Associated Teachers TV programme

Phil Beadle's Masterclass: Limbo and Night of the Scorpion

0001 10:00:08:02 10:00:11:14

(Phil) I'm working today with kids

from Newham, where I used to teach.

0002 10:00:11:14 10:00:15:20

We're studying poems from

other cultures and traditions.

0003 10:00:15:20 10:00:18:16

We'll be looking to bring out

the musicality of the poems

0004 10:00:18:16 10:00:21:05

and to have a kind of

experiential approach to it.

0005 10:00:27:06 10:00:29:01

What's fascinating about "Limbo"

0006 10:00:29:01 10:00:32:09

is the link between

the people on the slave ship

0007 10:00:32:09 10:00:34:22

and the Catholic notion of limbo -

where babies go

0008 10:00:34:22 10:00:37:21

when they've not been

baptised before death.

0009 10:00:38:01 10:00:41:16

Look at your numbers. Put your

numbers down. Remember your numbers.

0010 10:00:42:07 10:00:44:16

Right, who were the first

man and woman on earth?

0011 10:00:44:16 10:00:45:24

(students) Adam and Eve.

0012 10:00:45:24 10:00:48:16

- Which one committed the first sin?

- Eve.

0013 10:00:48:16 10:00:50:18

It was Eve.

Be careful of the ladies.

0014 10:00:50:18 10:00:54:08

The issue with this is, because

every single person in this room

0015 10:00:54:08 10:00:57:21

is meant to be a direct descendant

of Adam and Eve,

0016 10:00:57:21 10:01:01:14

we are all stained from

the moment of our conception

0017 10:01:01:14 10:01:04:00

with our father

and our mother's sin.

0018 10:01:04:00 10:01:05:21

According to the Catholic Church,

0019 10:01:05:21 10:01:10:13

the moment you are conceived in

your mother's womb you are a sinner.

0020 10:01:10:13 10:01:14:02

The only way that you can ascend

to the kingdom of heaven

0021 10:01:14:02 10:01:17:13

is to have these sins washed away

through baptism,

0022 10:01:17:13 10:01:20:23

through what the Catholics describe

as "the gift of baptism".

0023 10:01:20:23 10:01:26:03

Issue: what happens to

little babies who are born

0024 10:01:26:03 10:01:28:19

and then die

before they're baptised?

0025 10:01:30:02 10:01:31:18

- Yes?

- (boy) They go to limbo.

0026 10:01:31:18 10:01:33:21

- What's your name, mate?

- Niall.

0027 10:01:33:21 10:01:36:08

Niall. What's limbo, Niall?

0028 10:01:36:08 10:01:39:00

- It's in between heaven and earth.

- OK.

0029 10:01:39:00 10:01:41:24

- And who lives there?

- People that haven't been baptised.

0030 10:01:41:24 10:01:48:01

Erm... what do we think

of the idea of limbo,

0031 10:01:48:01 10:01:51:02

which lasts for all eternity?

0032 10:01:51:02 10:01:54:12

- (Niall) It's not fair.

- It doesn't seem fair, does it?

0033 10:01:54:12 10:01:57:11

Where's Brooke? Stand up.

0034 10:01:58:11 10:02:00:14

Over there. Now. Hurry up.

0035 10:02:00:14 10:02:03:02

Call you out by number. 20 - up.

0036 10:02:03:02 10:02:06:10

21. 15. 17. Move over here.

0037 10:02:06:22 10:02:08:07

You and you, up.

0038 10:02:08:07 10:02:10:05

All of you guys, over there.

0039 10:02:10:05 10:02:12:05

As tight as possible. Move in.

0040 10:02:12:05 10:02:14:09

Move up tighter to each other.

0041 10:02:14:22 10:02:17:07

Could you move backwards

and move backwards?

0042 10:02:18:00 10:02:20:02

(students complaining)

0043 10:02:21:01 10:02:25:01

(Phil) This is the testimony

of a guy called Reverend Walsh.

0044 10:02:25:01 10:02:29:15

He discovered...

a load of slaves on a slave ship:

0045 10:02:29:15 10:02:32:12

"The heat of these places

was so horrid and so great,

0046 10:02:32:12 10:02:34:11

and the odour so offensive,

0047 10:02:34:11 10:02:36:08

that it was quite impossible

to enter them -

0048 10:02:36:08 10:02:38:04

even had there been room."

