e-harbours WP3
Work plan
Photo: Colourbox
Date: 12/03/2013
Author: Fred Kuijper
Version: 1.1 *FINAL*
Wp3 overview
The partners participating in WP3 of e-harbours are: The port of Antwerp, University of applied science in Hamburg, Zaanstad (who is also participating in WP4)
Figure 1: Overview of work package 3 for the duration of the project
Activity 3.4 Methodology development for VPP business cases
This activity should have been finalized last year, but since we had some delay setting up the show cases the deliverable for this task will be written during activity 3.5. A meeting will be set up with, at least, RGU, VITO and Hamburg, where we discuss our approach to VPP’s. This will lead to a deliverable where each of these partners contribute. The deliverable will be put on the website, so we comply with all indicators set for the activity.
Description in application form: Develop innovative methodology VPP & business case. In VPP generation, transport, storage and consumption are reflected. The energy network concept will consist of a technical lay-out and a proper business case.
Running time: Yesterday
Responsible benificiary: Hamburg
Partners contributing: VITO, RGU
- 1 own meeting
- 1 published material
Status: Ready
Deliverable: Report ”Strategies and Business Cases for Smart Energy Networks FINAL sept-2012”.
VITO, Hamburg, RGU / Organize meeting / 9th MayVITO, Hamburg, RGU / Create Deliverable / End May
Malmo / Put deliverable on website / Tbd in Aberdeen
Activity 3.5 Application of smart energy networks (VPP’s)
Responsible benificiary WP3.5 / VITOPartners involved / VITO, Port of Antwerp, Hamburg, Zaanstad, RGU
Running time / September 2011 – June 2013
1: Introduction
Workpage 3.5 implies the development and demonstration of smart energy networks applications. One strand of WP3.5 implies the determination of the technical and economic feasability of virtual power plant applications at the port of Antwerp, Hamburg, and Orkney. The second strand implies the development of a real smart grid demonstration project at the municipality of Zaanstad.
· Vito and Hamburg focus on the determination of demand side flexibility at several companies at the ports of Hamburg and Antwerp, and examine the potential business cases using technical and economic simulations. The simulations will also be performed by integration with renewables i.e. wind and solar energy.
· Zaanstad focuses on the development and demonstration of a real smart grid application using a combination of electric mobilty and renewable energy sources i.e. solar and wind energy.
· RGU: focuses on monitoring and modeling of a smart grid applications at the port of Orkney….characterized by its location, and large amount of wind energy. RGU will provide the necessary benchmark parameters for all show cases involved …..David please comment, and/or add some text
2: Status show cases Q1 2013
Has finalised there first part of the show cases, that is the execution of the local demand side flexibility audits on 5 companies at the port of Antwerp. Five confidential reports are delivered, and a summary report ” WP 3.5 Application of Smart Energy Networks - part I – Final.pdf ”. Meetings with stakeholders are planned in Q2.
Next and final part of the show case is to analyse business cases on a cluster level and based on the universal business cases as defined in report ”Strategies and Business Cases for Smart Energy Networks FINAL sept-2012”. Spin off: Development cold store model, and a batch oriented model.
Activities Q1/2:
- Determination of business cases other than the local business cases analyzed so far.
- Start the activities on reefers (in close cooperation with HAW) as a new opportunity for demand side flexibility.
The smart grid application named ReloadIT, developed by a private company EnergyGO, has been commisioned by municipality Zaanstad. Zaanstad svp wat aan toevoegen......
Activities Q1/2:
HAW: under construction by Philipp....
RGU-PURE: David ? could you add some text?
