Principal: Mr. Lyle Hendrickson
Dean of Students/Reading Teacher: Amy Good
Counselor: Val Bilkey
The Mission of The School District of Lodi, a strong partnership of families, community, and educators, is to inspire students to become lifelong learners who seek new understanding and skill to assume the role of responsible and contributing members of society by creating a world-class, innovative learning environment that stimulates academic and personal excellence.
Welcome to the Lodi Elementary School! This handbook is provided so that you have a reference on our school procedures. Please take the time to read through it, and to discuss it with your child(ren). We encourage your active participation in your child’s education. We look forward to working with you and your children.
Student Nondiscrimination
It is the policy of the School District of Lodi that no person may be denied admission to any public school in this District or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of or be discriminated against in any curricular, extra-curricular, pupil services, recreational or other program or activity because of the person’s sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or qualifying disability.
Complaints regarding this policy should follow the procedure outlined in the School District of Lodi's Board Policy #154, Discrimination Complaint Procedure, which can be found on the School District of Lodi's website at
Special Education Programs
The School District of Lodi provides special education programs for students with disabilities. These students are identified with a disability under state eligibility criteria by an IEP (Individual Educational Program) team and demonstrate a need for services. This process includes individual assessments and an IEP team meeting to determine eligibility. Each student identified with a disability has an IEP developed to meet his/her specific needs. It is the philosophy of the District to serve students in the regular classroom with support as much as possible. Students may also receive supplementary instruction or support in the special education classroom. Disability areas as defined by state and federal law include speech and language, emotional/behavioral, cognitive, and specific learning disabilities; hearing, vision, other health, and orthopedic impairments; autism; and significant developmental delays (for children ages 3 to 6 years). Students identified with disabilities may qualify for related services such as physical and occupational therapy. It is recommended that prior to making a referral; parents should talk to the child’s teacher or guidance counselor about their child’s needs. Parents, staff, medical and social services personnel may refer a child, however the parent must be informed prior to making the referral. Referrals of a child residing in the School District of Lodi should be made to the child’s building principal; Andrea Rubino, School Psychologist, orTiffany Loken, Director of Student Services at 592-3851. The School District of Lodi is in compliance with procedures related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Learning respect, responsibility and safety with Lodi Pride.
District Administration - 592-3851
Charles Pursell District AdministratorExt. 5481
Patrick AckerDirector of Buildings & GroundsExt. 5487
Dan Bush Business Manager Ext. 5482
Tiffany Loken Director of Instruction/Director of Student ServicesExt. 5486
Andrea RubinoSchool PsychologistExt. 5485
Paul AndersonTech./Computer SpecialistExt. 4404
Board of Education
Sue Miller
Karl Westphal
Parent Teacher Organization Officers (PTO)
TBD, PresidentTiffany Houdek, Vice President
Brenda West, TreasurerTBD, Secretary
Lodi Elementary School Staff – 2017-18 Kobussen Bus Services (608)592-0551
Lyle Hendricksonx-2102Office
Erin Labhart x-2101Office
Beth Langx-2100Office
Peter Franklinx-2104Rm 310-A
Amy Goodx-2114 Rm 310-D
Teresa Dolson x-2401Rm 509
Ashley Endresx-2303 Rm 109
