PERT Conference Call Minutes

September 13, 2012


Adolfo Bachica
Paul E. Biagioli
Laura Boris Crosby
Stephanie Fuller
Dave Ferguson
David Goett
Bob Gordon
Charlie D. Hurt
Robert Holder
Ann Howe / Joe Ingraffia
Mike Larson
Danny Lloyd
Jim McDaniel
Mike McGrath
Lynn McKnight
Imogene Manuelito
Sergio Martinez
Kelly Miller
Sharon Nanez / Tony Pace
Bill Peters
Kevin Ranahan
Sonny Rogers
Kim Tafe
Rod Templon
Ralph Tennant
Michelle Wiest

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Recorder for September 13, 2012:Rod Templon, PPPL

Recorder for October11, 2012:Kelly Miller, LLNL (tentative)

We need recorder volunteers for Nov 2012 – Jan 2013

October Call Leader -- Mike Larson

November Call Leader -- Michelle Wiest

Opening remarks provided by the call leader, Charlie D. Hurt (NNSA Co-Chair).

Announcements – Charlie Hurt

All FY 12 reviews are complete. Thanks to all who participated.

FY 12 Team Leaders are reminded to please send a copy of the final peer review report cover letter, evaluation matrix and survey form to the co-chairs.

FY13 Peer Reviews – Michelle Wiest

Ten sites are scheduled for peer reviews. A Team Lead (TL) is still needed for the KCP review. A volunteeris requested. If no-one steps forward one of the designated team members will be asked to take the TL role.

Some concern was voiced about the unbalance of certain FY 13 teams between Feds and contractors. The co-chairs were requested to assist in ensuring that teams are not too heavily populated with individuals from either side.

The first FY 13 review is WIPP, scheduled for October 22-26 with Mike Larson as TL.

PERT Subcommittee Status—Team Leads

CSCC Cost Savings Update – Michelle Wiest

The cost savings methodology change recommendationswere sent to the CSCC membership for comment. Comments were due by last Friday (September 7) and nonewere received. Paul Bosco and Joe Waddell (DOE and NNSA senior procurement executives)are expected to sign off on the revised methodology next week. The nature and extent of cost savings targets for FY 13 are still being discussed. The debate centers on defining cost savings as a percentage of spend or a firm dollar target. The preference at HQ is for firm dollar target. The SPE signoffs will close this PERT action.

5-year PERT cycle in work with CSCC – Michelle Wiest

Michelle provided supplementary information for Bob Gordon’s white paper to the CSCC. A recommendation will go to the DOE SPE this week.

Website –Scott Mason (not on line)

Neither Scott nor Karen Ade ( were on today’s call. The consensus of the participants was that the Hanford PERT site should remain operational until all PERT members have gained access to the site. To date, only about 1/3 of the potential PERT site users have registered with

Criteria – Sonny Rogers

Team met last week and went over comments received to date. Team members are reviewing the matrix and should be ready to post the final version next week. Team leads for FY13 reviews, especially ones that start in the fall, need to be aware to use the new criteria.

Handbook – Rod Templon

Handbook Revision 3 was completed and submitted to the PERT web site for posting on September 7 (ccs were sent to the co-chairs). This revision features substantial editorial revisions and updated/revised attachments, including changes to the following sections:

  1. Title, TOC
  2. Section 1.F - Clarifications of process for TL identification and TL duties
  3. Section 1.H - Clarified guidance on identification of team members and their role
  4. Section 1.I - Addition of prime contract/subcontract terms and conditions crosswalk and previous peer review report to data call
  5. Section 1.M – Added description of protected online storage for review data
  6. Section 2.A – Added review of corrective actions based on previous peer review
  7. Section 2.B – Specified use of File Dcocumentation Review Sheet in file reviews
  8. Section 2.I – Added guidance on the identification and reporting of “Best Practices”
  9. Section 4 – Added guidance on sharing Best Practices on line and at the annual PERT meeting
  10. Attachment A – Added some acronyms
  11. Attachment B – Added new Team Member Data Sheet to replace resume format (thanks, Tim!)
  12. Attachment C – Revised Confidentiality/COI Certification to clarify that Feds do not have to execute the Confidentaility certificate (in consultation with DOE Counsel)
  13. Attachment D – Modified sample Data Call format to include logistics issues, and additional data items (peer review report and matrix, corrective action plan)
  14. Attachment E – Added contact with previous Team Lead to Team Lead Checklist
  15. Attachment I – Added TM Roles and Responsibilities List
  16. Attachment J – Added Pert File Documentation Review Form

Rod Templon thanked all those who participated on the team and those who submitted comments.

Balanced Scorecard – Joe Ingraffia

The Balanced score card metrics are being updated to match the revised cost savingsmethology described by Michelle Wiest.

PERT Membership– Michelle Wiest

Mike Larson and Michelleare beginning to draft a white paper on membership. There will most likely be a steering committee (limited to about 20) and a “membership at large” (everybody else). The proposed membership structure will be posted for comment before it is submitted to the CSCC. Michelle reminded the participants that the current membership list posted on the PERT web site is out of date.

MAX.GOV – Karen Ade (not on call)

Per Laura Boris Crosby, so far there are 90 people on list, but only 1/3 had signed up atr Those on the phone call need to get the word out to all parties to sign up. Mike Larson reiterated his desire to use registration as the basis for establishing PERT membership.

CAPS Benchmarking – Joe Ingraffia

This is the off-year of the two-year cycle for CAPS benchmarking. This means that changes to the survey will be minimal. Joe Ingraffia has the survey document for edit, and is planning to delete the ARRA-related questions, as the ARRA spend is practically complete. If you have comments or suggestions for survey changes, please contact Joe ()..

PERT Peer Review Schedule

Mike Larson will publish latest reviewand team membership schedule. Comments or corrections should be sent to him at .

Annual PERT Meeting

Planning for February PERT Meeting – Michelle Wiest

Michelle stated that the PERT memberships need to think about next PERT meeting and its logistics. Mike Larson stated that a“full-blown” conference is out of the question; due to recent travel and conference policy changes, he believes the meeting should be limited to about 20, and abudget not to exceed $100,000,and be considered a “technical meeting.” Mike stated that the meeting may still have to be included in a meeting plan, and be approved by the Deputy Secretary.

It appears that this topic needs further discussion, since Charlie Hurt believes that at NNSA, meetings to discuss mission and operations may be exempted by definition; therefore, and all NNSA Feds and contractor personnel may attend the PERT meeting.

Mike Larson suggested that a meeting steering group be formed. Michelle stated that she will take an action to talk to CSCC about a joint meeting, since last year PERT, CSCC and ICPT all met together at the annual meeting.

October 2012 Conference Call –Charlie Hurt

The next conference call is scheduled for October 11, 2012 at 10:00 Pacific/1:00 Eastern. Mike Larson is scheduled to be the moderator. This is during the second day of the DOE Laboratory Contractor Procurement Managers’ meeting in Cle Elum, Washington. Rod Templon will alert Laurie Berube (PNNL) to add this to the meeting agenda, if possible.

Kelly Miller (LLNL)tentatively volunteered to be the recorder for October meeting, subject to a check of her calendar.

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