Compliance Checker Documentation
Philosophic, User, and Technical
10 Oct 85
P. O. BOX 8744
Compliance Checker Documentation
10 Oct 85
Compliance Checker Documentation
1.0 Compliance Checker Introduction ...... 1
2.0 MUMPS Compliance Checker Philosophy ...... 1
2.1 Automated Tools ...... 2
2.2 Configuration Management Approach ...... 3
3.0 Compliance Checker Design ...... 6
4.0 Environmental Constraints ...... 7
5.0 Loading Instructions for COMPLY ...... 9
6.0 Run Instructions for COMPLY ...... 10
6.1 Available Options ...... 10
6.2 The Execution ...... 10
6.3 Examples ...... 11
7.0 Programmer Module Breakdown ...... 12
7.1 COMARG - Command Argument Controller ...... 12
7.2 COMBLK - Block Structure Control ...... 19
7.3 COMERPT - Error Reporting Module ...... 22
7.4 COMERR - Error Logging Module ...... 25
7.5 COMFLIN - First Line Convention Handler . . . . 30
7.6 COMFUNC - Function Handler ...... 36
7.7 COMLAB - Label Definition Handler ...... 41
7.8 COMLINE - Command Line Parser ...... 44
7.9 COMLSTK - Routine Label Stack Report ...... 49
7.10 COMMAND - Command Handler ...... 60
7.11 COMPKGE - Package Parsing Control ...... 74
7.12 COMPLY - Compliance Checker Entry Point . . . . 81
7.13 COMPOST - Post-Conditional Handler ...... 87
7.14 COMRLAB - Label Reference Handler ...... 92
7.15 COMRPRT - Routine Report Summary ...... 96
7.16 COMRSEL - Routine Select Handler ...... 98
7.17 COMRTN - Routine Parsing Control ...... 102
7.18 COMSTK - Package Routine Stack Report . . . . . 106
7.19 COMSTORE - Loads and Stores Routines into COM . 113
7.20 COMSTRG - String Handler ...... 117
7.21 COMSYM - Symbol Handler ...... 119
7.22 COMTIME - Time and Date Utility ...... 125
7.23 COMTOK - Get Next Token and Delimiter . . . . . 126
8.1 "1C1" - Non-%ROUTINE Creates "%" Variable . . . 129
8.2 "2A1" - Title Line Not a Single "DO" Command . . 129
8.3 "3D1" - Potentionally Recursive Block Found . . 130
8.4 "3D2.1:4" - Recursive Routine Found ...... 132
8.5 "3E" - Previously Defined Block Invoked . . . . 133
8.6 "3I" - Unreferenced Label ...... 133
8.7 "4D" - XECUTE Command Found ...... 135
9.0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...... 136
11.0 SAMPLE SYMBOL TABLE ...... 147
12.0 Standards Document ...... 149
13.0 INDEX ...... 164
1.0 Compliance Checker Introduction
MUMPS is an incredibly easy language to write programs in. It
encourages quick development and easy maintainence
(microcosmically). Microcosmically maintainable in that an error
stop leaves the execution intact so that the problem may be
investigated separate from the whole package. The execution may
be continued once the problem has been corrected.
Programmers in this environment have a tendency to write "Quick
and Dirty" code with the promise to "clean it up later". All too
often, this "Quick and Dirty" code ends up as production code
with unregulated patches being applied as the production
environment evolves.
The Compliance Checker is a tool for the control of MUMPS
programming style. It is a training aid and a quality control
tool. It should be used as an insentive for the programmer to
moderate his own MUMPS coding style.
This document describes the Compliance Checker in all of its
current functionality. This document contains routine by routine
discussion of the package's execution and customization
suggestions. At the end of this document is a copy of the
standards document, "MUMPS Programming Standards or How I Stopped
Worrying and Learned to Love MUMPS", that this package is written
As a matter of convenience to the analyst, this document contains
a section on the Compliance Checker Philosophy. For those who
want to get to the finer points of this package quickly, this
section may be passed for the time being. For those who want
additional back-ground to the package, read on.
2.0 MUMPS Compliance Checker Philosophy
The only cure for interpretation is more interpretation.
- Anonymous -
MUMPS is an enigmatic language. It provides a rich programming
environment that allows the programmer a great deal of
flexibility to express concepts and ideas. This same concise,
but rich notation may also appear as cryptic to the unfamiliar
The MUMPS language provides the ability to abbreviate most
commands to a single character. Presently, this is the heart of
the difficulty in modern information systems today. The computer
understands these symbols with ease and performs them well
(whether employed correctly or incorrectly). The human computer
does not accept these symbolic entities in the same pedantic and
dogmatic style. Instead, the human computer is highly
imaginative and associative, finding inference whether expressed
or unimplied.
The human computer constructs tools. This Compliance Checker is
one such tool. The Compliance Checker is a means of automating
the Quality Control Function. It must be recognized that this is
just a tool that reflects a specific set of standards. These
standards are an ideal and are not always practical. In the area
of tools and standards, a great deal of work remains. As such,
this tool should not be viewed as a culmination, but a beginning
of an on-going process towards the generation and development of
better tools.
