Strain/ Sub-type / GenBank accession / Nomenclature / Country / Year of isolation / Common name / Host species / Wild / captive / Publication
A1 / GQ396652 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B84b-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / Ortiz-Catedral et al., 2010
A1 / GQ396653 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B77-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / Ortiz-Catedral et al., 2010
A1 / GQ396656 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B81-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / Ortiz-Catedral et al., 2010
A1 / GQ396654 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B80-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / Ortiz-Catedral et al., 2010
A1 / GQ396655 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B78-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / Ortiz-Catedral et al., 2010
A1 / GU936291 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B79-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936292 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B162a-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936297 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B126b-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / JF519618 / BFDV-A1[NZ-L53-2010] / New Zealand / 2010 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936296 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B127-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936295 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B192-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936294 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B125-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936290 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B326-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936288 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B195-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936293 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B133-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A1 / GU936289 / BFDV-A1[NZ-B157-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Red-fronted parakeet / Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae / Wild / This study
A2 / FJ519619 / BFDV-A2 [NZ-R18-2010] / New Zealand / 2010 / Eastern rosella / Platycercus eximius / Wild / This study
A2 / JQ782196 / BFDV-A2 [NZ-R9-2010] / New Zealand / 2010 / Eastern rosella / Platycercus eximius / Wild / This study
A3 / GU936287 / BFDV-A3[NZ-B51-2008] / New Zealand / 2008 / Eastern rosella / Platycercus eximius / Wild / This study
A4 / JQ782198 / BFDV-A4 [NZ-R22-2010] / New Zealand / 2010 / Eastern rosella / Platycercus eximius / Wild / This study
A4 / JQ782199 / BFDV-A5 [NZ-R25-2010] / New Zealand / 2010 / Eastern rosella / Platycercus eximius / Wild / This study
A5 / JQ782197 / BFDV-A5 [NZ-R24-2010] / New Zealand / 2010 / Eastern rosella / Platycercus eximius / Wild / This study
A6 / JQ782200 / BFDV-A6 [NZ-R26-2010] / New Zealand / 2010 / Eastern rosella / Platycercus eximius / Wild / This study
B1 / AF311298 / BFDV-B1[AU-Galah-WA-2000] / Australia / 2000 / Galah / Eolophus roseicapillus / Captive / Bassami et al., 2001
B1 / AF311302 / BFDV-B1[AU-SCC1-WA-2000] / Australia / 2000 / Sulphur crested cockatoo / Cacatua sulphurea / Captive / Bassami et al., 2001
B2 / AF311297 / BFDV-B2[AU-ELBC-SA-2000] / Australia / 2000 / Eastern long-billed corella / Cacatua tenuirostris / Captive / Bassami et al., 2001
B3 / EF457974 / BFDV-B3[AU-05-106-2007] / Australia / 2007 / Cockatiel / Nymphicus hollandicus / Captive / Shearer et al., 2008
B4 / EF457975 / BFDV-B4[AU-05-726-2007] / Australia / 2007 / Cockatiel / Nymphicus hollandicus / Captive / Shearer et al., 2008
B5 / AF080560 / BFDV-B5[AU-AF080560-1998] / Australia / 1998 / Sulphur crested cockatoo / Cacatua sulphurea / Captive / Bassami et al., 1998
C1 / AF071878 / BFDV-C2[US-AF071878-1998] / USA / 1998 / Unknown (pooled blood) / Unknown / Captive / Niagro et al., 1998
C2 / AY450435 / BFDV-C1[ZA-AFG4-2003] / South Africa / 2003 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
C2 / AY450436 / BFDV-C1[ZA-UC1-2003] / South Africa / 2003 / White cockatoo / Cacatua alba / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
C2 / AY450434 / BFDV-C1[ZA-WBC1-2003] / South Africa / 2003 / White-bellied caique / Pionites leucogaster / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
D1 / AF311300 / BFDV-D1[AU-MMC-WA-2000] / Australia / 2000 / Major Mitchell's cockatoo / Cacatua leabeateri / Captive / Bassami et al., 2001
D2 / AF311301 / BFDV-D2[AU-SCC-NT-2000] / Australia / 2000 / Sulphur crested cockatoo / Cacatua sulphurea / Captive / Bassami et al., 2001