3: Activities and deliverables wp3.5
3.1: Show case port of Antwerp (VITO)
/Indicator count
/Status Q1-13
Show case port of Antwerp (VITO) / Execute 5 demand side flexibility audits. Perform techno- economic analysis. Development of cold store and batch oriented model. / Each showcase produces a document describing the case, what has been done and conclusions / July 2013 / n.a.See newsletters website / Description show cases / ? / 1
Minits Vito / 10 internal meetings / ? / 10
Minits Vito / 5 stakeholder meeting / 5 / 1 of 5
Reports Vito / 5 confidential reports / 5 / 5
Local analysis / 1 public summary report / 1 / 1
Cluster analysis / 1 public summary report / 1 / 0
??? / Contribution final report see wp3.11 / 1 / 0
Contribution to score table
Contribution to platform development WP2.11
Minits Vito / Telco’s / ongoing / 10?
Model development / Internal Vito
Input from
HAW / Share cold store modeling expiriences / Staff exchange minits / ?
Share reefer modeling / Staff exchange minits
RGU / Benchmark parameters / Via a shared document? / April 2013
3.2: Show case Hamburg
/Indicator count
/Status Q1-13
Show case Hamburg / Port of Hamburg:Reefer monitoring
Battery operated reefer trucks.
Wax plant
Road shows
??? internal meetings / 1 / ?
? stakeholder meeting / ? / ?
3 (confidential?) reports / ? / ?
? public summary report / ? / ?
2 media appearances / 2 / 1
Contribution final report see wp3.11 / ? / ?
Input from
Vito / Share cold store modeling expiriences / Staff exchange minits / ?
Share reefer modeling / Staff exchange minits
RGU / Benchmark parameters / Shared document?
3.3 Show case Zaanstad
/Indicator count
/Status Q1-13
Show caseZaanstad
Hugo/jan invullen svp
Input from
Vito / Attend project meeting ReloadIT project. / Staff exchange minits / 5? / 5
Technical and functional specifications. / Document ”Technical specification....” / 1 / 1
RGU / Benchmark parameters / Shared document?
3.4: Show case RGU
/Indicator count
/Status Q1-13
Show caseRGU
Input from
Activity 3.6 Review and improvement VPP energy concepts and methodology
In this task the results of task 3.5 and 3.7 will be combined into a techno-economic analysis. This techno-economic analysis of the different showcases will be presented to the E-platform. The comments from the E-platform will be gathered in a document and each of the partners receiving comments will describe the actions taken / changes made to the showcases in the document. The updated documents on the different showcases will be taken to the local stakeholders in task 3.8.
Description in application form: Review approach VPP by E-platform of energy concepts and improved on the basis of their comments
Running time: July 2012 – August 2013??
Responsible benificiary: RGU
Partners involved: VITO, Hamburg. E-Platform.
- 1 own meeting
- 1 published material
- Schedule the E-platform meeting
VITO, Hamburg, RGU / Organize meeting / Before september 2013VITO, Hamburg, RGU / Create 1 published material / Before september 2013
Malmo / Put deliverable on website / Before september 2013
Activity 3.7 Finalization Business cases VPP
Since activity 3.5 already contains the economic calculations for the showcases, 3.7 is focused on the organizational and legislative aspects of VPP’s. A long list of barriers has already been composed , we need to look at the local stakeholders and help them find a way to organize a VPP in their country within the possibilities that the local legislation offers them. If the possibilities are too limited to set up a VPP, a list of suggestions for policies that enable VPP’s should be composed.
If this group works in parallel to activity 3.5. the results of the discussions applied to the different showcases can be presented at the meeting with the E-platform at Antwerp.
(tijdens de vergadering in Malmo is afgesproken dat meer partners die een show case ontwikkelen, een soortgelijke evaluatie uitvoeren, en dat de bevindingen gecombineerd gaan worden).
Description in application form: Finalization business case VPP: Evaluation/definition of economic value; organization structure of VPP with definition roles stakeholders (industrial end-users, energy suppliers, grid operators, local authorities, aggregators). Incl. general recommendations for transnational application(supported by G. Buist. The analysis will be made by each responsible partner per country and guided by the E-platform.
Running time: April 2012-September 2013
Responsible benificiary: Port of Antwerp
Partners involved: VITO, Hamburg, RGU?.