0049 10:02:38:04 10:02:41:18

"There were 517 creatures

of all ages and sexes -

0050 10:02:41:18 10:02:44:13

some children, some adults,

some old men and women -

0051 10:02:44:13 10:02:46:22

all in a state of total nudity,

0052 10:02:46:22 10:02:50:12

scrambling out together to taste

the luxury of fresh air and water."

0053 10:02:50:12 10:02:54:10

"They came swarming up like bees

from the aperture of a hive

0054 10:02:54:10 10:02:58:02

till the whole deck was crowded to

suffocation from stern to stern."

0055 10:02:58:02 10:03:01:17

We're gonna do a little exercise.

On the drum and the whip crack,

0056 10:03:01:17 10:03:04:05

if your number is one,

you shout out, "One".

0057 10:03:04:05 10:03:07:05

The next whip crack, if your number

is two, shout out, "Two".

0058 10:03:07:05 10:03:10:16

We're doing this only so

you can remember the order.

0059 10:03:10:16 10:03:14:06

Remember the person

who says the number before you.

0060 10:03:14:06 10:03:15:15

(girl #1) One.

0061 10:03:15:15 10:03:16:24

(boy #1) Two.

0062 10:03:16:24 10:03:18:05

(boy #2) Three.

0063 10:03:18:05 10:03:19:05

(girl #2) Four.

0064 10:03:19:05 10:03:21:15

- (boy #3) 25.

- (boy #4) 26.

0065 10:03:21:15 10:03:23:21

(boy #5) 27.

0066 10:03:23:21 10:03:26:05

(Phil) This is the atmosphere

on slave ships.

0067 10:03:26:05 10:03:30:00

It's hot, it's sweaty, it's filthy,

it's dirty, and you're dying.

0068 10:03:30:00 10:03:32:13

Boil it down... to one word

0069 10:03:32:13 10:03:36:11

to express how you would feel

on that slave ship.

0070 10:03:36:11 10:03:40:17

Right, we're gonna go from one

through to 27 with the drums.

0071 10:03:40:17 10:03:42:22

- Brooke, what's your word?

- "Miserable."

0072 10:03:42:22 10:03:46:20

"Miserable." Every beat, you're

gonna say the word "miserable".

0073 10:03:46:20 10:03:48:11

- Who's number two?

- (boy) Me.

0074 10:03:48:11 10:03:50:17

- What's your name?

- Ramon.

0075 10:03:50:17 10:03:51:23

- Your word?

- "Sick."

0076 10:03:51:23 10:03:54:02

With every beat,

from when Brooke starts...

0077 10:03:54:02 10:03:57:17

So we'll go... one,

Brooke goes, "Miserable".

0078 10:03:57:17 10:04:00:04

Two, Ramon goes, "Sick".

0079 10:04:00:04 10:04:02:10

But you still say, "Miserable".

Do you get me?

0080 10:04:02:10 10:04:04:13

Let's see if it works. Ready?

0081 10:04:04:13 10:04:06:20

- (Brooke) Miserable.

- (Ramon) Sick.

0082 10:04:06:20 10:04:08:24

- Yes! Yes.

- (all repeat their words)

0083 10:04:19:02 10:04:20:17

Keep going.

0084 10:04:27:14 10:04:29:24

How did the guys

on the slave ships...

0085 10:04:30:21 10:04:32:22

How are they like

the babies in limbo?

0086 10:04:32:22 10:04:35:05

It's not fair,

because it's not up to them.

0087 10:04:35:05 10:04:39:23

- It's not fair. Why else?

- They weren't given a choice.

0088 10:04:39:23 10:04:41:22

There was no choice, no volition -

0089 10:04:41:22 10:04:44:10

for the slaves

or for the babies in limbo.

0090 10:04:44:10 10:04:45:23

Anybody else?

0091 10:04:45:23 10:04:48:05

(girl) Limbo's a place

of uncertainty.

0092 10:04:48:05 10:04:50:13

The slaves do not know

where they're going,

0093 10:04:50:13 10:04:52:15

so they're unaware

of where they're going.

0094 10:04:52:15 10:04:55:19

(Phil) That's a fantastically

brilliant answer. Yeah.

0095 10:04:55:19 10:04:58:20

The babies don't know where

they're going, what's happening.

0096 10:04:58:20 10:05:02:22

The slaves are just in a black hole

of cess and filth.

0097 10:05:02:22 10:05:06:10

The key is the uncertainty.

Right, you can come back.

0098 10:05:08:12 10:05:12:24

Right, can I have Niall and Ramon,

please, standing here -

0099 10:05:12:24 10:05:16:10

either side of this stick?

