First / Second
Major(s): / ENGL

Undergraduate English Major Advising Worksheet
Language and Digital Technology

(In effect Fall 2013)

Student Name: / ID:
E-mail: / Phone:
Advisor: / ENGL major since:

General Requirements:

satisfied how: / / / / / /

(No more than 12 credits in ENGL at the 2000- level may be counted toward the major; 12 credits must be at 4000 level)

Concentration Requirements:

(12 credit hours; must take ENGL 3180 and ENGL 3162)

Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:
ENGL 3180 / Language & Digital Technology
ENGL 3162 / Language & the Virtual World

Choose one of the following (remaining course may betaken as an elective in theconcentration):

ENGL 4182 / Info Design & Dig Publishing
ENGL 4183 / Editing w/Digital Technologies

Choose one of the following (remaining course may betaken as an elective in theconcentration):

ENGL 4168 / Multimodality & Text Description
ENGL 4267 / Identity, Soc Inter, & Comms in Dig…

Electives in Concentration:

(15 credit hours; 2000-level or above from approved list on the reverse side of this worksheet or by approval)

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:

English Electives:

(9 credit hours; 2000-level or above)

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:

Additional ENGL courses:

(This space reserved for courses beyond the 36 required credits in ENGL and count towards GPA. You don’t need to have courses in this section. This is an overflow section where you may record courses in addition to the 36 required for the Major.)

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:
Language andDigital Technology approved electives
ENGL / 2116 / Introductionto Technical Communication
ENGL / 2161 / Grammar for Writing
ENGL / 3132 / Introduction to Contemporary American English
ENGL / 3237 / Vocabulary, Etymology, and Grammar
ENGL / 4008* / Topics in Advanced Technical Communication
ENGL / 4160
4161 / Origins of Language
Modern English Grammar
ENGL / 4165 / Multiculturalism and Language (D)
ENGL / 4167 / The Mind and Language
ENGL / 4181 / Writing and Designing User Documents
ENGL / 4204 / Expository Writing
ENGL / 4235 / History of the Book
ENGL / 4260 / History of Global Englishes (D)
ENGL / 4262 / Language and Diversity (D)
ENGL / 4263 / Linguistics and Language Learning
ENGL / 4270 / Studies in Writing, Rhetoric and Literacy (W)
ENGL / 4271 / Studies in Writing, Rhetoric and New Media (W)
ENGL / 4272 / Studies in the Politics of Language and Writing (W)
ENGL / 4273 / Studies in Writing, Rhetoric and Identity (W, D)
ENGL / 4274 / Visual Rhetoric (W)
ENGL / 4275 / Rhetoric of Technology (W)
ENGL / 4277 / Digital Literacies
ENGL / 4400 / Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing
ENGL / 4405 / Literacy and Language
ENGL / 4410 / Professional Internship (3 or 6 credits)

*Additional topics courses may also fulfill the concentration elective requirements. Generally, English topics courses have the following numbers: 2090, 3050, and 4050, which may be retaken for credit if they are different topics.ENGL 4008 “Topics in Advanced Technical Communication” will fulfill the elective requirements for the Language and Digital Technology concentration.

/ Hours applied towards ENGL major to date:
prepared by / Date: