Welcome to the IVE PTA Newsletter!

The IVE eNews is a great way to keep up with what is happening at IVE and the Issaquah School District.Check back here for new updates every other week. Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook too!

Monday, September 25, 2017


The Orange Ruler Fall Fundraiser kicked off last week! We have just a little over a week left to raise donations for programs like art, science to go, field trips, gardening, grade level teacher support and other student enrichment programs. Your continued support of IVE is always appreciated. Register and donate today!

For more information, please visit the fun run page at ivepta.org.


There are many companies that will match your donation for our upcomingOrange RulerFun Runand also some companies that will pay volunteer hours as well to our PTA! Please email LizzEng or any questions!


Thank you for volunteering to bring an art experience and education to the student at IVE. Our program at IVE is one of the best supported within the Issaquah School District. Your participation and enthusiasm is the reason our halls are so beautiful all year round!

Please plan to attend Art Docent Program orientation:

Monday, September 25th6:30 PM to 8:30 PM New Docent Orientation.


Tuesday, September 26th9:10 AM to 11:30 AM New Docent Orientation.


Grade Specific Clay Lesson Training:

Tuesday, October 3rd—9:10 AM --The Basics of Clay/Slab Roller for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade Projects.


IVE is excited to join efforts with Issaquah Middle School and put on the annual Salmon Days parking fundraiser. We need your help! Please consider donating two hours of your time to help direct cars at the IVE field this coming October 7thand 8th! We are splitting proceeds from this event and as you know money raised goes directly back to your kids, teachers, grants, classes and programs! The best part of this fundraiser is you can have free Salmon days parking for your family!! IMS is hosting the sign-up sheet on their website. You will need to enter a name and email to join the site - but that is it! SIGN-UP HERE!!


Save the date! Sounders FC School Day Organized by IVE PTA - Sunday, October 15 at 4:30pm. The 2016 MLS Cup Champions Seattle Sounders will take on FC Dallas at CenturyLink Field.

Tickets are $24/each and a portion of each ticket sold will go towards IVE PTA. Ticket orders are due October 5.

Links to the ticket forms that came home last week via kid mail are below.

English IVE order form.pdf

Spanish IVE order form_SPA.pdf

ith any questions!


Vision and/or hearing impairment can affect academic performance. During the IVE Vision and Hearing screening day, the PTA provides volunteers to help identify children who need further evaluation. To expedite all students through these tests, 15 volunteers are needed for each shift. Pleaseclick hereto indicate which session(s) you can be present:8:45-12:30,12:30-3:15or both! Please help reduce unnecessary barriers to learning by volunteering on Thursday and/or Friday,October 19-20.No experience is necessary and volunteers will enjoy snacks and drinks sponsored by the IVE PTA!


Issaquah Valley Elementary PTA’s 3rd Annual

Come out and enjoy free family fun!

Friday, October 27, 2017 at 6:30-8:00pm

PARENTS! Dress your little ones in their Halloween costumes and come to the Issaquah Valley parking lot (the fenced in lot) for some trick or treating fun! Trick or treat from trunk to trunk from IVE families that have decorated their vehicles for you to enjoy!

We have room for more trunks email Renee Barnes & LizzEng at if interested!

Costumes are optional! Event will take place rain or shine!

There will be free popcorn and of course CANDY!

The 5th Grade Camp Orkila Committee will be having a bake sale – cash only please!

You don’t want to miss it! It’s going to be SPOOKTACULAR!


Monday, November 13th-Friday, November 17th
There is a wide selection ofbooks that every child will LOVE! Not only does this putbooks in the hands of our students, it also putsbooks in the hands of your teachers and librarian!

BookFairhours are:

Monday 8:30am-4pm

Tuesday8:30am-4pm(lunch with a friend during your child's lunch time)

Wednesday 8:30am-1:30pm, 6pm-8pm Family Night


Friday 8:30am-3:30pm

WE NEED A LOT OF VOLUNTEERS as cashier or floater.If you are able to volunteer for any shift (part of a shift too), please sign-up onIVEPTA.org. If you have any questions, please contact yourbookfairco-chairs: LizzEng, Renee Barnes, Nikki Ludwyck, Jamie Rydberg, and .

Please Join Our PTA!

If you have not signed up please go toIVEPTA.organd join! Show your support! Let's get to 100%!

What is PTA membership?
1. A sign of support for the students and staff at IVE.
2. It's our legislative voice!
3. Helps provide funds for inside and outside the classroom.

We Need YOU!

We are currently seeking chairs for the following committees:

  • Enrichment
  • Issaquah Schools Foundation (ISF) Representative
  • Salmon Days

Position description can be found under ‘PTA Info’ on the left sidebar of the PTA website.

Please contact our Volunteer Coordinators, LizzEng and Marisol Visser at with any questions. Thank you for your time and dedication to our kids, school and community!

Bookmark Our Site & ‘Like’ Us On Facebook!

Be sure to bookmark our website IVEPTA.org and ‘like’ us on Facebook at ‘Issaquah Valley Elementary PTA’. We will provide you with a great deal of information all year long including; reminders, updates, PTA news and more!

If you have anything you would like included in the next eNews, please email .

Quick Glance at Upcoming Dates to Remember:

  • Coffee chat with Principal Pickard – Wednesday, September 27th @ 9:10-9:55
  • Orange Ruler turn in date – October 5th
  • Sounders FC ticket purchase date- by October 5th. Game October 15th.
  • PTA Sponsored Orange Ruler Fun Run – Friday, October 13th @ 9:10-11:40
  • Vision and Hearing Screening – October 19-20 @ 9:10-3:00