Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Postdoctoral Association
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
Nihon University, Chiba, Japan / Dentist / 1999 / Dentistry
Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan / Ph.D. / 2005 / Medical Science
International Medical Center of Japan, Tokyo, Japan / Research fellow / 2002-2005 / Regenerative Medicine
Weill Medical Collage of Cornell University, New York / Postdoc / 2005- present / neuroscience

A. Positions and Honors.

Positions and Employment

1999-2001 Resident in Oral and maxillofacial Surgery, University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan

2002-2005  Research Fellow, Department of Regenerative Medicine, Research Institute, International

Medical Center of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

4/1/-11/15, 2005 Medical Doctor, University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan

12/12/2005-present Postdoctral Fellow, Dept. of Cell And Developmental Biology, Cornell University Weill medical College, New York, U.S.A.

Other Experience and Professional Memberships

2000-present Member of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Japan

2003-present Member of the Japanese Society of Regenerative Medicine, Japan

2003-present Member of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, U.S.A.


04/2003 Teaching Assistant, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo University, Japan

07/2005 Provider of Immediate Cardio Life Support(ICLS), Japanese Association for

Acute Medicine, Japan

08/2005 Provider of Basic Life Supprt(BLS), American Heart Association, U.S.A.

B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order)

Original research reports:

1, Yoko Kawase, Yasuo Yanagi, Tsuyoshi Takato, Manabu Fujimoto and Hitoshi Okochi Characterization of multipotent adult stem cells from the skin: transforming growth factoer(TGF)- facilitates cell growth. Exp. Cell Res. 2004; 295(1):194-2003

2, Yuji Inoue, Yasuo Yanagi, Yasuhiro Tamaki, Saiko Uchida, Yoko Kawase, Makoto Araie and hitoshi Okochi Clonogenic analysis of ciliary epithelial derived retinal progenitor cells in rabbit. Exp. Eye Res. 2005; 81(4):437-445

3, Yasuo Yanagi, Yuji Inoue, Yoko Kawase, Saiko Uchida, Yasuhiro Tamaki, Makoto Araie and hitoshi Okochi Properties of growth and molecular profiles of rat progenitor cells from siliary epithelium. Exp. Eye Res. 2006; 82(3): 471-478

C. Research Support.

Completed Research Support

Grant-in-Aid for young scientist research (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 4/1/05—3/1/06

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology $21,000

Inducement of hematopoietic cells from skin-derived stem cells

The major goal of this project is to induce the hematopoietic cells from skin-derived stem cells using in vitro and in vivo assay. We tried to irradiate the lethal dose to the mice, and injected the skin-derived stem cells which was expressed GFP into the tail vain of mice. 2weeks later, we analyzed GFP positive cells in blood using the flow cytometory. Interestingly, we found 11.7% of lymphocyte and 18.2% monocyte.

Role: PI.

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