Cheryl Tracy x-2407Rm 501
Melissa Walshx 2402 Rm 507
Multiage First/Second GRADE TEACHERS
Sandi Murrayx-2404Rm 502
Deb Volkx-2406Rm 500
Kathy Faust x-2405Rm 504
Beth Sokol x-2301Rm 105
Lisa Stonex-2503 Rm 216
Anita Thorpex-2403Rm 503
Melissa Castrox-2501Rm 212
Laura D'Agostinox-2302Rm 107
Lisa Husnickx-2305Rm 113
Sharron Wipperfurthx-2306 Rm 115
Julie Carter x-2502Rm 214
Lori Saager x-2207Rm 229
Suzanne Schmellingx-2504Rm 224
Mutliage Fourth/Fifth GRADE TEACHER
Nadalie Kratchax-2304Rm 111
Alison Juntunenx-2506Rm 228
Kayla Sperbeck X-2136 RM 206
Randy Wallacex-2505 Rm 226
Deb Arnoldx-2307 Rm 506
Kathy Barmanx-2113Rm 310E
Julie Brayx-2134Rm 408
Cindy Dominickx-2134 Rm 408
Linda Erlandsonx-2134 Rm 408
Joanne Faustx-2212Rm 222
Joan Gehrkex-2408 Rm 204
Cassandra Leckweex-2134Rm 408
Vickie McCrackenx-2134Rm 222A
Mary Millmann x-2212 Rm 222
Wendy Obergx-2134Rm 222A
Norma Jean Schmudlachx-2134Rm 408
Karla Schultzx-2203 LMC
Nancy Stocksx-2134Rm 222A Kathy Storhoff x-2507Rm 505
Neva Taylor x-2134 Rm 222A
Sheila VanLankveltx-2408 Rm 204
Sandy Ostermanx-2214Rm 231
DeeDee Korth x-2206Rm 112
ST MathLabx-2209Rm 114
Val Bilkeyx-2111Rm 310-C
Andrea Rubinox-5485 Rm 310-B
Peggy Schaubx-2204LMC
Kristin Muehlenkampx-2216Rm 230
Lexine Weberx-2216Rm 230
Rodney Barrowx-2103Office
Daedre Carlsonx-2211Rm 220
Crystal Schaafx-2211Rm 220
Rebecca Ellerx-2211Rm 220
Nancy Rabensdorfx-2130GYM
Kurt Wilsonx-2131GYM
Sue Chambersx-2307Rm 506
Stephanie Seffroodx-2213Rm 223
Special Education
Julie Clark x-2134 Rm 408
Dawn Collins x-2134 Rm 408
Kimm O’Mara x-2134 Rm 408
Lesley Scheibach x-2134 Rm 408
Derek Stephany x-2134 Rm 408
Ashley Anderson x-2122 Rm 101
Megan Rhodex-2122 Rm 101
Kelly Rearx-2205 Rm 513
Kerry Rileyx-2210 Kitchen
Stephanie Timmonsx-2210 Kitchen
Heather Klocko-Hermansonx-2210 Kitchen
Serena Waltersx-2210 Kitchen
If a student is being considered for acceleration, district policy and procedures must be followed.
Students should not arrive at school prior to 7:50 am, as no supervision or crossing assistance is provided until then. At or after 7:50, students may go to their classroom.
All students are dismissed at 3:05 pm; buses leave at 3:10.
Crossing Guards
Children and adults are encouraged to cross at the designated sites. Crossing guards are located at:
Main and Columbus StreetsMain and Fair Streets
Pleasant Street and Madison AvenueSauk Street and Strangeway Avenue
Parr Street and Millston AvenueSauk Street and Grand Avenue
Sauk Street and Valley Drive
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zones
Please use the car drop-off and pick-up zone in the parking lot. Do not drop or pickup students in the bus zone.
Regular and punctual attendance is necessary to assure success and establish good work habits.
In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 118.15, all children between 6 and 18 years of age must attend school full time until the end of the term, quarter, or semester in which they become 18 years of age or graduate. If a student is enrolled in a district 5K or Kindergarten program, they are subject to the same school attendance requirements.
Because the School Board realizes the value of regular attendance in enabling students to profit from the school program, it shall be the policy of the School District of Lodi to require regular and punctual attendance of all students.
School Attendance Procedures
The building principal or the principal’s designee is designated to deal with matters relating to school attendance. (He/She) shall determine daily which pupils enrolled in the school are absent from school and whether the absence is excused. (Board Policy #531, II, A.-B.) Because attendance is compulsory and is to be tightly monitored, parent(s)/guardian(s) must be aware that the principal or the principal’s designee may require further evidence when an absence is deemed questionable. The question of doubt is the right the responsibility of the principal or the principal’s designee.
