18th September 2015

Holidays are here!

Today is the last day of Term 3. School will be back on Tuesday 6th October 2015.

Kindergarten 2016

Little Learners has started. If you know a child who is coming to Kinder next year, we are enrolling now.

60th Birthday

The 60th Birthday party for Yennora PS went well. The assembly was fantastic with the performances. We raised the money in the

Birthday Jumble Sale -$3000. Our Swim Program 2016 is going ahead. Thank you for everyone’s help, support and effort. It was such a busy day!!!

Father’s Day Stall

The P&C had organised the Father’s Day Stall and we raised another $200. Thank you to the P&C for wrapping up all those presents for the dads and grandads in the community.

Book Week

Mrs Strohmayer announced that our students and teachers bought nearly $1000 worth of books. Thank you for the donations too. Happy Reading!!!




What a busy term we have had this time. We have had Book Week, Athletics Carnival, Little Learners, Yennora’s 60th Birthday Party, excursions, Father’s Day Stall, Spelling Bee, Competitions, however there was still time to learn.

Thank you to everyone who assisted even in the smallest way in the 60th Birthday Celebrations. It was a big day for the school. We hope the “Original” students from Yennora PS had some fun and memories too.

Our Birthday Jumble Sale was successful and we have raised the money for the Swim Program 2016.

Our well-deserved holidays are here and the staff hope that everyone has a safe and relaxing holiday.

School will be back on Tuesday 6th October 2016.

Next term is our Canberra Excursion, Youth Eco Summit, the Family Night Out at the University of Western Sydney, Kindergarten Orientation for our new Kinder students 2016.

Have a safe holiday!!

Ms A Schuette



Please keep banking in 2015. It has started again. Take your bankbook to the office every Tuesday. Save your money for a “rainy day” as the saying used to be.


The P&C - next meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd November 2015. On the agenda will be Kindergarten Orientation, Reports and Christmas Trolley Drive and Christmas Raffle.


Term 4


6th School starts

9th Little Learners

16th Little Learners

19th Canberra Excursion

22nd Youth Eco Summit

23rd Little Learners

28th Family Night at Western Sydney University

30th Little Learners


6th Kindergarten Orientation


4th Reports Home to parents

16th Passing Out Ceremony and last day


If you need a new summer uniform for your children, please come and see us in the office. We also have some new school bags left.

To find your child’s bag easily, please attach ribbon or keying to the bag – it makes it easier.


Check out the new books we have in different languages and the new books Mrs Strohmayer bought from the Book Fair.

We raised $933 at the Book Fair, which allowed us to purchase some new books for the library. Well done, Yennora!!

A special thanks to Fa’alua’s family who donated $40 so we could buy 6 new books!

Congratulations to 1 /2, the class who raised the most money by purchasing books at the Book Fair - $153.

We held a prize draw for all the students who purchased from the Book Fair and they were awarded a special “Book Light up Our World” mini torch. The lucky winners were: Melqart, Rosel, Tim, Daniel, Sunia and Khalaf.


After our school ‘s Public Speaking Finals recently, 4 students will be representing Yennora at the Fairfield District Competition to be held on Tuesday 13th October 2015 at William Stimson PS. Good luck to Natalia, Luke, Lauren and Abdulrahman. Keep practising your speech over the holidays. A note will go home to parents at the beginning of Term 4.


The English for Parents Course will be back in Term 4.


If you have a child, who will come to school next year and you are currently not enrolled in a Pre-school, it would be great to see you at our Playgroup. Miss Tina is looking forward to helping your child get used to Big School.



Our pre-Kindergarten program is called “Little Learners at Yennora”. It starts at 9:00am until approximately 11:00am. The program will get our new Kindergarten students used to school, teachers, the classroom and some routines. It will be on every Friday with the exception of the 11th September 2015 (Yennora PS’ Birthday Party) until 6th November 2015. A parent has to stay on the school premises with the child, as they are not legally enrolled yet.

It is a great program.



It’s free and makes you feel good.