Study program / Undergraduate study in anglistics
Course / Introduction to linguistics
Status of the course / obligatory
Year / 1st / Semester / 1st
ECTS credits / 3
Teacher / PhD Lidija Štrmelj, assistant professor
e-mail /
consultation hours
Associate / assistant / /
e-mail / /
Consultation hours / /
Place of teaching / lectures in the classroom n,143, seminars in 131
Teaching methods / lectures + seminars
Teaching workload
Lectures + Seminars + Exercises / 2 + 1 + 0
Examination methods / assessment of student's activity in class, homework assignments, mid-term and end-term tests or/and final exam
Start date / End date
Colloquia / 1. term / 2. term / 3. term / 4. term
Examination period / 1. term / 2. term / 3. term / 4. term
Learning outcomes / general:
After completing the course, students should be able to:
-know major linguistic terms, branches and directions;
-recognize the most relevant differences between English and Croatian at phonological, morphological, syntacticaland other levels
-define basic linguistic concepts;
-classify the English phonemes and morphemes according to certain parameters;
-use the IPA symbols in word and phrase transcription;
-distinguish traditional from modern grammar,
-analyse phrases and sentences at morphological, syntactic and semantic levels;
-recognize and understand ambiguous phrases and sentences;
-interpret the meaning of phrases or sentenceswithin given context;
-classifycognate languages;
-reconstruct older linguistic forms by comparison of cognate languages;
-understand the inevitability of language change over time;
-understand the existence of language varieties due to the different geographic, social and cultural conditions of English speakers
Enrolment prerequisites / none
Course subject / An overview of the most important linguistic terms, branches and directions
Required reading / a)Yule, G.: The Study of Language, Cambridge University Press, 1996 ( or later editions)
b)two titles from additional readings
Additional reading / Lyons J.: Language and Linguistics: An Introduction, CUP, 1992
Kuiper K. and Allan W.S.: An Introduction to English Language. Word, Sound and Sentence, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 3rd Edition,
Akmajin A., Demers A., Farmer A.K. and Harnish R.M.: Linguistics. An Introductionto Language and Communication, MIT Press 2001
O'Grady W., Archibald J., Aronoff M. And Rees-Miller, J.: Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. 5th ed., 2005
Pinker S.: The Language Instinct. How the Mind Creates Language
Internet resources / optional
Quality assurance / students’ survey and self-evaluation
Conditions for obtaining signatures / Students should attend at least 75 % of all lectures and seminars, do homework assignments and take mid-term and end-term tests
Assignments of the credits for colloquia, seminars, exercises, exams / < 60 % - poor (1)
60-70 % - sufficient (2),
70-80 % - good (3),
80-90 % - verygood (4),
90-100 % - excellent ( 5)
Assignments of the final grade / the average grade mark of the mid-term and end-term tests, or the grade obtained by the final exam
Remarks / Students who fail one of the term-tests are obliged to take the final exam.
Those who pass both tests may take the final exam as well, if they wish. Thus obtained grade will be final.
Teaching topics - lectures
No. / Date / Title / Literature
1. / Introduction to the Course;
Language; The Origin of Language / See above required readings and additional readings
2. / Phonetics / „
3. / Phonology / „
4. / Morphology / „
5. / Grammar (traditional vs. contemporary) / „
6. / Syntax / „
7. / Semantics / „
8. / 1st colloquium / „
9. / Pragmatics / „
10. / Discourse analysis
11. / Neurolinguistics / „
12. / History of English; Dialectology / „
13. / Sociolinguistics / „
14. / Language and Culture / „
15. / 2nd colloquium
No. / Date / Title / Literature
1. / Introduction to the course;
Language; The Origin of Language / See above required readings and additional readings
2. / Phonetics / „
3. / Phonology / „
4. / Morphology / „
5. / Grammar (traditional vs. contemporary) / „
6. / Syntax / „
7. / Semantics / „
8. / 1st colloquium / „
9. / Pragmatics / „
10. / Discourse analysis
11. / Neurolinguistics / „
12. / History of English; Dialectology / „
13. / Sociolinguistics / „
14. / Language and Culture / „
15. / 2nd colloquium

PhD Lidija Štrmelj, assistant professor