Excused Absences
Excused absences include illness, family health emergency, death in the family and school sponsored trips. An excused absence may also be granted for pre-arranged absences, up to a combined total of 10 days per year, which have been pre-approved by the building principal or his/her designee. Pre-arranged absences require a written request from a parent/guardian before the absence. Pre-arranged absences include, but are not limited to (Board Policy #531, III, A):
Medical/Dental Appointments
Family Vacations
Religious Holidays
Unplanned Absences
Parent(s)/guardians(s) shall contact the school by email or telephone before 8:15 a.m. Call 608-592-3842 anytime to leave a message on our automated telephone system or you may speak directly with a school administrative assistant between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. It is the parent/guardian’s legal responsibility to assure student attendance at school. Students are expected to be in school every day that school is in session. Parents may request an excused absence, but the school has the legal right to decide whether an absence request will be excused or unexcused.
Pre-Planned Absences
For multiple-day pre-planned absences, a letter will be sent from the office to confirm and approve the absences.
A student who misses more than half of the morning session, up to, or after 9:45 a.m. or afternoon session, up to, or after 1:15 p.m. is considered absent for half a day. A student who misses more than half the total academic day (3.5 hrs.) is considered absent for the entire day.
Make-up Work
Make-up work will be required for all absences. Students will have a period of time equal to the number of days they were absent plus one additional day to complete makeup work. Student(s) must complete and hand in their makeup work by 3:30 pm on the day the makeup work is due.
Full credit will be given for makeup work completed, within the prescribed timeline, for all excused absences.
No credit will be given for makeup work completed, within the prescribed timeline, for unexcused absences, unless it means the difference between passing and failing a grading period.
Preparing work in advance, and then doing the record keeping as work is handed in, is a great inconvenience for teachers. Please cooperate with the teacher fully on any work assignment that is sent home. Work assignments, if made, will be sent home on the child’s last day before the absence.
The laws are very clear in this area. A “habitual truant” is a student who is absent without an acceptable excuse for part or all of 5 or more days during a semester. A meeting will be scheduled with parents when a student reaches these limits. If a student has unexcused absences for all or part of five consecutive days, or all or part of ten days within a grading period, they are legally truant.
Late Arrival
Students arriving after 8:05 am mustreporttoandsigninattheoffice.
Students with chronic unexcused tardiness will make up the time during recess or after school. Tardiness is disruptive to teachers, students, and office staff. Please make every effort to encourage your child’s arrival by 8:05 am every day. As a consequence, every third tardy the student will miss a recess.
Early Dismissal
In the interest of safety, NO CHILD is to leave school during school hours, unless the parent has given prior permission. According to board policy, a written note must be sent to the school office. We must receive requests from a parent, and cannot take requests from non-guardians during the school day. In case of illness or injury, your child will not be permitted to go home unless the parent or childcare provider has been contacted. Children must sign out at the office and be met there by the adult picking them up.
Students who are removed from the classroom to serve in-school or out-of-school suspension will be marked as such.
The following is an outline of our behavior management plan. This explains how we will implement the district Code of Conduct at the building level. We believe in setting high expectations for our students, and in creating an environment in which all students can learn and all teachers can teach. We hope to recognize all students when they do their best (through positive consequences). When students do make poor choices about their behavior (or homework) we will provide consequences, and will try to make it a learning experience. We will communicate with you as a part of the process, in an effort to build a partnership. We are bound to accomplish more when we all work together.
Guidelines for Success TRIBES Agreements
Be Respectful Mutual Respect
Be Responsible Right to Pass
Be Safe No Putdowns
Teacher and Office Referrals
Office Referrals:
The Code of Conduct (see Appendix A) outlines behaviors, which warrant a referral to the principal’s office (a referral form is filled out, and given to the principal, who returns a copy to the homeroom teacher). The principal will handle the referrals; parent contact will be made and a consequence will be given in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Teacher Referrals
There are times when inappropriate behavior is not serious enough to warrant an office referral, but still must be addressed by an adult in the school. In such cases, a teacher referral will be made.
