Persuasive Speech Scoring Guide /100
Category / C- Below Standard / Meets Standard B / Exceeds Standard ADelivery
/50 / Voice
- Projection and articulation are inadequate
- Little vocal variety in pause, pitch, rate, volume.
- Eye contact rare and reading
- Posture is closed or uses distracting gestures
- Facial expressions and gestures distracting or non existent
Good Will/Character
- Speaker demonstrates superficial interest, knowledge and concern for proposition and audience response
- Appearance is sloppy, indicating lack of care
- Projection and articulation is understandable
- Vocal variety expresses preparation and some degree of confidence and sincerity
- Eye contact frequent with some note reading
- Posture confident with occasional nervous movement
- Facial expressions and gestures used to emphasize points
Good Will/Character
- Speaker demonstrates adequate interest, knowledge and concern for proposition and audience.
- Appearance is neat, indicating care
- Projection and articulation are strong and crisp
- Vocal variety convincingly expresses sincerity, confidence, and enthusiasm
- Eye contact is consistent
- Posture confident without nervous movement or gestures
- Facial expression and gestures used intentionally to emphasize important points and convey genuine enthusiasm for proposition
Good Will/Character
- Speaker clearly and enthusiastically demonstrates genuine interest, in-depth knowledge and sincere concern for audience and proposition.
- Appearance is professional, indicating respect for the audience and proposition.
Category / C- Below Standard / Meets Standard B / Exceeds Standard A
/50 / Introduction
- Inadequate intro – dull, contrived, or non-existent
- Broad, unclear or inappropriate proposition
- Cites no sources
- Uses fallacious reasoning or does not connect evidence to arguments
- Uses little or no evidence to support propositions
- Uses general or abstract language
- Doesn’t make effort to appeal to emotions
- Ends abruptly
- Doesn’t use persuasive organization
- Makes abrupt or no transitions
- Significantly under or over the time limit.
- Adequate intro establishes tone
- Focused proposition of fact, value or policy
- Uses and cites most sources
- Avoids most fallacies, evidence is logical
- Uses the types of evidence below; may or may not always link to proposition:
- Examples
- Experts
- Recent Statistics
- Uses specific language
- Appeals to audience’s emotions at times
- Reemphasizes thesis and involves audience; attempts to leave audience thinking
- Makes connections and transitions between arguments
- Adequate flow; logically organized
- Under or over the time limit.
- Effective intro; creative, attracts attention, leads smoothly into thesis and establishes the tone
- Focused proposition that engages the audience and links them to the topic.
- Regularly uses and cites sources
- Avoids fallacies, evidence logically supports all of the arguments
- Uses the types of evidence below to support proposition
- Examples
- Experts
- Recent Statistics
- Uses vivid, descriptive language which evokes response
- Appropriately and effectively appeals to audience’s emotions
- Dramatically reemphasizes thesis, summarizes key points, involves audience, ends w/an effective clincher
- Makes strong connections and transitions; uses signposts
- Logical flow; clear; easy to follow; organization really enhances understanding
- Within time limit of 4-6 minutes+/- 30 sec