PHSA Board Meeting


Monday March 17, 2014

Attending: Mary Beth Lanza, Locke Ellen Kelly,Jay Raach, Linda Furches, Troy Hendricks, Marcus Sadler, Jared DePermentier, Doris Mac Donald

NEXT MEETING April 7, 2014- 7 PM

  • Approval of February 17, 2014 Minutes with spelling correction (motion to approve- Meghan McWilliams, 2nd Patty Miller)
  • PHSA Facebook Page- Locke Ellen Kelly

All posts now have to be approved by Administrators (PHSA Board of Directors).This is to help combat inappropriate messages being posted. Locke continues to remind members what the purpose of the PHSA Facebook page is for. Thank you Locke! We currently have 460 members.

  • Website- Meghan McWilliams/ Linda Furches

It had come to our attention that we needed to update our definitions to stay aligned with the USHJA. We want to make sure that we had the correct definitions posted so our member horse shows, could utilize the correct definitions, so as not to have any points not count after the competition. We are still in need of the Breeding informationand imposed a deadline for completion of April 4, 2014.Emily agreed to work on the Breeding definitions and have them submitted to Meghan for the website by April 4. Also, the Online Membership function has been working but we are missing some information and payment do to some confusion. Meghan is working to apply a fix to help improve the functionality. Points have been updated, including the new division- 3’3” Junior thru February. Linda will work on keeping the point updates coming in a timely fashion. We also discussed OrgPro and the 2014 updates. We still are in need of photos for the web page. Since Hoofprints is unable to assist, is was decided to try to have the digitals sent directly to Meghan.

  • Banquet- Emily Belin/ Marcus Sadler

Ellen agreed to take care of the ‘Thank You’ notes. Ellen is still working on the Thank you’s and she is in need of some addresses. Also, we are still working on collecting a few final payments from the Silent auction, Locke is following up. We are still missing the Key to Worcester, and Linda is going to see is she can get some additional information from Katie Benson regarding the winner for follow up. Also, Emily, presented a mock- up of the Thank You AD for the Equine Marketer. Locke mentioned that the Silent auction list needed to be updated and resent her information with the final list. Final proof still needed.

  • Membership- Locke Ellen Kelly

We have already over 204 members for 2014, which is about the same as last year at this time.

  • Horse Show Membership- Jay Raach

Devon has agreed to add the PHSA Young Pony U/S and Locke is working with Horse show management to make sure all ponies and owners are current members of the PHSA. Jay continues to update the schedule as needed.

  • New and Old Business-

- Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 7 at Worcester Stables Lounge. Tory will give a message from the president and Doris will prepare the Annual Report. This is an open meeting, and all current members are allowed to attend.

- PHSA Classic: Troy has now updated the Classic and the new specs/ points are available. This has been sent to Louise for inclusion in her prize list- Brandywine Series

- Problem with Zone 2 Photos: It came to our attention that Caroline Blank’s photo was omitted for inclusion to COTH. After a brief discussion, it was agreed, that Mary Beth with follow up with Stacy Blank, Caroline’s mother to discuss a resolution to the matter, prior to our next meeting.

  • Treasures Report- Doris MacDonald

As reported by Doris we have total assets of $22,281.79 split between our MM and checking accounts. Total expenses were $45,687.55 (including banquet) and income of $54,820.33.We have also filled our 2013 Tax Return.

Motion to adjourn at 9:00 PM.