Midwest German History Workshop 2008

University of Toronto

Friday, September 19, 2008

5:00--6:30 pm

Munk Centre for International Studies, Room 108 North House

Keynote address

Geoff Eley, University of Michigan

"Empire by Land or Sea? Germany's Imperial Imaginary, 1850-1945"

Saturday, September 20, 2008

All panels to be held at the Munk Centre for International Studies, Room 208 North House

Panel One: Theft


Commentator and Chair: Doris Bergen, University of Toronto

Rebecca Carter-Chand, University of Toronto, “Stealing a ‘Good’ Reputation:

The Salvation Army in the Third Reich”

Andreas Fahrmeir, University of Frankfurt/ Université de Montréal, “Stealing Votes—Not an Issue in Germany?”

Monika Flaschka, KentStateUniversity, “Robbed of Masculinity”

Marion Gray, WesternMichiganUniversity, “Who Owns the Trees? Nature Protection in a Neighborhood of Greater Berlin, 1922-1947”

Erin Hochman, University of Toronto, “The Great St. Germain Robbery: Austrian Self-Determination, German Nationalism and Democratic Politics, 1918-1933

Ed Mathieu, BeloitCollege, “Heinrich XXII and the Nationalist's Theft of Germany”

James Retallack, University of Toronto, “‘Stealing’ the Antisemitic Vote, from the 1890s to the 1880s”

Glen Ryland, University of Notre Dame, “Chiefs as Thieves: German Missionary Accounts of Southwest African Elites”

Alice Weinreb, University of Michigan, “Taking Food out of the Mouths of Hungry Germans: Fantasies of Food Theft in the FRG”

Panel Two: Everyday Life


Commentator and Chair: Jennifer Jenkins, University of Toronto

Julia Brüggemann, DePauwUniversity, “Everyday Life During Extraordinary Times?”

Dieter Buse, Laurentian University, “Theft and Everyday Life of Families in Small Villages: Puzzling Questions”

Bradley Coates, McMasterUniversity, “Everyday Life in a Not-So Everyday Region: Daily Concerns in the Bavarian Sudeten Areas”

Heather Dichter, University of Toronto, “Influencing Every Day Sport: The Role of National Sport Organizations and the Allies”

Will Gray, PurdueUniversity, “Everyday Life and the Level-of-Analysis Problem”

Jennifer Miller, Southern IllinoisUniversity, “Postwar Negotiations: The Everyday Lives of the First Generation of Turkish ‘Guest Workers’”

John Noyes, University of Toronto, “Herder’s Bad Manners: The Melding of Political and Poetic Life”

Pamela Swett, McMasterUniversity, “Advertisements and Everyday Life in Nazi Germany”

Greg Witkowski, BallStateUniversity, “Giving in German Tradition: Everyday Life and Transnational Identity Formation”

Panel Three: Fathers

3:30-5:30 pm

Commentator and Chair: Stefan Soldovieri, University of Toronto

Anne Berg, University of Michigan, “From Pimp to Father: The Question of Moral Turpitude and the NationalSocialistState in Hamburg”

Erik Huneke, University of Michigan, “Father Knows Best? Premarital Pregnancy and the Reconfiguration of Fatherhood in the Early German Democratic Republic”

Carolyn Kay, TrentUniversity, “Fathers of the Nation: Childrearing Experts in Wilhelmine Germany”

Christine Lehleiter, University of Toronto, “Krise der Männlichkeit”? Notes on the Reemergence and Redefinition of the Father Figure at the Turn From the Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Century”

Marti Lybeck, University of WisconsinLa Crosse, “Father Issues”

Anna Manchin, University of Toronto, “Comic Fathers: Jewish, Gentile, Hungarian?

Laurie Marhoefer, University of Toronto, “Dancer, Transvestite and Father”

Rob Nelson, University of Windsor, “Fathers on the Frontier: Colonialism, Class, Fathers and Sons”

Scott Spector, “From Big Daddy to Small Literature”

Richard Steigmann-Gall, KentStateUniversity, “Fathers as Category or Catalyst?”

Till van Rahden, Université de Montréal, “Bringing Democracy to Daddy: Changing Conceptions of Paternal Authority in West Germany, 1945-1979”