Appendix PG9


This form is to be completed by the Lead Supervisor and Director of Studies and signed off by the Faculty.
Please return this form with the relevant CVs to the Academic Office 2 months prior to the submission date, where it will be submitted to the Research Degrees Committee for approval. The Academic Office will confirm approval of the Exam Board to all parties.
Further information on the Academic regulations can be found at .
The form should be returned to
Academic Office, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Carmarthen, SA31 3EP
Tel: 44 (0)1267 676785 Email:

Student Details

Institution/Centre of Study
Overseas or Partner Institution (please provide details)
Student Family / Surname:
Student Given / First name:
Student Number
Is the Student a Member of Staff at UWTSD? / YES ☐ / NO ☐
Is the Student an International student registered on a Tier 4 visa? / YES ☐ / NO ☐
Start Date / End Date
Mode of Study / Part time ☐ / Full time ☐
Indicative Title of Research

Submission for Examination of: Please tick:

by Research / PhD
Practice Based / PhD by
Published Works / Professional Doctorate
(including DBA, DProf, Ed D) / MPhil by Research / MPhil
Practice Based
☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
MA by Research / MSc by Research / MRes
☐ / ☐ / ☐

Recommended Members of Exam Board

Internal Examiner
External Examiner (1)
External Examiner (2)

Experience of Exam Board

Has any member of the Examining Board been named as part of the supervisory team at any time during the candidature? / ☐ / ☐
Are there any special needs to be noted for the student or exam board member? / ☐ / ☐
Does the thesis contain non-written material (i.e. Practice Based)? / ☐ / ☐

Location of Viva Examination

The viva will usually take place at the campus where the student is registered. Please indicate the most likely location that the viva will be held:

Carmarthen / ☐ /
Lampeter / ☐ /
London (UWTSD) / ☐ /
Swansea (state site) / ☐ /
Overseas (state country and campus site) / ☐
Other (state proposed location and explanation for request) / ☐

Details of Internal Examiner

Please state the number of previous vivas that they have examined

Indicate Number / MPhil / Professional Doctorate / MA by Research / MSc by Research / MRes
By Research:
By Practice:
By Published Works:
Is the Internal examiner registered on the Directory of Supervisors and Examiners?
If no, please complete and submit the PG23 form with this form / YES ☐ / NO ☐

Details of External Examiner (1)

Please state the number of previous vivas that they have examined

Indicate Number / MPhil / Professional Doctorate / MA by Research / MSc by Research / MRes
By Research:
By Practice:
By Published Works:
CV is attached to form / YES ☐ / NO ☐
Email Address
Telephone Number
Postal Address for Thesis
Current Name of Employer
Current Position Held
Highest Position Held
Date of last Research Degree Examination for UWTSD
Reason why the nominated examiner is suitable for this examination (do not state refer to CV)
Text box will expand
List the publications relevant to this thesis
Text box will expand

Details of External Examiner (2) if necessary.

Please state the number of previous vivas that they have examined

Indicate Number / MPhil / Professional Doctorate / MA by Research / MSc by Research / MRes
By Research:
By Practice:
By Published Works:
CV is attached to form / YES ☐ / NO ☐
Email Address
Telephone Number
Postal Address for Thesis
Current Name of Employer
Current Position Held
Highest Position Held
Date of last Research Degree Examination for UWTSD
Reason why the nominated examiner is suitable for this examination (do not state refer to CV)
Text box will expand
List the publications relevant to this thesis
Text box will expand


Lead Supervisor / Signature or Print Name: / Date:
Supervisor / Signature or Print Name: / Date:
Director of Studies (if not Lead Supervisor) / Signature or Print Name: / Date:
Head of School / Dean of Faculty / or nominee / Signature or Print Name: / Date:
Faculty Director of Research Degrees / Signature or Print Name: / Date:

Please return to the Academic Office, Carmarthen Campus

October 2017 1 Nomination of Exam Board PG9