Phone Interview with Reggie Beasley Conducted by Daniel Streufert on 10/07/04from3:00to 3:56 PM
Interviewee Information
Reginald H. Beasley, Jr.
Urban Program Manager
Interviewer Information
Daniel J. Streufert
Undergraduate in Systems and Information Engineering
Recommended Contact
Charlie Rasnick
Programming Division
Urban Program Overview Questions
How are Urban Programs (UP) involved in the STIP?
Cities and towns with population > 3500 people have separate construction programs
81 cities and towns receiving urban construction funds
Federal funding allocations:
Primary Roads40%,
Secondary Roads30%
Urban Programs30%
Cities prioritize transportation long range plans
Cities provide programming revolution to apply for funding
What are the functions of UP?
Put the construction project together
Recirculation of draft of project back to MPO
Put together STIP and TIP
Combine all TIPs to form STIPs
How much $ is going into these projects?
Ballparklook at urban programming division then add up all funding for every division
What are the activities involved in UP?
- pass programming resolution submitted to department
- authorize funding for preliminary engineering
- authorize funding for utility adjustment or right away
- contract for construction
- authorization for construction—dependent on STIP funding (updated estimates every 90 days—reviewed and revised)
- advertise construction and take bids
- contract awarded—overseen by local resident engineer and construction engineer
- implementation of project
Questions about SpecificUP Activities
Activity 1: programming resolution
InputsSomething consumed or modified in the process. (i.e. project requests, records…)
describe the overview of project (i.e. make improvements on a two lane road to four lanes)
Analysis on the limits of the project
Traffic analysis, soil investigation, public hearings and info meetings
ControlsA constraint on the operation of the process. (i.e. $, legislation, requirements…)
Estimates of cost
MechanismsSomething used to perform the process, but is not itself consumed (i.e. files, external contractors…)
In house analysis
Transportation sector does analysis
Conduct analysis themselves—run counts
Outsource big jobs
Survey crews
Arial photography
OutputsSomething resulting from the process. (i.e. actual projects being implemented)
Predict at least 20 years out
Objectives for the activity
Key decisions that need to be made that directly affect the outcome.
30 to sixty days
Activity 2: authorize funding (approval for preliminaryengineering)
InputsSomething consumed or modified in the process. (i.e. project requests, records…)
Info from resolution
ControlsA constraint on the operation of the process. (i.e. $, legislation, requirements…)
Budget for prelim engineering
Backup data from FHWA to confirm resolutionconfirm or deny
MechanismsSomething used to perform the process, but is not itself consumed (i.e. files, external contractors…)
OutputsSomething resulting from the process. (i.e. actual projects being implemented)
Secure authorization from FHWA
Charge time spent scoping to the project
Objectives for the activity
Confirm or deny resolution
Key decisions that need to be made that directly affect the outcome.
Approx 14 - 30 days start to finish
Already know final approved STIP—if $ exceeds STIP or if the resolution isn’t in the STIP, then you have to amend the STIP
Activity 3: utility adjustment phase (approval for utility adjustment)
InputsSomething consumed or modified in the process. (i.e. project requests, records…)
Surveying location of utilities
Acquisition of property and right away to build
ControlsA constraint on the operation of the process. (i.e. $, legislation, requirements…)
Private utilities i.e. verizon and above ground utilities
Time frame to adjust utilities
Underground city owned utilitiesincluded in construction project
MechanismsSomething used to perform the process, but is not itself consumed (i.e. files, external contractors…)
Plans for construction sent to utilities
OutputsSomething resulting from the process. (i.e. actual projects being implemented)
The construction path is clear of all private land owners (“parcels”) and utilities
Objectives for the activity
Funds have to be identified
Remove utilities before breaking ground
Buy right of way for utilities
Move poles and lines for utilities
Key decisions that need to be made that directly affect the outcome.
Whether or not to adjust utilities or alter your construction plans.
6months to three yearsdepend on the number of private property owners and utilities needed to be adjusted
each are adjusted individually
make offer to property owner (FMV)they need time to decide and move
condemn house if they don’t moveapply through court system
Reduce time by condemning all properties up front and settle later
Activity 4: contract for construction
InputsSomething consumed or modified in the process. (i.e. project requests, records…)
Authorization to beginapproval from utility adjustment
Fed authorization
ControlsA constraint on the operation of the process. (i.e. $, legislation, requirements…)
bids from contractors
MechanismsSomething used to perform the process, but is not itself consumed (i.e. files, external contractors…)
External bidders (i.e. construction companies)
OutputsSomething resulting from the process. (i.e. actual projects being implemented)
Award contract to most responsible bidder
Objectives for the activity
City-state agreementidentify responsibilities for both sides, contractor and UP
Maintain project once started
City matches 2% of the cost of the project based on contract prices from prelim engineering and resolution
Key decisions that need to be made that directly affect the outcome.
60 – 120 daysdepends on how long the contract is left out to bid on and how many times the local city meets to agree on the contract
Construction Implementation Duration
Roads3 to 6 mo
Bridges and heavy equip3 years
Recommended Resources
Website for local assistance division Urban Program manual