Teacher referrals can be made by support staff as well as by teachers. Typically, students will be given a warning, and an attempt will be made to identify the problem and a solution before a referral is made.
Missing Assignments
Missing Assignments - Teachers will convey expectations about homework & assignments to parents at the beginning of the school year.
Positive Consequences:
Positive consequences will vary from classroom to classroom, but might include any of the following:
a note or phone call home; a special class-wide activity (i.e. lunch in the classroom, a class walk, free choice time); a special privilege (i.e. first in line, teacher’s helper); verbal praise; or a positive office referral.
PBIS Program:
Also currently practiced at LES, PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) discipline program, supports and emphasizes the importance of positive behavior school wide.
Logical Consequences:
Whenever possible, we try to use logical consequences as a means of behavior management (while maintaining a safe environment for all students). If a student doesn’t wear boots in the snow, s/he will have to spend an afternoon with wet socks. Someone who throws food in the cafeteria may have clean-up duty. Students who take the wood chips out of the playground area may have to rake wood chips back into the designated area. However, some behavior (such as fighting) may be severe enough that it warrants a more serious consequence, such as a detention or suspension.
After School Detention/Study Room:
After school detention is intended for more serious behavior, or for chronic/escalating behavior. Students will be assigned one after school detention for every three teacher/office referrals or missing assignment forms (or any combination of three of these). Detention will be assigned for the following night. Parents will be informed in writing of the detention, which will be served the “detention” day (detentions will be served on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 3:05 to 3:35 pm). Parents will be responsible for providing their child’s transportation when a detention is assigned.
A detention may be assigned, without three strikes, if the severity of the student’s actions warrants a more serious consequence. The teacher or principal will make that decision.
Students are expected to have work to do at detention/study time, and are expected to behave appropriately. If a student does not meet these criteria, it will be communicated to the homeroom teacher, and the student may have to make up the detention/study time.
Birthdays are special events at the elementary school. Students may bring a treat for the class. Please try to keep treats nutritionally appropriate.
Please see the “Bus Transportation” section of the Code of Conduct, “Appendix A”.
See “Appendix A”.
Address/Phone Number Change
If you have a change of address, phone number, work place, emergency numbers or such, please contact the District Registrar,Kris Wendorf at the district office 608-592-1053 or . Our records need to be current in case of emergencies.
Parent Orientation Meetings
There will be an Orientation/Open House night on August 17th, 4:00 – 6:00 pm. Teachers will present information regarding grade level expectations, curriculum, and building staff will discuss school-wide procedures and expectations.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our conferences this year will be determined at a later date. In addition, any time you feel a need to discuss your child’s progress or have a concern regarding a particular situation or incident, please contact the teacher and ask for a conference. For your convenience, it is always wise to make arrangements in advance so the teacher will be available. Again, we wish to encourage parents to visit their children’s classes, including music, speech, physical education, art, etc.
Formal Complaints
Every effort is made to satisfy concerns at the building level. After informal measures for resolution have not succeeded, a parent may wish to lodge a formal complaint. For the appropriate form, contact the school office.
Questions and Concerns
We value your thoughts and concerns. Please call at any time. If your child tells you something about school that sounds unreasonable, please send a note or call. Remember, a child’s perception or understanding of an incident may be very different from what actually happened. If you are especially pleased with something a teacher or the school is doing, please let us know. A positive phone call or note can make a teacher’s (or principal’s) day!
If you are concerned about a situation in your child’s education, the order in which to address concerns follows:
-Classroom teacher (your first contact)
-District Administrator
Parent Information
Parent information is located next to the office area (at the front of the building). Informational booklets, parent resource books, and much more will be found in this area. If you have questions or need information, please stop in the office.