June 2017

Phonics Screening

The Year 1 children will be taking their phonics screening check during the week beginning the 12th June. This will be done by a member of the KS1 team and will be done on a 1:1 basis. Any children in Year 2 who did not pass the test last year will also do a re-take. We will inform you of the outcome in their school reports.


Thank you to all the parents who came the Mathletics workshops in KS1 and Larch. We hope you found them useful. If you require any further support, please ask.

The Mathletics tasks that are set for the children are part of their weekly homework and therefore we would like the children to complete them as part of this. We have been monitoring the usage over the classes and would like to share this with you.

Larch / Ash / Maple / Willow / Elm / Sycamore / Fir / Horse Chestnut / Pine / Oak
9 / 37
24% / 7 / 29
24% / 7 /29
24% / 7 / 29
24% / 5 / 23
22% / 27/28
96% / 24 /26
92% / 8 / 26
31% / 26/28
93% / 24/24

Well done to Oak, Fir, Pine and Sycamore where the majority of the children have done their tasks this last week. Come on the rest of you….Can you beat them? We would appreciate it if you could check that your child(ren) are completing their given activity.

If you require any further support, please ask.


To continue to ensure the safety of our pupils, we are making some changes to the dropping off and picking up procedures starting on 6.6.17.

The school day starts at 8.40 am. When the gate to the main playground is locked at 8.45am (PROMPT!), the lower gate (near the early years unit) will also be locked. This may be a little inconvenient if you are still dropping off a child to the Early Years Unit, but it means that we can ensure no children try to follow their parents out of the gates (e.g. to tell them they’ve forgotten their PE kit etc). If the gate has been locked and you find yourself still inside the grounds, you can still exit via the gate near the bike store.

At 3pm, the pedestrian gate (near the MUGA) will also be locked. This is to prevent the children who have bikes leaving through/near the car park.

We feel that we need to limit the number of access points to the grounds in order to maintain the safety of the children.

Please can we remind you that you are responsible for your children in the morning until a teacher has collected them from the playground.


Our current attendance up to now stands at 95.36% (and that is with the current spread of chicken pox which is affecting the attendance!) Well done to Pine class who had the best overall attendance for the last half-term.

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