Course Instructor: Hülya Durudoğan

Phone # : 1528

Email :

Office : Sos 264

Office Hours : 8:30-9:00Monday and Wednesday (and by appointment)

Philosophy begins in wonder, and at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains. There have been added, however, some grasp of the immensity of things, some purification of emotion by understanding.

Alfred North Whitehead

Course Materials: A reader containing a wide selection of materials is available through the library. Students are required to come to class having read the assignments and prepared to answer questions.

Attendance: KoçUniversity policy requires that students attend class. (Article 14 of the by-laws reads “All students are required to attend classes and discussion sessions such as tutorials, labs and problem sessions. Faculty will take attendance. The students who fail to attend 1/3 of classes and discussion sessions may get an automatic F.”)

*Regular class attendance is very strongly recommended, and practically required, for success in this course. I can assure you that the material will be very hard to grasp without the hints and strategies for understanding that I will provide in class. I will take attendance in the first 10 minutes of class and late-comers will be counted “absent.”

Participation: The study of philosophy works best when it is pursued as a communal, conversational effort. Class discussions will comprise a major part of this course. Since useful participation is a form of accomplished work it will have a considerable effect on your final grade.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism of intellectual property, which is the unacknowledged use of the ideas as well as words of another, will not be tolerated. Students suspected of plagiarism will be referred to the University Disciplinary Council. If you are worried about the possibility of accidental plagiarism during the course of composing a paper, make a note of your concern in pencil in the margins of the paper at the section that causes you concern. Although discussing the meaning of the works with others prior to writing your essays or taking the final exam is acceptable, collaboration—in the sense of receiving unauthorized help—in any stage of writing will not be allowed (see plagiarism policy).


1)It is required to bring the readers to class every time we meet. If you do not have your reader with you, you will be counted “absent.”

2)No eating in the classroom.

3)Cellular phones are to be turned off.

4)No sleeping in the classroom.

5)Studying, taking notes…etc for other courses will not be tolerated.

Course Evaluation:1st Exam30%


2nd Exam25%

Course Grade ** 20%

* 5 pages; double-spaced, 12pt. You are required to hand in a hard copy as well as send it as an attachment.For each day of delay beyond the due date, you will loose 20% of the grade.

** The course grade includes attendance, participation and preparedness for the class.

Letter Grades:

A: 100-95

A-: 94-90

B+: 89-85

B: 84-80

B-: 79-75

C+: 74-70

C: 69-65

C-: 64-60

D+: 59-55

D: 54-50

F: 49—


“particulars and universals”

(for about 5 weeks)

Denkel/Reality and Meaning (excerpt)

Quinton/ “Objects and Events”

Brody/ “The Theory of Identity for enduring Objects”

Russell/ “The Principle of Individuation”

Aune/ “Universals and Particulars”

Russell/ “The world of Universals”


(for about 4 weeks)

Hume/An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (excerpt)

Descartes/Meditations (I-II-III)


(for about 4 weeks)

Descartes/Meditations (I-II-III)

Freud/ “Unconscious”

Foucault/The Hermeneutics of the Subject (excerpt)


No class on the 16th of March.

1st exam is on the 18th of March.

The topic for the paper will be announced on the 22nd of April.

The papers are due on the 4th of May.

The 2nd exam will take place on the day of the final.