So if you just hold it.

0100 10:05:16:10 10:05:19:10

Do you know what a limbo dance is?

0101 10:05:19:10 10:05:23:16

It's a celebratory dance. They do it

on beaches as a tourist attraction.

0102 10:05:23:16 10:05:25:24

They go back...

0103 10:05:26:16 10:05:28:20

underneath the stick...

0104 10:05:28:20 10:05:31:12

I did well there!

..go underneath the stick.

0105 10:05:31:12 10:05:34:00

If you touch the stick

with any part of your body,

0106 10:05:34:00 10:05:36:07

you're automatically out.

0107 10:05:36:07 10:05:38:14

Let's have five guys, please.

0108 10:05:39:09 10:05:41:09

Take it away. Go.

0109 10:05:41:09 10:05:44:20

Easy peasy. Well done.

No - he touched it. Well done.

0110 10:05:44:20 10:05:46:22

Oh! (laughs)

0111 10:05:46:22 10:05:51:14

It's actually the way that the

slaves came onto the slave ships.

0112 10:05:51:14 10:05:55:00

They couldn't walk on.

In order to get in the gap,

0113 10:05:55:00 10:05:58:13

they had to bend their knees

like that and go through.

0114 10:05:58:13 10:06:01:04

It was called

"the under-stick dance"

0115 10:06:01:04 10:06:05:08

and it portrays the slaves going

into the hold of the slave ship.

0116 10:06:05:08 10:06:07:13

The deck and the floor

were close together.

0117 10:06:07:13 10:06:11:12

The title of the dance, "limbo",

is a derivation of "limber" -

0118 10:06:11:12 10:06:15:15

they had to limber up to get

loose enough to get in there.

0119 10:06:15:15 10:06:19:13

We're gonna have the same five guys,

please, over there.

0120 10:06:19:13 10:06:24:21

Right, everybody else, could you

take a copy of the poem "Limbo"?

0121 10:06:24:21 10:06:27:08

Right, this is how

we're gonna read it out.

0122 10:06:27:08 10:06:31:00

Try and get it as the chant

on a slave ship. Go.

0123 10:06:32:01 10:06:35:09

(rhythmically) "And limbo stick

is the silence in front of me

0124 10:06:35:09 10:06:37:14

(students join in)

"Limbo, limbo like me

0125 10:06:37:14 10:06:40:10


Limbo like me

0126 10:06:40:10 10:06:43:03

"Long dark night

is the silence in front of me

0127 10:06:43:03 10:06:45:22


Limbo like me

0128 10:06:45:22 10:06:49:03

"Stick hit sound

and the ship like it ready

0129 10:06:49:03 10:06:52:13

"Stick hit sound

and the dark still steady

0130 10:06:52:13 10:06:55:12


Limbo like me

0131 10:06:55:12 10:06:58:06

"Long dark deck

and the water surrounding me

0132 10:06:58:06 10:07:01:22

"Long dark deck

and the silence is over me

0133 10:07:01:22 10:07:04:11


Limbo like me

0134 10:07:04:11 10:07:07:21

"Stick is the whip

and the dark deck is slavery

0135 10:07:08:03 10:07:11:19

"Stick is the whip

and the dark deck is slavery

0136 10:07:11:19 10:07:14:02


Limbo like me

0137 10:07:14:02 10:07:17:16

"Drum stick knock

and the darkness is over me

0138 10:07:17:16 10:07:21:11

"Knees spread wide

and the water is hiding

0139 10:07:21:11 10:07:23:17


Limbo like me

0140 10:07:23:17 10:07:27:07

"Knees spread wide

and the dark ground is under me

0141 10:07:27:07 10:07:31:10

"Down, down, down

0142 10:07:31:10 10:07:32:19

"And the drummer is calling me

0143 10:07:32:19 10:07:35:20


Limbo like me

0144 10:07:35:20 10:07:38:13

"Sun coming up

and the drummers are praising me

0145 10:07:38:13 10:07:41:14

"Out of the dark

and the dumb gods are raising me

0146 10:07:41:14 10:07:45:01

"Up, up, up

0147 10:07:45:01 10:07:46:23

"And the music is saving me

0148 10:07:46:23 10:07:50:16

"Hot slow step

0149 10:07:50:16 10:07:52:04

"On the burning ground."

0150 10:07:52:04 10:07:55:03

Well done. Sit down.

Do that.

