8thPersonal Pennant Symbol

What Do You Stand For?

Personality: about a particular person; the personal traits that make one socially appealing; the quality or condition of being a person.

Pennant:1) a small flag, usually in the shape of a long narrow triangle, 2) a flag serving as an emblem of victory or championship, esp. in baseball, colleges, etc.

Symbol:object that represents an idea by association, resemblance, or convention.

Directions: Create a pennant that symbolizes who you are. Your pennant should be visually appealing and expressvisual & written representations of who you are. This should include an overall shape/design that symbolizes (represents) something about you. Side 1 should include 4 sections that describe you. Please be sure to proofread and include some creative designs on this side also. Your name & period must be creatively displayed on Side 1. Side 2 should be a visual representation, which describes you. This side should include pictures & symbols that describe who you are.Neatness on both sides of your pennant count!

Please include the following:

Shape: Appearance ofpennant should represent aspects of who you are. (Ex.

Skateboard, basketball, shopping bag…) All items below should be placed on the

pennant. Please be prepared to display or present your project.

Side 1: (written/typed representation of you)

Setting – Important places your life has taken place.

Plot/Timeline – List eventsthat have occurred during your life from birth to present.

(Please, listen carefully to directions in class.) Create a timeline that

represents your life from birth to the present(facts). Then, create and add future life events as you aspire them to take place and extend your timeline to college/career of your choice (you should choose how you want your timeline to end). (From fact to fiction)

The Truth about you–Include fun facts about you……tell us more! Favorites,

hobbies,collections…. Include at least 4 truths and 1 false (but believable) fact. Try to use

things that your classmates do not know, not too obvious. During your

presentation, be sure to ask audience to see if they can guess which one is false.

Your Life Motto - Include a favorite quote or motto that represents what you

STAND for! “What do you stand for?”

Side 2: (visual representation of you)

Include pictures & symbols that describe who you are. NO WORDS! Fill up the side….show us ‘What

you stand for!’


Major Grade (writing/speaking)

Due Date:

8th Personal Pennant Symbol

What Do You Stand For?


Side 1: (40pts)______

Shows an understanding of:

  • Setting– Important places your life has taken place.
  • Plot/Timeline – List events that have occurred during your life from birth to present.
  • The Truth about you – Include 4 fun facts about you, and 1 false (but believable)
  • Your Life Motto - Include a favorite quote or motto that represents what you

STAND for! “What do you stand for?”

  • Your Name & Period – creatively interwoven in your design.

Side 2: (20pts)______

  • Pictures of a variety of objects and items that make you the person you are!
  • No Words (unless used in a symbol or picture)

Presentation: (20pts)______

  • Stand up straight
  • Look at your audience
  • Speak loud & clear enough for audience to hear
  • Keep your audience’s attention
  • Prepared and confident

Effort: (20 pts) ______

  • Neatness- Looks Good (time & effort)
  • Mechanics of language (capitalization, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure…)
  • Proofread & edited
