Year 6

Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2015

Science Topic / English / Maths
Our topic for spring half term is Electricity. The children will be finding out how electricity works and make simple circuits. They will investigate how to alter circuits such as changing the brightness of a bulb and making switches to operate them. They will draw circuit diagrams and gain an awareness of the different symbols used in a circuit. / The children will have daily English and guided reading sessions during the spring term In addition we will be including extra guided reading and grammar revision lessons on an afternoon in the lead up to SATS tests in May.
We will be using Kensuke’s Kingdom as the basis for our English lessons and writing in the following forms: persuasion, argument, narrative, instructions, explanation, reflection and description. / We will be continuing to cover all aspects of maths including: counting, partitioning and calculating; securing number facts and understanding shape; handling data and measures; measuring and understanding shape and securing number relationships. There will be additional mental maths revision lessons twice a week to support children in the lead up to SATS.
Geography / Computing / Art
This term we will looking at U.K and world geography and learning about our place in the world. The children will practise basic map-reading skills. / The children will continue to design computer programs this term and further develop their programming skills. They will also be conducting market research to identify a purpose for making a mobile phone app. Pupils will continue to use the internet and Microsoft Office software for a range of purposes during lessons. / We will be looking at the abstract art of Kandinsky this term and investigating the use of different media to create art. Children will have an opportunity to experiment with patterns of concentric circles.
In P.E this term we will be covering gymnastics, learning a variety of ways to move across a floor and performing routines as part of a group whilst using apparatus.
The children will be developing skills and tactics, playing net and wall games. / Our PSHCE topics for the spring term are ‘Being Good to Me’ and ‘Going for Goals’.
Home Learning / Children will have regular English and maths home learning to complete in their revision books in the lead up to SATS.