This is an intensive course that assumes a high level of participation from each of you, both in class and at home. It is YOUR responsibility to stay on top of the workload.****

Contact Information

Teacher / Mrs. Tina Olson, Room 164
Email /
Website /
CCHS Home Page → About → Staff Sites
Google Classroom / t4da45
Remind101 / Browser: Text: @olsonp30 to (819) 803-0522