· 1 own meeting
· 1 document with results of the working group (content: description of the business case of a real VPP at the PoA, inventory of organizational and legislative barriers, describe organizational model, suggestions for local authorities)
· Publish material on the website
· 1 Publication on TV or news paper
· Final meeting with expert group + final report in 1 document?
· Final meeting with stakeholders + final report with recommendations for local authorities
1. PoA organises a working group on organizational and legislative aspects. Potentiële partijen: Vito, netbeheerders, EANDIS, elektriciteitsleveranciers, Restore, technologie providers….
2. Define a VPP, based on local companies of the PoA. Determine potential business case, organizational and legislative aspects relevant for this case. Make a short list of barriers relevant for the business case.
3. Set up a meeting with stakeholders, discuss findings and report results.
VITO, Hamburg, RGU, port of Antwerp / ?VITO, Hamburg, RGU, UvA / Create 1 published material / Before August 2012 -> 2013?
Malmo / Put deliverable on website / Before August 2012 -> 2013?
Activity 3.8 Review and evaluation show cases by local stakeholders
After a first discussion with the local stakeholders (Activity 3.5), a review from our expert panel (Activity 3.6), we return to the local stakeholders with our results. This gives them the opportunity to evaluate our work, which we can use to gather the last recommendations for the e-harbours project. Articles on the evaluations should be presented on the website.
If possible the WP-Leader will chair the meetings with the partners and local stakeholders and should thus be invited to the 3.8 meetings.
Description in application form: Review of the approach by local stakeholder. The results of the organizational structure of the VPP will be evaluated by the local involved stakeholder. In each country participating in the show cases a meeting with the local stakeholder will be organized by the local partner responsible for the case.
Running time: September 2012 – October 2012
Responsible benificiary: VITO
Partners involved: Hamburg, Port of Antwerp, Zaanstad
- 4 external meeting
- 4 published material
VITO, Hamburg, RGU, port of Antwerp, UvA / Organize meeting with local stakeholders / Before November 2013VITO, Hamburg, RGU, UvA / Create a published material per meeting / Before November 2013
Malmo / Put deliverable on website / Before November 2013
Activity 3.9 Results assessment with main EU smart grids & cities networks
All the showcases and conclusions drawn from them will be combined into one document; our point of arrival document. Then this document will be presented to the different european bodies.
Description in application form: Meetings with main EU initiatives on smart grids/smart cities: discuss results with representatives of the KIC EIT InnoEnergy. European smart grid technology platform, EREF and Energy-Cities to define future role e-harbours in EU projects.
Running time: November 2013 – December 2013
Responsible benificiary: Malmo
Partners involved: Zaanstad, Malmo, Hamburg, RGU, PURE
- 4 external meetings, one per platform
- At least one article per meeting on the website
- A radio or TV appearance per platform
- Ask Guy to set up a meeting with all these parties
Point of arrival document containing all information from the entire project / implementation strategy is composed here!
Guy (VITO) / Organize the main EU smart grids & cities networks / Before end 2013VITO / Find location / organize meeting / Before end 2013
Sander / Write article about the meeting / Before end 2013
Malmo / Put article on website / Before end 2013
Activity 3.10 Broad presentation results at relevant EU smart grids networks
Dissemination in it’s broadest form. We present our point of arrival document and lessons learned at all appropriate occasions.
Description in application form: Presentation results VPP approach at E-networks: EU Smart Grid Technology platform, Energie-Cities, CoM, EREF, DG Energy and transport.
Running time: January 2014 –March 2014
Responsible benificiary: VITO
Partners involved: Zaanstad, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Malmo, Hamburg, RGU, PURE.
- External meetings
- 1 Final event (external meeting)
- 5 radio and TV appearances
- Start looking for conferences / meetings where we can present our findings
All partners / Find conferences and submit abstracts / NOW – December 2013Zaanstad / Organize final event / March 2014
Zaanstad, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Malmo, PURE / 1 radio / tv appearance each / Before December 2013
Sander / Write article about the presentations and radio / tv appearances / Right after conferences / radio / tv appearances
Malmo / Put articles on website / When they become available