2.1 Automated Tools
We human computers build what we call tools to support the
man-machine interface. The purpose of tools is to provide a
context for special work. This context is for the expressed
purpose of allowing the pedantic computer to provide special
documented representations for the human computer. By providing
this environment, the ideas reflected within MUMPS code become
familiar symbols. These symbols are a special re-iteration of
the application being modeled. This gives the human computer
another aspect from which to view the logical model, and derive a
more informed understanding of the application being modeled.
The meaning of the model becomes clearer from the other points of
view. Hopefully, the value of these tools will be reflected in
better control of the model building process.
Any project which reflects the workings of more than a single
mind, needs some form of configuration management. To simplify
this even further, every development project needs some form of
configuration management.
In theory, quality control in the software modeling environment
means the validation of the concepts and ideas reflected in the
software model. This has been a difficult if not humanly
impossible task, however, the task can be readily accomplished.
If humans are too slow and prone to overlook the details of
quality control, then a tool must be developed that identifies
the techniques and styles that confuse and obscure the concepts
employed in the model. Once we have such a tool, it is
meaningless until we establish the feed-back to the individuals
that are generating the questionable code. Here is the starting
point for the development of a consistent programming style for a
programming team.
Traditionally, programming style has been something programmers
acquires over a long period by trial and error or conditioning.
Like most behaviors, they are enforced by the response of the
environment upon the programmer. If the program failed to run
properly, who cares. The pay check still arrives like
clock-work. Further, with any luck, the programmer won't have to
support the package too long before he moves on to another
project. Programmers get ahead by changing jobs, don't they?
Given these attitudes, the programmer often feels that the
remainder of the DP community operates in the same manor. "Why
should I program in a supportable manor, nobody ever did that for
The elements of programming style in MUMPS have not been well
discussed yet. Individual techniques have been anarchy thus far.
Each programmer has his own special approach to solving a
particular part of a problem. The programmer manipulates the
symbols at hand in a fashion which is meaningful at that time.
Their individual style prejudice is reflected with the symbols
and approaches used. The computer applies no such special
significance to these symbols. The computer is restricted to use
the limited confines provided by the model. The computer has no
problem conveying a meaning to these symbols.
2.2 Configuration Management Approach
To avoid the problems discussed above, Code 084 at the Naval
Weapons Center has developed this set of tools to provide a
conceptionally automated quality control program package. This
approach addresses three specific areas; programmer training,
documentation, and support.
The philosophy of this approach involves the following;
1. Establish a set of standards.
2. Develope a model which can rigorously test code against these
3. Make the tool available to the programming staff.
4. Establish of a mailbox system in which packages may be
delivered for analysis by the designated Quality Control
5. Keep a copy of the routines away from the programmers. This
will be the configuration management copy that will verify
the presumptive production code.
2.2.1 Programmer Training
Exposing the programmer to a copy of the Compliance Checker will
provide an understanding of how the checker functions. The code
will provide pointers for how the standard can be complied with.
Actually running the code against the compliance checker, will
inform the programmer about the techniques the programmer may
need to defend. Basically the programmer will normally have the
option of rewriting the code to the standards or completing the
proper waivers. Modifying the Code
Modifying the code helps the programmer to learn programming
techniques which are ultimately embraced by all of the other
programmers. This feed-back will help the programming staff to
learn to organize their thought processes into structured models.
Structured models are inherently easier to support and to modify.
They are also easier to bullet-proof. The structured modules
which make up the model may be rigorously tested in isolation,
apart from the other components or modules of the model.
4 Filling out the Waiver
The waiver reflects the concept being expressed in support of the
inconsistent code. The reconstruction of the programmer's
concept at the time of coding, is the single most difficult
This takes a significantly different type of work than most
programmers are willing to become involved in. Essentially, this
is the programmers incentive to modify the code to fit the
standard. However, if no standard method may be found, the
waiver maintains some conceptual integrity in reestablishing the
programmer's intent for the code.
2.2.2 Documentation
Documentation reflects more of an integrated approach which
results in a significant degree of standardization. The
programming staff is generating code in essentially the same
programming style. The consistent styles being applied provides
for easy analysis by the documentation specialists.
2.2.3 Support
When an assumption has entered into an application, the support
programmer (or any other programmer on the staff) will be able to
decipher the code quickly. The following advantages will be
readily available to the programmer.
1. The code is hierarchical in design.
2. The quality control staff should have the Compliance Checker
analysis available.
3. The code is written in a consistent and familiar style.
4. Waivers will be available for non-standard code.
5. Structured MUMPS models are easier to restart in place.
3.0 Compliance Checker Design
The Compliance Checker closely follows the syntax of the language
and attempts to compare the input code to the ideal of a
standard. It is not rigidly intended that everyone must write
code which will follow the standard explicitly. Instead, the
standard is an ideal, and is to be strived toward but not
necessarily attained in all cases. The catch is that the
shortcomings are to be documented with waivers.
