(Please type or print all information)
NOTE: WHEN COMPLETED ~ this form contains PII information and must be treated accordingly.
Nominee’s Name ______
Rank Last Name First Middle
Gender: Male / Female
Jacket Size: S M L XL (Circle one)
Parent MAJCOM ______
Phone (Home/Cell) ______
Phone (Work/School) DSN & Commercial ______
Air Force Specialty Code______
Supervisor’s Name and Mailing Address: ______
Squadron/Office Symbol
Base State Zip
Supervisor’s Phone Number (DSN & Commercial): ______
1. Athletic performance and accomplishments for award year (1 January through 31 December 2016). NOTE: This section addresses the most critical information used in rating nominees for this award.
a. Identify athlete’s sport(s) for this nomination:
b. List outstanding performance and/or records achieved during Armed Forces, national, international, and CISM competitions during the award year 2016 (include name of the event, date, and results).
c. List athletic performances at local, state, or regional levels, as well as the individual’s contribution to the team (if applicable) during the 2016 award year.
2. List military awards, honors, and civic recognition during the 2016 award year.
3. List athletic accomplishments and any additional information (spanning the last two years) that would be of value in rating the nominee.
4. Athlete of the Year selections will be determined based on the following criteria in the priority listed below:
a. Athletic accomplishments for the period of 1 January – 31 December 2016.
b. Value of contributions to the team or as an individual.
c. Achievements other than athletic accomplishments during the award period, i.e., military awards, decorations, civic recognitions, etc.
5. Submit one color digital 5” X 7” head and shoulders photo in service dress uniform, and two color digital 5” X 7” action photos.
6. Include current Physical Training (PT) assessment score sheet. The entire package may be forwarded electronically.