Whittington & Fisherwick
Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council. To be held on 9th May 2016 Commencing 7.30 pm at the Sports Pavilion, Bit End Field, Vicarage Road, Whittington.
A G E N D A.
1. Election of Chairman.
2. Signing of Declaration of acceptance of Office.
3. Apologies received in writing.
4. Election of Vice Chairman.
5. Consideration of Councillor vacancies and any applications received.
6. Declaration of interests on agenda Items and consideration of requests for dispensations where appropriate.
7. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting
7.1. Annual Parish Assembly 4th April 2016
7.2. Parish Council meeting 4th April 2016
8. Matters arising from the minutes.
9. Adjournment of the meeting at 7.45 for 15 minutes for public participation.
10. Appointments of Committees, Representatives and Co-ordinators.
10.1. Playing Fields Committee.
10.2. Whittington Countryside and Craft Fair Committee.
10.3. Finance Committee.
10.4. Environment Committee.
10.5. Web Site Administrator.
10.6. Press Co-ordinator.
10.7. Newsletter Editor/co-ordinators.
10.8. Newsletter Distribution Co-ordinator
10.9. Whittington Wood Advisory Committee.
10.10. Recreational areas and Parish Maintenance Liaison Officer.
10.11. Pavilion Manager.
10.12. Pavilion Booking Secretary.
10.13. Health and Safety Officer.
10.14. Allotments co-ordinator
10.15. Grants co-ordinator.
10.16. Parish Forum Representative
10.17. Village Hall representative.
10.18. PC Notice boards co-ordinator.
10.19. Tree Work Wardens.
10.20. Youth Services representative.
10.21. Welcome Pack co-ordinator.
10.22. Planning application response advisor.
10.23. Cheque Signatories.
10.24. Independent Internal Auditor.
10.25. Neighbourhood Plan Strategy Steering Group Representatives.
10.26. Jubilee Park BMX track inspector
10.27. Bit End Field facilities working Group
10.28. Whittington Good Neighbourhood Scheme Parish Council Representative.
10.29. HS2 Roll B Parliamentary Agent acting on behalf of the Council.
10.30. Adopt a road initiative co-ordinator.
11. Planning
11.1. Applications for consideration.
11.2. Applications Approved/Rejected by Lichfield District Council.
12. Finance.
12.1. Consideration of the accounts presented for payment
12.2. Consideration of the current financial situation of the Council.
12.3. Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group request for expenditure.
13. Annual Audit.
13.1. Consideration of accepting the end of year Accounts of the Council,
13.2. Consideration of approval of the Annual Governance Statement for the Financial Year and Annual Return ending 31st March 2016.
13.3. Consideration of approval of the Accounting Statements for the Financial Year and Annual Return ending 31st March 2016.
14. Chairman’s Report.
15. Consideration of local Charity Trust issues.
16. Countryside Craft Fair Report of current situation.
17. Committees, Representatives and Co-ordinators Reports.
18. HS2 and associated issues.
19. Consideration of report from Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.
20. Correspondence;
20.1. Incoming.
20.2. Outgoing.
21. Highways and Rights of Way issues.
22. Consideration of Parish Maintenance issues.
22.1. Parish Caretaker Recreational Areas Site Report.
22.2. Report of repairs required to the brickwork on the allotment garages.
22.3. Safety signage for Jubilee Park.
22.4. Consideration of signage for Swan Park.
22.5. Consideration of Maintenance required to BMX track.
22.6. Consideration of future work required to perimeter fencing and hedging on Bit End Field.
23. Current situation regarding the Pavilion Roof Repairs.
24. Langton Crescent – Update regarding the proposed land transfer from the District Council.
25. Consideration of update report regarding the proposed transfer of land from Whittington Cricket Club at the entrance of Jubilee Park.
26. Items for Information or future agendas.
27. Date of Next Meetings:
6th June 2016
2nd May 2016.
Mrs. Janine Arm - Clerk to the Council. 23 School Road, Norton Canes, Cannock, Staffordshire. WS11 9SQ
Tel. 01543 450181 E Mail