There are a number of levels that the code uses to examine an
input routine. These are:
1. By Package - The first routine is identified and loaded into
the ^COM global (^COM("TEXT",RTN,N)). As each external
reference is identified, the routine name is stored to be
loaded and examined. The relationship of the current routine
and the called routine is maintained for package structure
analysis at the completion of the run (COMPKGE).
2. By Routine - As the routine is parsed, the labels and the
order that they are invoked is saved. The relationships are
maintained in the ^COM global for routine structure analysis
after each routine (COMLSTK).
3. By Block - A one label, one unconditional exit, block rule is
compared and adhered to where possible. The introduction of
a new label prior to the closure of the last block is flagged
as an error. Unreachable code or unreferenced labels are
also flagged as an error.
4. By Line - A line in MUMPS is a specific type of blocking that
is peculiar to the MUMPS language. There is a class of
commands which control access to the other commands situated
to the right on the current line. These are called control
commands; (i.e., FOR, IF, QUIT, GOTO, ELSE). There are
circumstances which make the execution of commands to the
right more or less critical. For example, an
unpostconditionalized GOTO that occurs after an IF command
does not signify the end of a block. An
unpostconditionalized GOTO without a control command
signifies the end of a block.
5. By Command - A Command level of evaluation provides some
interesting problems with the syntax of the language. There
is a series of commands that allow an incredible amount of
freedom (and potential danger). The XECUTE command provides
the opportunity to subvert every aspect of the standard. It
is important to keep track of these and other commands that
are potentially ambiguous, such as the ELSE command. The
problems with the GOTO are historical to the point of
becoming legend.
Certain commands are important by the features they impart as
well as the symbols they reference. The SET, the FOR, and
the READ commands are the only ways that local variables are
created or changed in the MUMPS Language. Use of the SET is
the only way to create global variable references. The KILL
command is used to eliminate both local and global
references. All other symbol usages are only references.
6. By Argument - The argument is the most complex of all of the
interfaces. Each command references the arguments
differently. Further, the richness of the language provides
a wide variety of symbol expression as arguments.
There are situations wherein a certain command can have a
dramatic effect upon symbols that were explicitly not
mentioned. The argumentless KILL command will destroy all
local symbols created to the present point. The exclusive
KILL will destroy all of the symbols not specified within the
exclusion list.
The postconditionalization of a command or argument is a
specialization of an expression. It resolves down to one of
two outcomes, TRUE or FALSE. Still each reference within the
structure of the postconditional must be recorded as a
4.0 Environmental Constraints
The Compliance Checker was designed to run DSM on a VAX. The
most significant limitation to note is that this package is a
hierarchical model. This model makes heavy use of the stack.
However, this allows for a special level of analysis in the form
of stack evaluation (on the VAX, DO ^%STACK).
In an effort to make this package as useful as possible on
multiple systems, many of the options are described in detail in
the module descriptions provided below. An effort has been made
to make the code easy to modify for other implementations.
Further, there are some 1984 Standards features installed, like
the two argument $LENGTH and the "left side of the equals sign"
functions ($PIECE only). As a result, these ultimately represent
a source of trouble for migration to some older implementations.
Solutions to these problems will be published in future editions
of this document. In the interim, these extention problems will
be considered as "an exercise for the student".
HINT: a relatively inelegant solution for the two argument
$LENGTH may be written as a $FIND function driven by a FOR loop.
The package does expect at least the first routine to be analyzed
to be resident and available as a routine. Also, it would
require very little modification to adapt the compliance checker
to accept input for routines by tape or other sequential source.
There is a symbol that may be set before a run. This symbol is
the default list device. The symbol LISDEV may be set to a file
or device ID prior to invoking the routine. In the event that
LISDEV does not exist, it will be set to 0 and the actual default
device will be used.
Little needs to be change for the Compliance Checker to run on a
PDP-11 using DSM-11 Version 3.0 or better. Also, attempts have
been made to flag these areas with special comments to describe
the activities the code is to perform.
5.0 Loading Instructions for COMPLY
The tape supplied is a 9-track, 1600 BPI tape in VAL4 format with
1024 characters per block (unless otherwise indicated). The
files are arranged as follows;
1. Routines - 23 Routines in %RR format
2. Globals - COMDEF and COMDOC in %GR format
START F LP00=1:1 S N=$O(^COMDOC(N)) Q:N="" W !,^COMDOC(N)
The document is in RUNOFF format which contains form-feeds,
line-feeds and carriage-returns imbedded within the text. Nearly
all printers should be able to handle these control characters.
6.0 Run Instructions for COMPLY
6.1 Available Options
In the previous discussion the LISDEV (LISt DEVice) variable was
mentioned to include setting up the Compliance Checker up to
generate a hardcopy listing. There is also a feature installed
that allows you to monitor the execution as it progresses.
Many of the Compliance Checker analyses run for an extended
period of time. Each undefined external reference called is
another routine which will be subjected to analysis. To allow
the user to monitor the progress of these runs without killing
the job or seriously impacting the run performance, a status
feature has been installed. The status feature provides that any