
Biome Adaptations WebQuest

Work with your table partner to research biome adaptations using the internet. Each person should fill out the chart below for each of the six major terrestrial (land) biomes. In addition to describing the climate conditions in each biome, you will give examples of adaptations of plants and animals to the climate in the biome. An adaptation is a characteristic that makes a species well-suited for its environment.

Work together with your table partner to make sure that your examples of adaptations make the species well-suited to the climate in its environment and not adapations to other factors like avoiding predators, finding food etc. You will only get points if the adaptation is to the climate. Do not choose a camouflage example of adaption (such as white arctic foxes in the snowy taiga) because this is an easier example.

If you search for plant/animal adaptation to the (name of biome) you will find many websites with information. The textbook has climate information as do many websites.

Below are some possible websites (can find links to them through a copy of this assignment in the ecology documents folder on my website):

Tundra / Description of tundra climate and general location:
Description of a plant adaptationfor tundra biome:
How does this plant adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Description of an animal adaptationfor tundra biome:
How does the animal adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Taiga / Description of taiga climate and general location:
Description of a plant adaptationfor taiga biome:
How does this plant adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Description of ananimal adaptationfor taiga biome:
How does thisanimal adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Temperate Deciduous Forest / Description of temperate deciduous forest climate and general location:
Description of a plant adaptationfor temperate deciduous forest biome:
How does this plant adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Description of an animal adaptationfor temperate deciduous forest biome:
How does thisanimal adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
(can choose either tropical or temperate) / Description of grassland climate and general location:
Description of a plant adaptationfor grassland biome:
How does this plant adaptation make the species well- suited to the climate?
Description of ananimal adaptationfor grassland biome:
How does thisanimal adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Desert / Description of desert climate and general location:
Description of a plant adaptationfor desert biome:
How does this plant adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Description of an animal adaptationfor desert biome:
How does thisanimal adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Tropical Rainforest / Description of the tropical rainforest climate and general location:
Description of a plant adaptationfor tropical rainforest biome:
How does this plant adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?
Description of an animal adaptationfor tropical rainforest biome:
How does thisanimal adaptation make the species well-suited to the climate?