Philly Calix Update
Blessed Sunday to All!
It's been awhile and I wanted to send an update since there are a few things going on.
The Media Unit is resuming their rosary and meeting on Monday October 9th at 6:15 PM with the rosary in the adoration chapel followed by a meeting. All at Nativity BVM in Media
The Levittown unit resumed a couple weeks ago. They will continue to meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM in the parish center at Queen of the Universe.
The new unit at St. Patrick's in Norristown is looking for folks to join them for the 4PM Vigil Mass followed by a meeting in the school on the 2nd & 4th Saturday's of the month.
And Grays Ferry is still meeting every Tuesday beginning with adoration and Mass at 6:00 PM.
Please keep Paul S. (Grays Ferry/St. Patrick's) in your prayers as he recovers from rotator cuff surgery this past Thursday.
I also just learned that Mary McDonough, an elderly woman that came to Glenside before moving into a nursing home, passed away the Tuesday after Labor Day. She is now back with her husband Mike which is something she longed for ever since he had died.
If you haven't visited the national website in awhile, please do so as it's been completely overhauled. Maybe even become a dues paying member if you aren't already! Members will have access to the forums where we can have discussions about all topics related to our recovery! If you need help or have questions shoot me an email.
Finally, if you think God may be calling you into a deeper relationship with him, consider visiting the Matt Talbot Franciscan Fraternity tomorrow night! We are a fraternity of third order Franciscans that meet on the first Monday of each month beginning with Mass at 6:00 at the Matt Talbot Chapel at 29th & Dickinson. Quite a few Calix members have made or are in formation to make their profession as Secular Franciscans. After Mass we break up into groups for formation. There is absolutely no commitment required! Come check us out!
The Lord Give You Peace!
Ken Johnston Treasurer, The Calix Society Catholic Addicts Living In Christ!