E1 / FJ685980 / BFDV-E1[TH-BFDV8-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Blue-and-yellow macaw / Ara ararauna / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
E1 / FJ685978 / BFDV-E1[TH-BFDV6-2005] / Thailand / 2005 / Sulphur crested cockatoo / Cacatua sulphurea / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015023 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV16-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Great green macaw / Ara ambigua / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015022 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV15-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Palm cockatoo / Probosciger aterrimus / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015020 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV12-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Eclectus parrot / Eclectus roratus / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015014 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV3-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Alexandrian parrot / Psittacula eupatria / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015012 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV1-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015013 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV2-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015018 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV10-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Red-shouldered macaw / Ara nobilis / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015015 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV4-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Alexandrian parrot / Psittacula eupatria / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015016 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV5-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Alexandrian parrot / Psittacula eupatria / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015017 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV9-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Severe macaw / Ara severa / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015021 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV14-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Red and green macaw / Ara chloropterus / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
F1 / GU015019 / BFDV-F1[TH-BFDV11-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Eclectus parrot / Eclectus roratus / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
G1 / AF311299 / BFDV-G1[AU-LK-VIC-2000] / Australia / 2000 / Rainbow lorikeet / Trichoglossus haematodus / Captive / Bassami et al., 2001
H1 / FJ685989 / BFDV-H1[TH-BFDV17-2006] / Thailand / 2006 / Salmon-crested cockatoo / Cacatua moluccensis / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
H2 / FJ685979 / BFDV-H2[TH-BFDV7-2005] / Thailand / 2005 / Sulphur crested cockatoo / Cacatua sulphurea / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
I1 / EU810208 / BFDV-I1[PT-05-2005] / Portugal / 2005 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Henriques and Fevereiro, (unpublished)
I2 / HM748922 / BFDV-I2[ZA-69A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Jardine parrot / Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
I2 / HM748921 / BFDV-I2[ZA-70A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Jardine parrot / Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
I2 / HM748923 / BFDV-I2[ZA-68A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Jardine parrot / Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
I3 / HM748919 / BFDV-I3[ZA-81A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Jardine parrot / Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
I3 / HM748920 / BFDV-I3[ZA-80A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
I3 / AY450443 / BFDV-I3[ZA-AFG4-2008] / South Africa / 2003 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
I4 / AY521236 / BFDV-I4[PT-PEP01-2004] / Portugal / 2004 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / de Kloet & de Kloet, 2004
I5 / DQ397818 / BFDV-I5[ZA-CPA10-2006] / South Africa / 2006 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
J1 / GQ120621 / BFDV-J1[PT-BFDV-PT08-2-2008] / Portugal / 2008 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Henriques and Fevereiro, (unpublished)
J1 / GU047347 / BFDV-J1[PT-PT09-2-2009] / Portugal / 2009 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Henriques and Fevereiro, (unpublished)
J1 / GQ329705 / BFDV-J1[PT-PT09-2009] / Portugal / 2009 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Henriques and Fevereiro, (unpublished)
J1 / AY521238 / BFDV-J1[GB-PEU01-2004] / United Kingdom / 2004 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / de Kloet & de Kloet, 2004
