Pharmacy Technician


1250 Welton Street • Denver, CO80204 •

Registration: 720- 423-4702

The Online/hybrid Pharmacy Technician Program is designed to prepare students to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam ($129) and learn skills to obtain employment as a pharmacy technician in a variety of settings including retail and hospitals. Background checks are required for clinicals and employment. Pharmacy Technicians enter patient data, label, fill and order medications, maintain inventory, provide customer service and act as liaison with insurance companies.

Length of Program:32 credits7-8 months

Class Hours:Lab -Tuesday and Thursday 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Plus online work - 20-30 hours per week

Start Dates:(2013-2014): August 13, 2013 or January 7, 2014

Cost of Program:*Tuition $3264, textbooks approximately $325

Refer to Pharmacy Technician Check list

*Prices reflect in-state tuition. Students must show proof of I year Colorado residency to qualify. Costs cited are for courses started during the 2013-14 school year only. Out-of-state tuition is an additional $100 per credit.

Required Assessment and Education

Entrance test scores requiredTABE 10.0 Reading, TABE 9.0 Math

Testing Times:Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Thursday and Friday8:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m.

Room205Government –issued Photo ID required No appointment necessary

First test is free; repeat tests are $5. Allow 3 hours for testing.

Reading and Math courses may be required prior to entrance to the Pharmacy Technician Program.

  • GED or high school diploma is required entrance into the program.
  • Criminal Background Check is required the first day of class.

Advisor contact information:

Jean Butler,Advisor for College of Health Sciences

E-mail: Direct line: 720- 423-4717

Appointments: 720 - 423-4712

Registration: 720- 423-4702

Financial Aid/Payment Plans:

Pharmacy Technician is not a Pell Grant or FAFSA eligible program.

Contact the Financial Aid Office 720 423-4744 for other options.

EGTC does not participate in any student loan program

  • Colorado Student Grant (CSG): CSG is available on a first come basis. Funds are limited.
  • Other GrantsCertain programs may be funded through the countyWorkforceCenters, Goodwill, United Way and other government and community organizations. Check with your local county workforce center for more information
  • Scholarships: Contact the college website for more information and the application.
  • Payment Plans: Individual payment plans may be arranged through the Treasurer’s Office for a fee of $20.

Textbook List is available six weeks before the first class.

Textbooks may be ordered at:

click on Online Bookstore (the blue box in the lower left corner)


Anschutz Medical Center (AMC) Book Store, 13001 East 17th Place, Bldg. 500, near Colfax and Peoria in Aurora, Phone 303.724.2665, FAX 303.724.0185

Career Resources:

Career resources are available at the StudentSuccessCenter.

Tutoring is available at the StudentSuccessCenter in Glenarm Bldg.

Hours: Monday-Wednesday8 a.m.-6 p.m., Thursday and Friday8-3 p.m.

Transfer credits:

Up to 42 program credits may transfer to any ColoradoCommunity College towards an Associate of Science

in Applied Technology.

Licensing agency URLs

Program prepares students for exam with Pharmacy Technician Certification Board.

PTCB exam is not included in tuition.

ColoradoWorkforce: enter CIP code 510805.

O Net Online for Pharmacy Technician Use code 29-2052-00.

Americans with Disabilities Act and EGTC Compliance

The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination based on disability in admission to, access to and the operation of programs, services or activities at EGTC. The college is committed to providing an environment where students have the opportunity to attain their educational goals. EGTC provides both physical and programmatic access for all students.Reasonable accommodations will be made in instructional delivery and evaluation methods to ensure full educational opportunities forstudents. Appropriate documentation of a student’s disability is required.

Questions, complaints and requests for additional information may be directed to Phil Robberson, Special Needs Advisor, 720-423-4742. Email

To learn more about how to request an accommodation and our special services, please refer to our 2012-2013 catalog, Advising and Counseling on page 8 or go to our website,

Pharmacy Technician Courses

CourseCourse TitleCreditsTuition

PHT 111Orientation to Pharmacy3$306

PHT 112Pharmacy Law2$204

PHT 113PharmacyCalculations & Terminology1$ 102

PHT 114 Computer Skills for Pharmacy Technicians1$ 102

PHT 115 Pharmacology of the GI, Renal, Reproductive,

Immune, Dermatologic Systems3$306

PHT 116 Institutional Pharmacy3$291

PHT 117Communication for Pharmacy Techs1$ 102

PHT 118Pharmacology Nervous/Endocrine/

Musculoskeletal Systems3$306

PHT 119 Community Pharmacy3$306

PHT 120Medical Insurance Procedures1$ 102

PHT 207 Drug Classification3$306

Clinicalsare required following the completion of allof the above program courses.

PHT 170 Pharmacy Clinical: Hospital(daytime hours) 4$408

PHT 171Pharmacy Clinical: Community (daytime hours)4$408

Total Program 32 $3264

Prices reflect in-state tuition. Student must show proof of I year Colorado residency to qualify. Costs cited are for courses started during the 2013-14 school year only.Out-of-state tuition is an additional $100 per credit.

Other Pharmacy Technician expenses and documents required first class

High School diploma or GED and Proof of U.S. Citizenship

Proof MMR vaccination (measles, mumps, rubella)

Proof of first and second in the series of three Hepatitis B vaccinations

TB test--$20 with your health care provider or at 605 Bannock Street

Background check --AmericanData Bank, , list Pharmacy Technician as Program of Study

See Pharmacy Technician Check List for other document requirements-- page 4

Getting Started:

  1. Attend a required monthly Health information meeting.
  2. Complete the college application in person at Registration or online at
  3. Complete reading and math assessment test in Room 205.
  4. Email your advisor to set appointment.

Pharmacy Technician Check List


1250 Welton Street • Denver, CO80204 •

Registration: 720- 423-4702

Bring to the first class your portfolio with the following documents.

___ Assessment test results in math and reading

___ Copy of receipt of first payment for Pharmacy Technician courses

___ Textbooks listed under PHT are available at , click on blue box labeled online bookstore, enter PHT.

___ Emily Griffith Technical College student I.D. for Pharmacy Tech-- free at Student Success Center

___ Copy of high school transcript or GED scores

___ Proof of U.S. Citizenship

___ Criminal background investigation($59) –American Data Bank, listing area of study Pharmacy Technician. In addition to the list of disqualifying offenses, a misdemeanor involving

drugs is also a disqualifying offense.

___ Proof of MMR vaccination (measles, mumps, rubella) or Titer test

___ Proof of chicken pox vaccination/physician’s documentation of disease or varicella titer

___ Proof of negative TB test--$20 with your health care provider or at 605 Bannock Street

Or if you are unable to be skin tested for TB, a negative chest x-ray within the past year

___ Hepatitis B-- Proof of first and second Hepatitis B vaccinations in the series of three

___ Two letters of recommendation

Many clinical sites require a specific uniform at student’s expense.

___ Students should keep duplicate copies of all of the above.

Instructor’s Email address:


4/18/13 For more information, Email