0151 10:07:56:18 10:07:58:16

While you're doing it,

0152 10:07:58:16 10:08:01:06

see if you can put a letter sound

with your voice.

0153 10:08:01:06 10:08:03:12

What sound is this with your voice?

0154 10:08:03:12 10:08:05:20

- (clicking tongues)

- That's good.

0155 10:08:06:22 10:08:08:06


0156 10:08:08:06 10:08:12:09

Mark, could you do us

some rim clicks, please?

0157 10:08:18:15 10:08:21:01

What letter sound is that?

0158 10:08:21:01 10:08:23:17

- K.

- (Phil) It's a K.

0159 10:08:23:17 10:08:27:04

So what sound does that make?

K... k... k... k...

0160 10:08:27:04 10:08:30:00

This poem is very percussive.

0161 10:08:30:00 10:08:32:02

It's one of the reasons

we've got the drums.

0162 10:08:32:02 10:08:34:09

It's got loads of k... sounds

in it -

0163 10:08:34:09 10:08:36:08

k... k... k... k...

0164 10:08:36:08 10:08:39:00

k... k... k... k... k... k...

0165 10:08:40:04 10:08:43:13

If there's loads of k... sounds

in it, loads of consonants in it,

0166 10:08:43:13 10:08:46:09

then you can describe a poem

as being percussive.

0167 10:08:46:09 10:08:52:11

For instance, "Long dark deck" -

k... k... k...

0168 10:08:52:11 10:08:55:03

You can get the k... sound

in three ways -

0169 10:08:55:03 10:08:58:05

either a C, or a K...

0170 10:08:58:05 10:09:03:09

Actually, a C and a K together,

which is a consonant blend...

0171 10:09:03:09 10:09:07:06

When you've got lots and lots

of consonant blends in a poem,

0172 10:09:07:06 10:09:10:20

lots and lots of the same sound,

then that is called "consonance".

0173 10:09:10:20 10:09:14:00

I'm gonna give you

a proper definition of it.

0174 10:09:14:00 10:09:16:04

Consonance is

a repetition of consonants

0175 10:09:16:04 10:09:19:22

in words stressed in the same place,

but whose vowels differ.

0176 10:09:19:22 10:09:23:17

Also a kind of inverted alliteration

in which final consonants,

0177 10:09:23:17 10:09:27:00

rather than initial ones,

repeat in nearby words.

0178 10:09:27:00 10:09:30:04

What do you know

by the term "alliteration"?

0179 10:09:30:04 10:09:34:02

- Yes, Alam?

- Where letters in a word repeat.

0180 10:09:34:02 10:09:36:10

Yeah. And alliteration

is always consonants.

0181 10:09:36:10 10:09:40:10

For instance, B would be "Billy

Beaver's bum in Fulham Broadway" -

0182 10:09:40:10 10:09:41:24

b... b... b... b...

0183 10:09:41:24 10:09:45:00

Alliteration is consonants

right at the front of it.

0184 10:09:45:00 10:09:47:08


Where consonance differs is,

0185 10:09:47:08 10:09:52:03

it's consonant blends and consonant

sounds right at the back of it.

0186 10:09:52:03 10:09:57:01

Why would the poet

use percussive sounds,

0187 10:09:57:01 10:09:59:03

a collection of percussive sounds?

0188 10:09:59:03 10:10:01:12

- Yes?

- Most slaves were African,

0189 10:10:01:12 10:10:03:15

and Africa's famous for its drums.

0190 10:10:03:15 10:10:05:20

OK. That's a very, very good answer.

0191 10:10:05:20 10:10:09:20

Yeah, Africa is quite famous for

drums, and the slaves were African.

0192 10:10:09:20 10:10:12:09

Anybody else want to go anywhere?

0193 10:10:12:09 10:10:15:04

I'm guessing the chains and stuff

dragging on the floor

0194 10:10:15:04 10:10:17:14

would make a sort of clicky sound.

0195 10:10:17:14 10:10:19:17

Fantastic. Really original. Yes?

0196 10:10:19:17 10:10:21:17

As they were doing the limbo dance,

0197 10:10:21:17 10:10:24:20

the shackles rattling would

go with the words of the poem.

0198 10:10:24:20 10:10:26:20

There'd certainly be

a rhythmic thing.

0199 10:10:26:20 10:10:30:04

If you're going onto the ship

and you're all chained together...

0200 10:10:30:04 10:10:32:04

what are you gonna get?

0201 10:10:32:04 10:10:33:24