J2 / EU810207 / BFDV-J2[PT-PT08-2008] / Portugal / 2008 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Henriques and Fevereiro, (unpublished)
J3 / AY521237 / BFDV-J3[DE-PEG07-2004] / Germany / 2004 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / de Kloet & de Kloet, 2004
K1 / FJ685985 / BFDV-K1[TH-BFDV13-2005] / Thailand / 2005 / Lovebird / Agapornis sp / Captive / Sariya et al., (unpublished)
K2 / AF311295 / BFDV-K2[AU-BB-WA-2000] / Australia / 2000 / Bluebonnet / Psephotus haematogaster / Captive / Bassami et al., 2001
K3 / AF311296 / BFDV-K3[AU-LB-WA-2000] / Australia / 2000 / Rosey-faced lovebird / Agapornis roseicollis / Captive / Bassami et al., 2001
K4 / AY521234 / BFDV-K4[US-PK01-2004] / USA / 2004 / Ring necked parakeet / Psittacula kramerii / Captive / de Kloet & de Kloet, 2004
K5 / AY521235 / BFDV-K5[GB-AR02-2004] / United Kingdom / 2004 / Rosey-faced lovebird / Agapornis roseicollis / Captive / de Kloet & de Kloet, 2004
L1 / HM748929 / BFDV-L1[ZA-74d-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Ring necked parakeet / Psittacula krameri / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
L1 / HM748928 / BFDV-L1[ZA-75A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Ring necked parakeet / Psittacula krameri / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
L1 / HM748927 / BFDV-L1[ZA-76f-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Ring necked parakeet / Psittacula krameri / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748939 / BFDV-M1[ZA-38A-2007] / South Africa / 2007 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748936 / BFDV-M1[ZA-45A-2007] / South Africa / 2007 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748935 / BFDV-M1[ZA-50A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748918 / BFDV-M1[ZA-60A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748930 / BFDV-M1[ZA-61A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748938 / BFDV-M1[ZA-41A-2007] / South Africa / 2007 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748931 / BFDV-M1[ZA-55A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / African grey parrot / Psittacus erithacus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748933 / BFDV-M1[ZA-54A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748932 / BFDV-M1[ZA-54b-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748937 / BFDV-M1[ZA-42A-2007] / South Africa / 2007 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M1 / HM748934 / BFDV-M1[ZA-51A-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M2 / HM748924 / BFDV-M2[ZA-83a-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Amazon parrot / Amazona sp. / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M2 / HM748925 / BFDV-M2[ZA-84e-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Amazon parrot / Amazona sp. / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M3 / HM748926 / BFDV-M3[ZA-78a-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Eclectus parrot / Eclectus roratus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2011
M4 / AY450439 / BFDV-M4[ZA-RP1-2003] / South Africa / 2003 / Ruppell's parrot / Poicephalus rueppelli / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
M4 / AY450440 / BFDV-M4[ZA-ARB4-2003] / South Africa / 2003 / African red-bellied parrot / Poicephalus rufiventris / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
M4 / AY450438 / BFDV-M4[ZA-CPA7-2003] / South Africa / 2003 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
M4 / AY450437 / BFDV-M4[ZA-CPA8-2003] / South Africa / 2003 / Cape parrot / Poicephalus robustus / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
M4 / AY450441 / BFDV-M4[ZA-GJP1-2003] / South Africa / 2003 / Jardine parrot / Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
M5 / AY450442 / BFDV-M5[ZA-BCL1-2003] / Zambia / 2003 / Black-cheeked lovebird / Agapornis personata / Captive / Heath et al., 2004
N1 / GQ165758 / BFDV-N1[ZA-BKS3ZA_86-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Budgerigar / Melopsittacus undulatus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2010
N1 / GQ165757 / BFDV-N1[ZA-BKS2ZA_85-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Budgerigar / Melopsittacus undulatus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2010
N1 / GQ165756 / BFDV-N1[ZA-BKS1ZA_84-2008] / South Africa / 2008 / Budgerigar / Melopsittacus undulatus / Captive / Varsani et al., 2010
N3 / AB277747 / BFDV-N3[JP-MU-JP2P-2006] / Japan / 2006 / Budgerigar / Melopsittacus undulatus / Captive / Ogawa et al., 2010
N2 / AB277746 / BFDV-N2[JP-MU-JP1P-2006] / Japan / 2006 / Budgerigar / Melopsittacus undulatus / Captive / Ogawa et al., 2010
O1 / JQ782201 / BFDV-O1[NZ-YCP01-2011] / New Zealand / 2011 / Yellow-crowned Parakeet / Cyanoramphus auriceps / Wild / This study
Strain/ Sub-Type