Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society, Board Meeting

August 25, 2007

Board meeting called to order by Denice Gibson, President at 0908

Members present: Denice Gibson, president: Patrice Welsh-Benjamin, president elect; Jane O’Donnell, treasurer; Barbara Harvey, secretary; Dolores Rivera, nominating committee; Brenda Keith, membership and Christopher O’Loughlin, AZ SHPL.

Members excused: Aida Amado, treasurer elect; Kristen Derryberry, AZNA liaison; Chris Ehlenbeck, ex offico, Linda Alsvig, director at large; Monica Ortega-Watters, programs and Karen Barden, webmaster.

Minutes from June 14/16, 2007 approved with corrections


Treasurer: Jan O’Donnell as of August 8, 2007, beginning balance $14,211.80, expenses $ 5.00, revenue $841.30 and balance from checking and savings is $15,048.10.

Jane will do a 2008 budget using 2007 expenses plus projected costs for 25th celebration.

Membership: Brenda Keith as of today there are 151 members. She will send a current list of the members with home and work information this week.

Programs: Denice for Monica Ortega-Watters. The program dates are filled for 2007. Gayle Jameson, PONS member will present on September 13th. For 2008, Patirce applied for ONS national programs for January and April. (help my notes are not clear re May application for ONS national program)

Director at large: Denice for Linda Alsvig. Community events first the Lymphoma Research Foundation on November 11, 2007 at the Phoenix Zoo. PONS will have a booth and any member can do the walk. The cost is $1000.00 and most of the money goes back to the local community. Second is “Light of the Night” for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. There is no charge to PONS. PONS will have a booth and the society requests a team of walkers and suggest for each walker obtain a total of $100.00 from sponsor/s. It is October 20, 2007 at TempeTowneLake.

Motion by Jane and seconded by Delores to have $250.00 available for additional expenses for each advent. Passed unanimously.

Motion by Barbara and seconded by Patrice for the “Light of the Night” on October 20th to recognize Monica’s mother. Passed unanimously.

Nominating: Dolores asks that the board members to talk other PONS members about running for a position on the board or suggest someone that they think would be a great board member. Ballots will be mailed by the end of October and returned by November 15th. In 2005 the membership passed that there will be an elect director-at –large. This position was not put on the 2007 ballet. This position will be on the 2008 ballet.

AZ SGPL: Christopher O’Loughlin announced that the AZ legislative day for nurses is 2February or March 2008. The National legislative day is in April 2008 in Washington, D.C. He will get the exact dated and announce it at the PONS meetings. On May 25th, Christopher met with the governor’s Faith and Community Liaison, Jana Scott. (I think that is what you said)

AZNA liaison: Denice for Kristen. Kristen attended the ONS mentorship weekend in July. She brought back a folder on how to market the chapter’s needs and to have a 3-5 year plan. At this meeting ONS recognized the PONS web site. PONS plan to tie into the national ONS goals and get more PONS members involved.


Fundraising: T-shirts/embroided polo shirts for PONS 25th year as a chapter will be decided by the 25th planning committee. The old PONS logo has been found. Using the old logo and the new one, Denice will obtain samples of PONS logosfor the T-shirts and bring them to the scheduled PONS meetings. The member will decide which on they want on the T-shirts. ONS’s logo also has to be on the T-shirts and this can be obtained from ONS.

Cards for clinical questions: To date the Sickle anemia has been the only clinical question. There are several suggestions for the members to communicate clinical questions to the board members by posting on PONS web site, e-mail and the cards handed out at each meeting. Currently the cards and e-mail are available. The web site will be look into through ONS to be on the PONS site.

PONS 25th Year as a chapter celebration: Members are asked to submit suggestions for the 25th year as a chapter theme. Cards will be handed out at meetings or the member can e-mail Denice. The suggestions need to be in by the December. The Board will choose three themes and the membership at the first January meeting will vote on the one they want. Co-chairs Dolores Rivera and Barbara Harvey have volunteered for the 25th planning team. PONS members will be asked to be on the team. Since congress is May 15-18 and during the 2nd Thursday, the team will plan the event for the 4thThursday, May 22,2008, at the Wellness Community. The team planning the event will ask pharmaceutical companies about unlimited educational grants, sponsorship, give a ways, etc. PONS board discussed that they would like to keep the cost to $5,000.00 but has not decided the exact figure or voted on it.

Website: From now and future, the webmaster will be updating the website as soon a events are published, ex: local and national meetings from oncology or other related organizations, latest research, prevention of diseases, quality of life issues, diagnosis and treatment. Also awards, certifications, education completion and any other interesting accomplishments from PONS members and their employers. Up coming events, like the one where Lance Armstrong was on the news and had promotional discussions with the elected officials on cancer.


Planning 2008:

Wellness Community would like PONS to utilize there facility as done so in the past. Banner has a bridge line for conference calls and can be used from any location if there is a back phone. Wellness Community plans to obtain a back line.

  1. January 10th meeting at the Wellness Community will be in initation of the new officers.
  2. Feb or March AZ legislative day
  3. April Notional legislative day in D.C.
  4. Obtain members from different organizations for the program committee so one person does not have the full responsibility,
  5. Encourage professional development of members and co-workers.
  6. Caring for the Caregiver, Sept or Oct at the Wellness Community.
  7. May 3-8, Infusion Nurse Society, Annual meeting in Phoenix
  8. May 15-18, ONS, Congress
  9. June, Severship ??
  10. July, ONS Leadership
  11. November 14-16, ONS IOL

ONS Foundation: PONS yearly donation. Sent $750.00 to the foundation. Motion by Barbara and seconded Christopher. Passed unanimously.

PONS budget for 2008: Jane O’Donnell will calculate the past expenses and prepare a tentative budget for 2008.

Next board meeting: Place Wellness Community on Saturday on December 1st at 9am to welcome the new board members. All members are invited to the board meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 1230, motion by Christopher and seconded by Dolores. Passed unanimously.


Barbara Harvey