Pierce College

Philosophy 9: Symbolic Logic I (Section # 0567)

BEH 1300

TTH 12:45-2:10

Professor Steven Kaufman


Office Location and Hours: BEH 1306 TTH 12:00- 12:40

The department secretary is Heather Groff. Her email is . The phone number for reaching the Department is (818) 710-4412. It is not advised that you use this number to leave messages for the Professor.

No Class Meeting on Thursday 11/24 (Thanksgiving)

*Required Text For This Class:

The Power Of Logic (Fifth Edition)- Howard-Snyder and Wasserman (authors)

*Sadly, there is no copy of the text on library reserve. Students may wish to seek out a recommended text, Language, Proof and Logic by Barwise, Etchemendy et al, that may be available via library reserve. This book will provide students with additional exercises and problem sets that may enhance their learning

Course Description and Preamble

Logic is the science of argument analysis. The purpose of this class is to gain a basic familiarity with the formal methods employed by logicians to study and to evaluate various kinds of arguments. This course will introduce students to different systems of argument analysis. In this course, we will acquaint ourselves with a new language, the language of first-order symbolic logic. In using the symbols and rules for this artificial language, the goal will be to better appreciate the meaning behind a set of symbols comprising a natural language, such as English. Logic can allow for a better understanding of the natural forms of communication we, as a community of speakers, use. Being more logical can also help us to avoid errors in communication.

We will be concerned mostly with determining the validity of an argument. A ‘valid’ argument is an argument where the premises of the argument insure the conclusion of the argument. The objects of our inquiry will be arguments. We will look at numerous arguments of varying shapes and sizes to see what makes an argument a good/valid argument.

It has been the Professor's understanding that students who attend class regularly, are punctual, and complete regularly assigned homework tend to do very well in this course. Those that fail to attend and participate regularly are usually prone to academically unhappy outcomes. In addition, doing well on the exams while failing to turn in homework assignments does not guarantee a passing grade for the course.

Student Learning Outcome(s):

Upon completion of this course, students will:

1.Symbolize statements in both propositional and quantifier logic (including relationships expressed with dyadic predicates).

2.Use a truth table method to test propositional arguments and other methods to test arguments involving quantifiers.

3.Use a natural deduction system to present derivations in both propositional and quantifier logic.

Prerequisites: None

Course Requirements:

a) 2 in-class mid-term examinations (10/6 and 11/17, respectively)- 20% for the first exam/ 30% for the second exam (50% of course grade)

b) 1 cumulative final examination on Thursday 12/15 from 12:30 to 2:30 PM- 30% of final grade

c) Collected homework- Each student is required to submit a minimum of 4 homework assignments for evaluation- 20% of course grade (5% per each homework receiving full credit)

Policies: This is a binding contract between instructor and student. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Withdrawal/Dropping: Students who miss two or more consecutive class meetings or who miss more than three classes, for whatever reason, will find they have been officially withdrawn from the course. The professor tends to withdraw students that do not attend class on a regular basis. Attendance is an important part of this course and is taken very seriously by the professor, even if he does not appear to be taking roll each class meeting. If you decide to drop the class for any reason, it is your responsibility to officially drop the class via the appropriate channels. Please refer to Pierce College policies and guidelines as to the appropriate deadlines for dropping a class without penalty.
  2. Make-Up Exam and Late Arrival Policy: The professor does not give make-up examinations under any circumstances. No exceptions. If you feel you will be missing class on an assigned examination day (see schedule on back for planned exam dates), you will be advised to drop the class and re-take it at a time that works better for your schedule. The professor will assess a penalty of one or two grade deduction to an exam to students arriving to class late on an exam day. 'Late' means 10 or more minutes after the start of class. NOTE: The professor will not collect homework for credit from students either not present in class or late to class (ie, more than 10 minutes after the start ofclass). To avoid frustration, it is advised you plan to arrive to class both regularly and on time.
  3. Extra Credit: This is up to the Professor's discretion. Usually extra credit opportunities, if given, will be given in class after the first exam.
  4. Cell Phones: Please be sure to turn off your cell phone (or at least to 'silent' mode) before coming to class. Points may be deducted from a student's homework or from the examination score on the basis of multiple cell phone disruptions in class. No texting or laptops in class, please.
  5. Cheating is not tolerated in this class. Any student caught n the act of academic dishonesty will receive a ‘FAIL’ grade for the exam/assignment and other possible disciplinary measures.
  6. Learning Disabilities: The professor is happy to comply with any special requests from students with a documented learning disability. If you feel you may need additional time taking an exam or other accommodations, please consult with the appropriate campus-based resources as soon as possible.
  7. Absences: Logic is a subject that requires time and participation in order to improve. As such, missed class meetings can lead to difficulty in grasping the material. If you miss two or more consecutive class meetings without prior notification OR more than three non-consecutive days of class during the semester, you may be dropped from the class by the instructor. Be sure to exchange contact information with other classmates in the event you miss a class so you will be able to keep up with the homework assignments.

Schedule (tentative and subject to change):

First Section (POL chs 1,6,7)

What is logic?What is an argument? Conditions for logical argumentation. Basic argument forms.(8/30, 9/1)

Validity and invalidity. Testing procedures for logical arguments (eg, categorical syllogisms). Counter-example and Venn diagram methods. (9/6, 9/8)

Introduction to propositional/sentential logic. Logical symbolization and notation. Truth value and truth condition. Well-formed formula (WFF) Translation and interpretation of an artificial language, symbolizing English sentences and arguments.(9/13, 9/15, 9/20, 9/22, 9/27, 9/29)

EXAM 1 GIVEN IN CLASS ON Thursday 10/6(review on Tuesday 10/4-study guide for the exam will be provided prior to the exam date)

Second Section (POL chs 7 and 8)

Truth tables (traditional and abbreviated versions), application of truth tables (evaluating logical formula, logical consistency, validity testing. (10/11, 10/13, 10/18)

Logical derivations (standard proofs). Rules of logical inference (implication), rules of logical inference (equivalence). (10/20, 10/25, 10/27, 10/29,11/3, 11/5)

Logical theorems (11/10)

EXAM 2 GIVEN IN CLASS ON Thursday November 17. (Review to be held in class on Tuesday November 15-study guide for the second exam will be provided)

Third Section (POL chs 8, 9)

Conditional Proving Methods (Direct and Reductio Ad Absurdum) (11/22, 11/29)

Predicate-Based Logic, Quantification Theory, Translation (predicate and term constants, variables)

Quantifier Instantiation and Elimination Rules, Predicate Logic Proofs (12/1, 12/6, 12/8)

*In-class review for the final exam to be held on 12/13.